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Voxxed Days Luxembourg 2019 - TypeScript: Why? ...

Voxxed Days Luxembourg 2019 - TypeScript: Why? When? How?

Slides from the talk I did at Voxxed Days Luxembourg 2019 with my mate Félix Billon!

Video (French): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Akmh-lOJQVk


June 21, 2019

More Decks by Sylvain PONTOREAU

Other Decks in Programming


  1. The rebirth Late 2014: AtScript annoucement March, 2015: Angular 2

    will be based on TypeScript September, 2016: Version 2.0! A lot of progress has been done since 1.0 (currently 3.x): • Performance improvement • Better integration with IDEs • Easier JavaScript library integration
  2. You're in good company • Microsoft • Google • Slack

    • Facebook • Ionic • Palantir • Ubisoft • Wix • Dashlane • …
  3. Types, why? Find errors at compile time instead of runtime

    Improve code readability Less bugs Improve IDEs features: • Autocomplete • Code inspection • Refactoring
  4. Types in TypeScript boolean, number, string, array, void, null, undefined,

    object Example: let str: string; let array: number[] = [1, 2, 3]; function fn(param: boolean): void { // Do something }
  5. Classes & Interfaces interface Rocket { boosters: number; launch: ()

    => void; } class Soyuz implements Rocket { boosters : number; constructor() { this.boosters = 4; } launch(): void { … }; } let soyuzT15: Rocket = new Soyuz(); let soyuzMS3: Soyuz = new Soyuz(); Class or Interface… How to choose?
  6. Types, how? Take care of the any special type Types

    are only useful at compile time Compiler can infer types Duck typing != nominal typing
  7. Duck typings class Rocket { name: string; boosters: number; }

    class Cat { name: string; } function playWithKitten(kitten: Cat) { // Do something } const rocket: Rocket = { name: "Soyuz", boosters: 4 }; const cat: Cat = { name: "Grumpy" }; playWithKitten(cat); playWithKitten(rocket); // ☺
  8. Definition files Describe and type JavaScript code NPM package &

    TypeScript: • Wrote in TypeScript • Wrote in JavaScript + definition included • Wrote in JavaScript without definition ✋ • Definition package required (@types) DefinitelyTyped lib.d.ts
  9. Definition files Installation: { "name": "angular-with-dts", "version": "1.0.0", "dependencies": {

    "angular": "1.5.8" }, "devDependencies": { "@types/angular":"1.5.20" } } $ npm install --save-dev @types/angular package.json:
  10. Abstraction Asbtract classes & methods: abstract class Rocket { boosters:

    string; abstract launch(): void; } class Soyuz extends Rocket { } class Soyuz extends Rocket { launch(): void { throw new Error("Not implemented."); } }
  11. Back to interfaces Optional: interface Rocket { boosters: number; launch?:

    () => void; } Read-only: interface Rocket { readonly boosters: number; launch?: () => void; } interface Launch { () => void; } Function: Cannot be implemented by a class !
  12. Generics An example with the Factory pattern: abstract class Rocket

    { readonly boosters: number; constructor(boosters: number) { this.boosters = boosters; } abstract launch() : void; } class RocketFactory<T extends Rocket> { ctor: new (boosters: number) => T; constructor(ctor: new (boosters: number) => T) { this.ctor = ctor; } create(boosters: number): T { return new this.ctor(boosters); } }
  13. Type system Types === static constraints type Launching = ()

    => void; type Launching = (value: Rocket | Engine) => void; type Soyuz = Rocket & { name: "Soyuz"; } type Rocket = Engine & Boosters & Fairing & …; Type aliases Singleton type property Intersection type (and -> &) Union type (or -> |)
  14. Decorators Currently experimental! Can be apply on: • Classes •

    Methods • Properties • Parameters TC 39: Stage 2 Draft "experimentalDecorators": true, "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
  15. Decorators const track: MethodDecorator = ( target: any, key: string

    | symbol, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor ) => { const calledFunction = descriptor.value; const newFunction = function() { Telemetry.Track({ className: target.constructor.name, methodName: key.toString(), parameters: arguments }); return calledFunction.apply(this, arguments); }; descriptor.value = newFunction; return descriptor; };
  16. Decorators Usage: class Rocket { orientation: Vector3 = new Vector3(0.0,

    0.0, 1.0); @track correctPath(vector: Vector3) { this.orientation.add(vector); } } const rocket = new Rocket(); // Telemetry will track: // {"className":"Rocket","methodName":"correctPath","parameters":{"0":{"x":0.1,"y":0.2,"z":0}}} rocket.correctPath(new Vector3(0.1, 0.2, 0.0));
  17. tsconfig.json • A configuration file that contains compiler options! •

    Can be initialized with the CLI: • Example: { "compilerOptions": { "target": "es5", "module": "es2015", "removeComments": true, "sourceMap": true }, "include": [ "src/**/*" ] } $ tsc --init
  18. Zoom on compilation’s options { "compilerOptions": { "target": "es5", "module":

    "es2015", "sourceMap": true, "strict": true, "lib": ["es6", "dom"], … } } • Barely hundred compilation’s options • Some important options:
  19. JavaScript to TypeScript Check JavaScript code with TypeScript • For

    a single file: // @ts-check • Overall (tsconfig.json): checkJs: true function sum(numbers) { return numbers .reduce(function(previous, next) { return previous + next; }); } var result = sum([true, 2, "3"]); console.log(result); // 33 ... // @ts-check /** * @param {number[]} numbers */ function sum(numbers) { return numbers .reduce(function(previous, next) { return previous + next; }); } var result = sum([true, 2, "3"]); console.log(result); // 33 ...
  20. Conclusion • Take care, TypeScript !== C#, Java, … •

    The community is amazing • TypeScript have an influence on JavaScript • Evolutivity, Maintenability, Scalability • Great tools!