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Structured Content First

Stephen Hay
September 22, 2011

Structured Content First

Presented at Mirabeau Mobile Event, Amsterdam.

Video: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/15265012/highlight/178696

Stephen Hay

September 22, 2011

More Decks by Stephen Hay

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  1. The device landscape is constantly changing. Capabilities are constantly changing.

    Properly structured content is portable to future platforms.
  2. PLATFORM-AGNOSTIC CONTENTfor Don’t assume users want di!erent content simply because

    of the platform they’re using. Do cater to device capabilities if you want, but don’t assume that users want other capabilities on other devices.
  3. PLATFORM-AWARE USER EXPERIENCE for Do try and create an e!ectively

    usable environment for people to easily accomplish tasks.
  4. RESPONSIVE DESIGN ADAPTIVE LAYOUT & Real responsive design will be

    hard to do. Adaptive layout is a good "rst step, and is often what people mean with the term “responsive design”. Because layout is only a part of design.
  5. Thinking about, creating and designing structured content "rst caters to

    the lowest common layout denominator, whether this be a small screen or a text browser. In fact, this content should be able to go anywhere.