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Such Great Heights, Code BEAM Lite, Amsterdam 2018

Saša Jurić
November 30, 2018

Such Great Heights, Code BEAM Lite, Amsterdam 2018

Saša Jurić

November 30, 2018

More Decks by Saša Jurić

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Github.comment_on_issue( build_state, "Pull request can be merged #{AircloakCI.Emoji.happy()}" ) Github.put_status_check_state(

    build_state, "continuous-integration/aircloak/mergeable", "pull request can be merged", :success )
  2. %{ compile: [ "mix deps.get", "mix compile" ], test: [

    "mix test", "mix dialyze", "mix format --check-formatted" ] }
  3. test_test = # ... test_dev = # ... test_prod =

    # ... %{ compile: # ..., test: [test_test, test_dev, test_prod] }
  4. {:sequence, [ "command a", {:parallel, [ "command b", {:sequence, [

    "command c", "command d" ]}, "command e" ]}, "command f" ]}
  5. technical feature built-in options services GenServer, Task service manager Supervisor

    service registry Registry k-v ETS, Mnesia web server Phoenix, Plug, Cowboy periodical jobs :timer, Quantum, Periodic load regulation Jobs, Safetyvalve, Sbroker concurrent flows Flow, GenStage
  6. They will see us waving from such great heights Come

    down now, they'll say But everything looks perfect from far away Come down now, but we'll stay The Postal Service