Summing up 2+ years of learnings from my journey into the React Native jungle. How to get started? What to be aware of? Lessons learned and battles fought.
in getting a better understanding of your skin condition. Here are some of the ways in which other people have used this app to get on top of their condition. ## 1. Track the effectiveness of a new treatment When you’re on a new treatment, you want to make sure it’s working for you. Small week-to-week changes can be hard to notice, but that’s where the app’s clever comparison view comes in handy: ![Comparison view](${getLocalImageMarkdown( require(‘./images/BenefitsComparisonView.jpg') )}) In the words of Jennifer (32), who’s been using Imagine: > It makes me happy to see the progress, because applying all this cream is time-consuming and annoying! ## 2. Show your doctor what happened Even if you see a doctor regularly, they don’t see how you are doing between visits. Maybe it was much worse a month ago and it feels like you are always seeing the doctor when your skin is doing fine?