header.actions do %> <%= component :action_menu do |menu| %> <% menu.action :new_transaction, new_building_transaction_path(@building) %> <% menu.action :export_zip, building_transaction_path(@building, format: :zip, **@search.params) %> <% menu.action :export_excel, building_transaction_path(@building, format: :xls, **@search.params) %> <% menu.action :export_print, building_transaction_path(@building, variant: :print, **@search.params) %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <%= component :filter_form, params: params do |form| %> <% form.search :query %> <% form.select :user_id, placeholder: :cashier, options: t_options(@search.user_options), classes: 'w-36' %> <% form.select :source, placeholder: :source, options: @search.source_options, classes: 'w-56' %> <% form.date_range :date %> <% form.select :kind, placeholder: :kind, options: @search.kind_options %> <% end %> <%= component :stats do |c| %> <% c.number :balance, amount: format_money(@search.balance), color: @search.balance.positive? ? :green : :red %> <% c.number title: :cash_reserve, amount: format_money(@search.cash_reserve_amount), color: :gray %> <% c.number title: :wallet_amount, amount: format_money(@search.wallet_amount), color: :gray %> <% c.number title: :transaction_income, amount: format_money(@search.income_amount), color: :green %> <% c.number title: :transaction_expense, amount: format_money(@search.expense_amount), color: :red %> <% c.number title: :total_count, amount: @search.total_count, color: :gray %> <% end %> <%= component :table, @search.results do |table| %> <% table.record :name, :itself %> <% table.record :apartment %> <% table.number :document do |record| %> <% record.documents.each do |document| %> <%= link_to document.display_number, document_path(document), class: 'link' %> <% end %> <% end %> <% table.record :cashier, :user %> <% table.date :date %> <% table.money :cash_reserve_amount %> <% table.money :wallet_amount %> <% table.money :total_amount %> <% table.column :kind do |record| %> <%= component :transaction_kind_badge, record %> <% end %> <% table.actions do |record| %> <%= button_details transaction_path(record) %> <% end %> <% end %> ... and the code fits on a slide 6