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Stay Nimble by Rolling Your Own PSR-7 Framework...

Stay Nimble by Rolling Your Own PSR-7 Framework - Lone Star PHP 2017

PSR-7 is ushering in a new era of interoperability in PHP. This also means that there are a lot of complicated choices to make when deciding how to build a "PSR-7 application." Which framework should you use? Do you need to write your own PSR-7 implementation? Should you choose a microframework, a full-stack framework, or roll something of your own?

To help answer some of those questions you'll be introduced to a light PSR-7 framework named Nimble. More than just a sales pitch, explore the reasons for rolling your own framework, how the third-party components that make up the core of Nimble were selected, and how the pieces all fit together. Walk away knowing that PSR-7 frameworks aren't as scary as they look and that creating one yourself may be the best idea of all!

Beau Simensen

April 20, 2017

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