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Application & Security - Recipe for a happy mar...

Application & Security - Recipe for a happy marriage...

Slides of my talk to a conference about DevOps at Luxemburg in 2017.

Dominique RIGHETTO

June 15, 2017

More Decks by Dominique RIGHETTO

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  1. Application & Security Recipe for a happy marriage… Your first

    call when it comes to IT Security! Agenda
  2. Agenda Common position of the Application Security in the SDLC

    Benefits to integrate AppSec earlier in the project Which kind of validations can be integrated? What is the impact on the project cost? Benefits of the “Security As A Service” approach Example: Security checks in a Continuous Integration Platform Our Software Factory for our own products
  3. Application & Security Common position of the Application Security in

    the SDLC  Application Security is often limited:  To validation before the production deployment of the application;  To an intrusion test for which security consultants do not have time to acquire business knowledge;  To perform an intrusion test in a timeframe that does not allow security consultants to deeply inspect the target to evaluate:  Average assessment time is a single week;  Remember the last application for which you have asked for a intrusion test: How many business features? How many user interfaces? How many authorization roles? Design Specifications Implementation Business test Intrusion test
  4. Application & Security Benefits to integrate AppSec earlier in the

    project  A security vulnerability is a bug so, the later it is discovered, the more it costs to fix… Include AppSec in the project life will enable you to:  Define abuse cases (technical + business) for each business feature and associate countermeasures;  Clearly define the expected security level of the application;  Define test cases to keep the same security level when the application will become in maintenance cycle;  Ensure the security posture of the application when the implementation is outsourced;  Challenge the provider about the security posture when a application is acquired;  Find malicious or rogue code;  Avoid extra cost billed by the application provider when security issues are found during an assessment.
  5. Application & Security Which kind of validations can be integrated?

     The following validations can be integrated in a Software Development Life Cycle:  Dynamic Application Security Testing: Can be manual and/or automated. The goal is to analyze the application code at runtime to find issues.  Static Application Security Testing: Can be manual and/or automated. The goal is to review the application code (sometime binaries) in order to find issues.  Third-party validation: The goal is to ensure that the libraries used by the application do not contain security issues (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures - CVE).  Custom security tests: The goal is to define Unit or Integration oriented security tests that will validate specific security points like for example authorization matrix, specific business abuse cases, Web Application Firewall rules…  Automated SAST/DAST will not find the same issues than a manual SAST/DAST because a tool cannot fully understand your business and the related abuse cases so, they complement one another! DAST SAST Third-party validation Custom security tests
  6. Application & Security What is the impact on the project

    cost?  Security implementation is not free, there are cascading costs due to additional tasks:  Business analysts:  For every business feature definition, associated abuse cases must be defined so, they must be assisted by the security department or consultant in order to think like “Hackers”.  Architects:  They must identify and design countermeasures for each abuse case.  Developers:  They must identify how to integrate the countermeasures and implement them.  Security department:  They must choose and buy adequate SAST / DAST tools that cover every technology used by the company.  They must integrate these tools into the SDLC used by the company.  They must support development teams for integration and usage of these tools.  They must perform manual SAST / DAST audit on company projects.  And hidden costs…  Tools generate reports that must be analyzed by people with AppSec background in order to:  Identify False-Positive and False-Negative issues.  Tune the tools according to application context and identified abuse cases.
  7. Application & Security Benefits of the “Security As A Service”

    approach  Security tasks can be delegated to an AppSec partner using the following approach:  The AppSec partner will help business analysts to define abuse cases thanks to the “Hackers” mindset of the security partner.  SAST / DAST manual tasks (pentests & code reviews) and custom security tests definition can be delegated with a close integration in the company SDLC:  AppSec partner’s consultants have fixed days in each SDLC phase of a project allowing a scheduling in term of planning and budget.  SAST / DAST / Third-party validation automated tasks can be delegated in order to let an AppSec partner:  Analyze the application with a tool provided by the Security partner in the Cloud.  Analyze the report.  Provide a consolidated view to architects and developers with only real issues and associated countermeasures.  AppSec partner will create the bridge in term of security between the business and the development teams…
  8. Application & Security Example: Security checks in a Continuous Integration

    Platform Sandbox for DAST Dep. analysis for CVE Artifacts repository DAST SAST Code quality analysis CI Platform SCM
  9. Application & Security Example: Typical Continuous Integration Platform Check out

    sources Compile sources Unit Tests Code quality analysis Build & deploy Integration Tests Reports & docs Publish binaries
  10. Application & Security Example: Security checks in a Continuous Integration

    Platform Check out sources Compile sources Unit Tests Audit dependencies Code quality analysis SAST Build & deploy Integration Tests DAST Reports & docs Publish binaries