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20 Jan 2017 / This is Mercari, This is a SRE - ...

20 Jan 2017 / This is Mercari, This is a SRE - Mercari DAY

Presentation at #mercariday

Kenichi Sasaki

January 20, 2017

More Decks by Kenichi Sasaki

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  1. Introduce myself • Kenichi Sasaki (@siroken3) • Mercari, Inc (JOIN

    at 2014/7)
 Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) Team • αʔόϓϩϏδϣχϯάɾσϓϩΠͷ੔උ • ։ൃ؀ڥͳͲͷ੔උ
  2. SRE in JP • 2015/11 Mercari Tech Blog ʹͯ঺հͯ͠Ҏ߱஫ ໨͕ू·Δ

    • “ΠϯϑϥνʔϜվΊ Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) νʔϜʹͳΓ·ͨ͠”
 http://tech.mercari.com/entry/2015/11/18/153421 • 2016/06 SRE Tech Talk#1 • https://connpass.com/event/34825/
  3. Architecture US nginx nginx nginx ©2011 Amazon Web Services LLC

    or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Client Multimedia Corporate data center Traditional server Mobile Client IAM Add-on Example: IAM Add-on ence ) Assignment/ Task Requester Workers DNS-RR App App App App App App MySQL MySQL memcached memcached nginx nginx nginx ©2011 Amazon Web Services LLC or its affiliates. All rights reserved. User Users Client Multimedia C d Mobile Client Internet AWS Management Console IAM Add-on Example: IAM Add-on Human Intelligence Tasks (HIT) Assignment/ Task Requester Workers Amazon Mechanical Turk Non-Service Specific DNS-RR App App App App App App MySQL MySQL memcached memcached EC2 EC2 EC2 EC2 EC2 EC2 EC2 EC2 EC2 EC2 EC2 EC2 EC2 JP Ϋϥ΢υͰ΋ ಉ͡ߏ੒ util util cloud cloud util util EC2 EC2
  4. Mercari SREࣄྫ • Gaurun - push notification server • ngx_luaʹΑΔBalancer֦ு

    • PHP daemon class preload • URL Shorten Service • ChatOpsˍZero DownTime Deploy • etc…
  5. Inside ChatOps @jp-go-bold: yes check PullRequest check Issue Tracker exec

    Ansible merge PR git clone git clone composer install deploy application preprocessing ϐΞϨϏϡʔࡁ Ϛωʔδϟঝೝࡁ