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Designing a Great Ruby API -- How we're simplif...

Designing a Great Ruby API -- How we're simplifying Rails 5

The most useful APIs are simple and composeable. Omnipotent DSLs can be great, but sometimes we want to just write Ruby. We're going to look at the process of designing a new API for attributes and type casting in Rails 5.0, and why simpler is better. We'll unravel some of the mysteries behind the internals of Active Record. After all, Rails is ultimately just a large legacy code base.

In this talk you'll learn about the process of finding those simple APIs which are begging to be extracted, and the refactoring process that can be used to tease them out slowly.

Sean Griffin

April 24, 2015

More Decks by Sean Griffin

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  1. • Sean Griffin • Software Developer at thoughtbot • Rails

    committer • Maintainer of Active Record (I'm sorry) • Bikeshed co-host
  2. What goes into a great API 1. Identify what is

    missing 2. Roughly decide what you want it to look like 3. HAVE GOOD TESTS 4. Create the objects which will make up your system 5. Use your objects internally 6. Manually compose those together as needed 7. Extract DSLs where there is duplication or pain
  3. Overriding an Attribute class Product < ActiveRecord::Base def price unless

    super.nil? Money.new(super) end end def price=(price) if price.is_a?(Money) super(price.amount) else super end end end
  4. Things you might want • Control over SQL representation •

    Ability to query with your values Product.where(price: Money.new(50))
  5. Time Zone Conversion # lib/active_record/attribute_methods/time_zone_conversion.rb if create_time_zone_conversion_attribute?(attr_name, columns_hash[attr_name]) method_body, line

    = <<-EOV, __LINE__ + 1 def #{attr_name}=(time) time_with_zone = convert_value_to_time_zone("#{attr_name}", time) previous_time = attribute_changed?("#{attr_name}") ? changed_attributes["#{attr_name}"] : read_attribute(:#{attr_name}) write_attribute(:#{attr_name}, time) #{attr_name}_will_change! if previous_time != time_with_zone @attributes_cache["#{attr_name}"] = time_with_zone end EOV generated_attribute_methods.module_eval(method_body, __FILE__, line) end
  6. Time Zone Conversion • Overriding an attribute reader/writer • Duplicates

    code from other parts of Active Record • Jumps through significant hoops for a relatively minor behavior change
  7. Time Zone Conversion • Overriding an attribute reader/writer ✅ •

    Duplicates code from other parts of Active Record ✅ • Jumps through significant hoops for a relatively minor behavior change ✅
  8. Time Zone Conversion • Overriding an attribute reader/writer ✅ •

    Duplicates code from other parts of Active Record ✅ • Jumps through significant hoops for a relatively minor behavior change ✅ • Introduces large number of subtle bugs "
  9. module ClassMethods # :nodoc: def initialize_attributes(attributes, options = {}) serialized

    = (options.delete(:serialized) { true }) ? :serialized : :unserialized super(attributes, options) serialized_attributes.each do |key, coder| if attributes.key?(key) attributes[key] = Attribute.new(coder, attributes[key], serialized) end end attributes end end def should_record_timestamps? super || (self.record_timestamps && (attributes.keys & self.class.serialized_attributes.keys).present?) end def keys_for_partial_write super | (attributes.keys & self.class.serialized_attributes.keys) end
  10. def type_cast_attribute_for_write(column, value) if column && coder = self.class.serialized_attributes[column.name] Attribute.new(coder,

    value, :unserialized) else super end end def raw_type_cast_attribute_for_write(column, value) if column && coder = self.class.serialized_attributes[column.name] Attribute.new(coder, value, :serialized) else super end end def _field_changed?(attr, old, value) if self.class.serialized_attributes.include?(attr) old != value else super end end
  11. def read_attribute_before_type_cast(attr_name) if self.class.serialized_attributes.include?(attr_name) super.unserialized_value else super end end def

    attributes_before_type_cast super.dup.tap do |attributes| self.class.serialized_attributes.each_key do |key| if attributes.key?(key) attributes[key] = attributes[key].unserialized_value end end end end def attributes_for_coder attribute_names.each_with_object({}) do |name, attrs| attrs[name] = if self.class.serialized_attributes.include?(name) @attributes[name].serialized_value else read_attribute(name) end end end
  12. Serialized Attributes • Overriding an attribute reader/writer • Duplicates code

    from other parts of Active Record • Jumps through significant hoops for a relatively minor behavior change • Overrides literally everything • Introduces large number of subtle bugs
  13. Serialized Attributes • Overriding an attribute reader/writer ❌ • Duplicates

    code from other parts of Active Record ✅ • Jumps through significant hoops for a relatively minor behavior change ✅ • Overrides literally everything ✅ • Introduces large number of subtle bugs # # # #
  14. Enum # def status=(value) self[:status] = statuses[value] end klass.send(:detect_enum_conflict!, name,

    "#{name}=") define_method("#{name}=") { |value| if enum_values.has_key?(value) || value.blank? self[name] = enum_values[value] elsif enum_values.has_value?(value) # Assigning a value directly is not a end-user feature, hence it's not documented. # This is used internally to make building objects from the generated scopes work # as expected, i.e. +Conversation.archived.build.archived?+ should be true. self[name] = value else raise ArgumentError, "'#{value}' is not a valid #{name}" end } # def status() statuses.key self[:status] end klass.send(:detect_enum_conflict!, name, name) define_method(name) { enum_values.key self[name] } # def status_before_type_cast() statuses.key self[:status] end klass.send(:detect_enum_conflict!, name, "#{name}_before_type_cast") define_method("#{name}_before_type_cast") { enum_values.key self[name] }
  15. Enum • Overriding an attribute reader/writer • Duplicates code from

    other parts of Active Record • Jumps through significant hoops for a relatively minor behavior change • Introduces large number of subtle bugs
  16. Enum • Overriding an attribute reader/writer ✅ • Duplicates code

    from other parts of Active Record ✅ ✅ ✅ • Jumps through significant hoops for a relatively minor behavior change ✅ • Introduces large number of subtle bugs " " " "
  17. We've Found a Missing Concept Typed attributes are found and

    overridden all over the place. If we want to do this so much, maybe others do as well.
  18. Type Casting x = "1" x.class # => String x.to_i

    # => 1 x.to_i.class # => Fixnum
  19. Type Coercion user = User.new user.age = "30" # =>

    "30" user.age # => 30 user.age.class # => Fixnum
  20. Always design a thing by considering it in its next

    larger context -- a chair in a room, a room in a house, a house in an environment, an environment in a city plan -- Eliel Saarinen
  21. Where we start # lib/active_record/connection_adapters/column.rb # Casts value (which is

    a String) to an appropriate instance. def type_cast(value) return nil if value.nil? return coder.load(value) if encoded? klass = self.class case type when :string, :text then value when :integer then klass.value_to_integer(value) when :float then value.to_f when :decimal then klass.value_to_decimal(value) when :datetime, :timestamp then klass.string_to_time(value) when :time then klass.string_to_dummy_time(value) when :date then klass.value_to_date(value) when :binary then klass.binary_to_string(value) when :boolean then klass.value_to_boolean(value) else value end end
  22. diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/column.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/column.rb index 38efebe..3bab325 100644 --- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/column.rb +++

    b/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/column.rb @@ -22,12 +22,14 @@ module ActiveRecord # # +name+ is the column's name, such as <tt>supplier_id</tt> in <tt>supplier_id int(11)</tt>. # +default+ is the type-casted default value, such as +new+ in <tt>sales_stage varchar(20) default 'new'</tt>. + # +cast_type+ is the object used for type casting and type information. # +sql_type+ is used to extract the column's length, if necessary. For example +60+ in # <tt>company_name varchar(60)</tt>. # It will be mapped to one of the standard Rails SQL types in the <tt>type</tt> attribute. # +null+ determines if this column allows +NULL+ values. - def initialize(name, default, sql_type = nil, null = true) + def initialize(name, default, cast_type, sql_type = nil, null = true) @name = name + @cast_type = cast_type @sql_type = sql_type @null = null @limit = extract_limit(sql_type)
  23. diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/column.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/column.rb index 3bab325..0087c20 100644 --- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/column.rb +++

    b/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/column.rb @@ -13,11 +13,13 @@ module ActiveRecord + delegate :type, to: :cast_type + # Instantiates a new column in the table. # # +name+ is the column's name, such as <tt>supplier_id</tt> in <tt>supplier_id int(11)</tt>. @@ -35,7 +37,6 @@ module ActiveRecord @limit = extract_limit(sql_type) @precision = extract_precision(sql_type) @scale = extract_scale(sql_type) - @type = simplified_type(sql_type) @default = extract_default(default) @default_function = nil @primary = nil @@ -263,40 +266,6 @@ module ActiveRecord - - def simplified_type(field_type) - case field_type - when /int/i - :integer - when /float|double/i - :float - when /decimal|numeric|number/i - extract_scale(field_type) == 0 ? :integer : :decimal - when /datetime/i - :datetime - when /timestamp/i - :timestamp - when /time/i - :time - when /date/i - :date - when /clob/i, /text/i - :text - when /blob/i, /binary/i - :binary - when /char/i - :string - when /boolean/i - :boolean - end - end end end
  24. diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/column.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/column.rb index 11b2e72..f46f9af 100644 --- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/column.rb +++

    b/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/column.rb @@ -94,28 +94,10 @@ module ActiveRecord # Casts value to an appropriate instance. def type_cast(value) - return nil if value.nil? - return coder.load(value) if encoded? - - klass = self.class - - case type - when :string, :text - case value - when TrueClass; "1" - when FalseClass; "0" - else - value.to_s - end - when :integer then klass.value_to_integer(value) - when :float then value.to_f - when :decimal then klass.value_to_decimal(value) - when :datetime then klass.string_to_time(value) - when :time then klass.string_to_dummy_time(value) - when :date then klass.value_to_date(value) - when :binary then klass.binary_to_string(value) - when :boolean then klass.value_to_boolean(value) - else value + if encoded? + coder.load(value) + else + cast_type.type_cast(value) end end
  25. diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/column.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/column.rb index f46f9af..0f0aa91 100644 --- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/column.rb +++

    b/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/column.rb @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ module ActiveRecord alias :encoded? :coder - delegate :type, to: :cast_type + delegate :type, :text?, :number?, :binary?, to: :cast_type # Instantiates a new column in the table. # @@ -43,16 +43,6 @@ module ActiveRecord @coder = nil end - # Returns +true+ if the column is either of type string or text. - def text? - type == :string || type == :text - end - - # Returns +true+ if the column is either of type integer, float or decimal. - def number? - type == :integer || type == :float || type == :decimal - end - def has_default? !default.nil? end @@ -70,10 +60,6 @@ module ActiveRecord end end - def binary? - type == :binary - end - # Casts a Ruby value to something appropriate for writing to the database. # Numeric columns will typecast boolean and string to appropriate numeric # values.
  26. diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/column.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/column.rb index 107b18f..a23d2bd 100644 --- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/column.rb +++

    b/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/column.rb @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ module ActiveRecord alias :encoded? :coder - delegate :type, :text?, :number?, :binary?, :type_cast_for_write, to: :cast_type + delegate :type, :klass, :text?, :number?, :binary?, :type_cast_for_write, to: :cast_type # Instantiates a new column in the table. # @@ -47,19 +47,6 @@ module ActiveRecord !default.nil? end - # Returns the Ruby class that corresponds to the abstract data type. - def klass - case type - when :integer then Fixnum - when :float then Float - when :decimal then BigDecimal - when :datetime, :time then Time - when :date then Date - when :text, :string, :binary then String - when :boolean then Object - end - end - # Casts value to an appropriate instance. def type_cast(value) if encoded?
  27. module ActiveRecord module Type class String < Value # :nodoc:

    def type :string end def type_cast(value) if value value.to_s end end def serialize(value) case value when ::Numeric, ActiveSupport::Duration then value.to_s when true then "t" when false then "f" else super end end end end end
  28. class OverloadedType < ActiveRecord::Base create_table :overloaded_types do |t| t.float :overloaded_float

    t.float :unoverloaded_float end attribute :overloaded_float, Type::Integer.new end test "overloading types" do data = OverloadedType.new data.overloaded_float = "1.1" data.unoverloaded_float = "1.1" assert_equal 1, data.overloaded_float assert_equal 1.1, data.unoverloaded_float end
  29. def columns @columns ||= connection.schema_cache.columns(table_name).map do |col| col = col.dup

    col.primary = (col.name == primary_key) col end end def columns_hash @columns_hash ||= Hash[columns.map { |c| [c.name, c] }] end
  30. def attribute(name, cast_type) name = name.to_s self.attributes_to_define_after_schema_loads = attributes_to_define_after_schema_loads.merge( name

    => cast_type ) end def define_attribute(name, cast_type) clear_caches_calculated_from_columns @columns = columns.map do |column| if column.name == name column.with_type(cast_type) else column end end end def load_schema! # :nodoc: super attributes_to_define_after_schema_loads.each do |name, type| define_attribute(name, type) end end
  31. diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/enum.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/enum.rb index f053372..b70d52a 100644 --- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/enum.rb +++

    b/activerecord/lib/active_record/enum.rb @@ -79,6 +79,37 @@ module ActiveRecord super end + class EnumType < Type::Value + # ... + end + def enum(definitions) klass = self definitions.each do |name, values| @@ -90,37 +121,19 @@ module ActiveRecord detect_enum_conflict!(name, name.to_s.pluralize, true) klass.singleton_class.send(:define_method, name.to_s.pluralize) { enum_values } - _enum_methods_module.module_eval do - # def status=(value) self[:status] = statuses[value] end - klass.send(:detect_enum_conflict!, name, "#{name}=") - define_method("#{name}=") { |value| - # writer implementation... - } - - # def status() statuses.key self[:status] end - klass.send(:detect_enum_conflict!, name, name) - define_method(name) { enum_values.key self[name] } + detect_enum_conflict!(name, name) + detect_enum_conflict!(name, "#{name}=") - # def status_before_type_cast() statuses.key self[:status] end - klass.send(:detect_enum_conflict!, name, "#{name}_before_type_cast") - define_method("#{name}_before_type_cast") { enum_values.key self[name] } + attribute name, EnumType.new(name, enum_values) @@ -138,25 +151,7 @@ module ActiveRecord private def _enum_methods_module @_enum_methods_module ||= begin - mod = Module.new do - private - def save_changed_attribute(attr_name, old) - # significant source of bugs - end - end + mod = Module.new include mod mod end
  32. def decorate_matching_attribute_types(matcher, decorator_name, &block) self.attribute_type_decorations = attribute_type_decorations.merge(decorator_name => [matcher, block])

    end private def load_schema! super attribute_types.each do |name, type| decorated_type = attribute_type_decorations.apply(name, type) define_attribute(name, decorated_type) end end
  33. matcher = ->(name, _) { name == attr_name } decorate_matching_attribute_types(matcher,

    :"_serialize_#{attr_name}") do |type| Type::Serialized.new(type, coder) end
  34. def decorate_attribute_type(attr_name, decorator_name, &block) matcher = ->(name, _) { name

    == attr_name.to_s } key = "_#{column_name}_#{decorator_name}" decorate_matching_attribute_types(matcher, key, &block) end
  35. def serialize(attr_name, class_name_or_coder = Object) coder = if [:load, :dump].all?

    { |x| class_name_or_coder.respond_to?(x) } class_name_or_coder else Coders::YAMLColumn.new(class_name_or_coder) end decorate_attribute_type(attr_name, :serialize) do |type| Type::Serialized.new(type, coder) end end
  36. module ActiveRecord module Type class Serialized < DelegateClass(Type::Value) # :nodoc:

    attr_reader :subtype, :coder def initialize(subtype, coder) @subtype = subtype @coder = coder super(subtype) end def deserialize(value) if default_value?(value) value else coder.load(super) end end def serialize(value) return if value.nil? unless default_value?(value) super coder.dump(value) end end private def default_value?(value) value == coder.load(nil) end end end end
  37. def load_schema! @columns_hash = connection.schema_cache.columns_hash(table_name) @columns_hash.each do |name, column| define_attribute(

    name, connection.lookup_cast_type_from_column(column), default: column.default, user_provided_default: false ) end end
  38. class Attribute # :nodoc: attr_reader :name, :value_before_type_cast, :type def initialize(name,

    value_before_type_cast, type) @name = name @value_before_type_cast = value_before_type_cast @type = type end def value # `defined?` is cheaper than `||=` when we get back falsy values @value = original_value unless defined?(@value) @value end def original_value type_cast(value_before_type_cast) end def value_for_database type.serialize(value) end def type_cast(value) type.cast(value) end end
  39. class AttributeSet # :nodoc: def initialize(attributes) @attributes = attributes end

    def [](name) attributes[name] || Attribute.null(name) end def []=(name, value) attributes[name] = value end def values_before_type_cast attributes.transform_values(&:value_before_type_cast) end def to_hash initialized_attributes.transform_values(&:value) end alias_method :to_h, :to_hash def key?(name) attributes.key?(name) && self[name].initialized? end def keys attributes.each_key.select { |name| self[name].initialized? } end def fetch_value(name, &block) self[name].value(&block) end def write_from_database(name, value) attributes[name] = self[name].with_value_from_database(value) end def write_from_user(name, value) attributes[name] = self[name].with_value_from_user(value) end protected attr_reader :attributes private def initialized_attributes attributes.select { |_, attr| attr.initialized? } end end
  40. def read_attribute(attr_name, &block) @attributes.fetch_value(attr_name.to_s, &block) end def attributes @attributes.to_hash end

    def _field_changed?(attr, old_value) @attributes[attr].changed_from?(old_value) end
  41. Given that Product.belongs_to :user when I call product.user.name = "Changed"

    product.save Did the user's name change in the database?
  42. Have a contract assert_equals model.attribute, model.tap(&:save).reload.attribute model.attribute = model.attribute refute

    model.changed? refute Model.new.changed? assert_equal model, Model.find_by(attribute: model.attribute)