a whole is emollient, carefully inoffensive; she is always first to jump in with what she isn't saying, always first to articulate what might be a criticism against her. "I know that some believe that by focusing on what women can do to change themselves – pressing them to lean in – it seems like I am letting our institutions off the hook. Or even worse, they accuse me of blaming the victim." — Zoe Williams http://www.theguardian.com/books/2013/mar/13/lean-in-sheryl-sandberg-review
of bad feminism. I can see the headline now: "#LADYBOSS Against STEM Education for Girls. Also Secretly Hates Puppies.” (2/2) — Elissa Shevinsky http://www.metroactive.com/features/Lean-Out-Elissa- Shevinsky-Silicon-Valley-Excerpt.html
through a panel designed to be about women in technology and instead have it derailed by the seemingly interminable myth that when we want to talk about being a woman in tech, what we’re really saying is that we want to talk about being wives and mothers with day jobs in the technology industry." — Lauren Hockensen, http://thenextweb.com/events/2015/09/19/ dreamforce-insulting-women/