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3D in geOrchestra MapStore features and data pr...

3D in geOrchestra MapStore features and data processing

Simone Giannecchini

July 03, 2024

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  1. 3D in geOrchestra MapStore features and data processing Tobia Di

    Pisa GeoSolutions 17th - 19th of June 2024 - geOcom
  2. Agenda • 3D functionalities in MapStore geOrchestra • 3D data

    processing toolbox, hints and overview of ongoing works 17th - 19th of June 2024 - geOcom
  3. • Support to 3D Tiles layers and 3D glTF/Glb Models

    as a style symbolizers 17th - 19th of June 2024 - geOcom 3D functionalities in MapStore geOrchestra Point Cloud Batched/Instanced 3D Model Glb
  4. • Create your immersive experience within the MapStore Viewer using

    the new powerful Views Tool! Check out the online documentation https://docs.mapstore.geosolutionsgroup.com/en/v2024.01.01/user-guide/map-views/ 3D functionalities in MapStore geOrchestra 17th - 19th of June 2024 - geOcom
  5. • Specific advanced options are available for the 3D mode

    Clip and Mask of 3D Tiles (using WFS or Vector features) Clipping of Terrain Layers Globe Translucency 3D functionalities in MapStore geOrchestra 17th - 19th of June 2024 - geOcom
  6. • The Measurement tool is supported also in 3D mode

    providing specific measurement types • Distance • Area • Point Coordinates • Height from terrain • Angle • Slope The new design provides a Measurement tool more compact and flexible by improving also the UX! 3D functionalities in MapStore geOrchestra 17th - 19th of June 2024 - geOcom
  7. • Styling properties specific for 3D mode with the inclusion

    of dedicated symbolizers! Point Line Polygon 3D Symbolizer based on glTF model support (raw GLB is also supported) 3D Models as a new Point Symbolizer 3D functionalities in MapStore geOrchestra 17th - 19th of June 2024 - geOcom
  8. Look at https://docs.mapstore.geosolutionsgroup.com/en/v2024.01.01/developer-guide/ maps-configuration/#terrain Now you can configure the preferred

    Terrain provider for each 3D map! • Terrain layers supported with a dedicated layer type to configure different terrain providers for the 3D viewer Supported providers: cesium, wms Terrain layer served with static quantized-mesh also supported 3D functionalities in MapStore geOrchestra 17th - 19th of June 2024 - geOcom
  9. • Layers settings for 3D 17th - 19th of June

    2024 - geOcom No Attenuation and Lighting No Lighting Attenuation and Lighting 3D functionalities in MapStore geOrchestra
  10. • Specific 3D Map Options related to the globe in

    Map Settings: enable atmosphere, enable fog and enable depth test 3D functionalities in MapStore geOrchestra 17th - 19th of June 2024 - geOcom
  11. 17th - 19th of June 2024 - geOcom 3D functionalities

    in MapStore geOrchestra • Support of 3D maps also in Dashboards and GeoStories!
  12. Digital Twin Toolbox Consuming 3D data in WebGIS applications has

    increasingly become a requirement over the last years. 3D Tiles became one of the most common OGC standards for streaming and rendering 3D geospatial contents on the web such as: • Photogrammetry like LiDAR-derived meshes • 3D Buildings (.obj, .gltf, .glb ...) • Point Clouds • and more … 17th - 19th of June 2024 - geOcom
  13. Digital Twin Toolbox In response to ever-growing and more specific

    needs in this context, it is usually necessary to: • Identify the best tools for viewing 3D data in 3D Tiles format, like using MapStore • Identify tools for converting datasets into 3D Tiles format in a correct and performing way 17th - 19th of June 2024 - geOcom
  14. Digital Twin Toolbox but... what about doing that using Open

    Source tools? The Digital Twin Toolbox is the GeoSolutions’ answer 17th - 19th of June 2024 - geOcom
  15. Digital Twin Toolbox The Digital Twin Toolbox borns with the

    aim to support with the conversion processes to 3D Tiles: • Pipelines for SHP and LAS files • Necessary tools for inspecting and assessing datasets • Management of classification, colorization, resampling … • Reliable tools for tiling, CRS and georeferencing tuning • and many more… 17th - 19th of June 2024 - geOcom
  16. Main objectives are: 17th - 19th of June 2024 -

    geOcom Digital Twin Toolbox • Collect the best OS tools and libraries to process common data sources in the urban environment (SHP and LAS files for now) • Provide workflows to orchestrate a well-driven set of processing chains and methodologies to ◦ Inspect and evaluate data ◦ Prepare/process data ◦ Convert input data in 3D Tiles ◦ Preview data step by step • Provide an user friendly UI to facilitate the work All in a Dockerized environment!
  17. Digital Twin Toolbox - User Interface Controls: • Located on

    the top right corner of the screen • Change list of properties and action buttons based on the selected input file 17th - 19th of June 2024 - geOcom
  18. Data preview: • Covers all the screen background • Preview

    sample data in 3D • Live update of geometries for Shapefiles Digital Twin Toolbox - User Interface 17th - 19th of June 2024 - geOcom
  19. Process feedback: • Located on the top left corner of

    the screen • Shows logs for all the actions and processes initialized with the controls panel Digital Twin Toolbox - User Interface 17th - 19th of June 2024 - geOcom
  20. Tileset preview of generated 3D Tiles in Cesium.js available! Digital

    Twin Toolbox - User Interface 17th - 19th of June 2024 - geOcom
  21. Final preview of generated 3D Tiles also available on a

    embedded MapStore! Digital Twin Toolbox - User Interface 17th - 19th of June 2024 - geOcom
  22. Available workflows and involved tools 17th - 19th of June

    2024 - geOcom Digital Twin Toolbox - Workflows Conversion of shapefile data (polygons, lines, points) into 3D Tiles [Experimental] Conversion of lidar data to a 3D Mesh file and 3D Tiles Processing point cloud data to fix/manage CRS, resample and colorization Conversion of point cloud data to 3D Tiles
  23. Some examples of 3D Tiles from the Municipality of Florence

    17th - 19th of June 2024 - geOcom Digital Twin Toolbox
  24. Some examples of 3D Tiles from the Municipality of Florence

    17th - 19th of June 2024 - geOcom Digital Twin Toolbox
  25. 17th - 19th of June 2024 - geOcom Digital Twin

    Toolbox - Future works 1. Further improvement of classification capabilities of point cloud data (including UI support) 1. More advanced and complete support for photogrammetry processes 1. Automation of the processing chains 1. Support to include LODs and further improve the Tiling System We have in plan to work on a bunch of significant functionalities to enrich the toolbox capabilities: That’s all for a first release of the Digital Twin Toolbox this year!
  26. Check it out on Github: https://github.com/geosolutions-it/digital-twin-toolbox Pre-Release at: https://github.com/geosolutions-it/digital-twin-toolbox/releases/tag/v1.0.0-rc Online

    Documentation: https://github.com/geosolutions-it/digital-twin-toolbox/wiki Tutorials are also available in the WIKI: https://github.com/geosolutions-it/digital-twin-toolbox/wiki/Tutorials Check out the webinar on Youtube: https://youtu.be/owQW-AUjk0U?si=yc1j_KTiJHsXwUCL 17th - 19th of June 2024 - geOcom Digital Twin Toolbox - Online resources