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Merupakan materi dari event Ramadhan Talk yang diadakan oleh GDSC Universitas Trilogi. Dimana event tersebut membahas seputar dunia quality assurance beserta tips dan flow pembelajarannya jika ingin memasuki dunia tersebut

Sri Indarti

July 22, 2024

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  1. About Me Viranita Julianti Work Community • QA Engineer |

    AnyMind (Current) • QA Engineer | Brick (2023) • QA Engineer | Danacita (2022) • QA Engineer | Pintek (2020) • Community Developer | Pintek (2019) • WTM Ambassador Depok (2019 - Now) • GDG Depok Organizer (2019 - Now) • GDSC Lead PNJ (2018 - 2019)
  2. “Quality Assurance (QA) is a systematic process and set of

    activities that ensure that products or services meet specified quality standards and fulfill customer expectations.” Section 01
  3. 6 Importance of QA Section 01 Customer Satisfaction Brand Reputation

    Cost Savings Risk Mitigation & Compliance Continuous Improvement Competitive Advantage
  4. Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

    Analysis Design Development Maintenance Deployment Testing Req Analysis Test Planning Test Case Development Test Cycle Closure Test Execution Env Setup Section 02
  5. Tools used by QA Engineer Section 02 Test Management Test

    Automation Bug Tracking Performance Testing API Testing Database Testing
  6. • Verify that users can successfully login with valid credentials.

    • Verify that users cannot login with invalid credentials and receive appropriate error messages. • Verify that the login page elements (username field, password field, login button) are displayed correctly and functional. Functional Testing Section 03 Email Password LOGIN LOGIN
  7. Section 03 Email Password LOGIN LOGIN • Verify that password

    fields are masked to prevent unauthorized viewing. • Verify that the login page is protected against common security threats such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. • Verify that session management is secure, and users are logged out after a certain period of inactivity. • Verify that the login page enforces password complexity requirements (e.g., minimum length, use of special characters). • Verify that sensitive information (such as passwords) is not stored in plain text and is encrypted during transmission. Security Testing
  8. Section 03 Email Password LOGIN LOGIN • Verify that the

    login page loads within an acceptable time frame under normal load conditions. • Verify that the login page remains responsive and performs well under peak load conditions. Performance Testing • Verify that the login page has clear and descriptive labels for input fields and buttons. • Verify that error messages are displayed prominently and provide helpful guidance to users. • Verify that the login page loads quickly and is responsive to user interactions. Usability Testing
  9. Certification (ISTQB) 16 Learning Path Section 04 Learn the Fundamentals

    Understanding SDLC API, Database, Email Testing Automated Testing CI/CD Version Control (Git) Programming Language : 1. JavaScript 2. Java 3. Python Framework & Tools : 1. Playwright 2. Selenium 3. Cypress. 1. GitHub 2. Bitbucket 1. Jenkins 2. GitLab CI/CD 3. GitHub Actions https://roadmap.sh/qa
  10. QA is not just about finding bugs but about ensuring

    that software meets user expectations, business requirements, and quality standards. QA engineers are responsible for verifying the functionality, reliability, security, and performance of software applications throughout the development lifecycle. Continuous learning and improvement are critical for QA engineers to stay updated with new technologies, tools, and best practices in software testing. Key Takeaways Section 05 Collaboration with developers, product managers, and other stakeholders is essential for effective QA, ensuring alignment on quality objectives and priorities. Test automation tools and frameworks help QA engineers automate repetitive testing tasks, improve test coverage, and accelerate the testing process. Cultivating a culture of quality within teams and organizations fosters a mindset of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement.