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Sharing test cases of internet protocols with G...

Sharing test cases of internet protocols with Go and OCI Artifacts

Moto Ishizawa

April 24, 2021

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  1. Problems in implementing HTTP/2 server • Writing tests requires a

    deep understanding of the HTTP/2 speci fi cation • Many implementors are writing similar tests for their own implementations • Di ff erent programming languages make it di ffi cult to share tests between implementations
  2. h2spec • A conformance testing tool for HTTP/2 server •

    Written in Go as a command line tool • Used by many HTTP/2 server implementors :)
  3. What is conformance testing tool? • Send data to the

    server according to the speci fi cation • Check the response from the server to make sure it complies with the speci fi cation • In HTTP/2, it is mainly tested by sending frames 􀧘 􀏜 HTTP/2 Server h2spec Send frames Check response
  4. Why Go? • Easy to implement command-line tools that work

    on multiple OS • Single binary! • O ffi cial HTTP/2 package was available early
  5. Challenges in h2spec • Knowledge of Go is required to

    add or change test cases • Even if you want to change a part of the test, you need to rebuild it • Di ffi cult to cover all implementation di ff erences… • Want to test other protocols as well (QUIC, TLS v1.3, etc…)
  6. protospec • A general-purpose conformance testing tool implemented in Go

    • Easy to write test cases in YAML format • Test cases can be easily shared as OCI Artifacts • https://github.com/summerwind/protospec
  7. Writing conformance test case with YAML (1/8) A client MUST

    send the connection preface (Section 3.5) and then MAY immediately send HTTP/2 frames to such a server; servers can identify these connections by the presence of the connection preface. RFC7540 - Hypertext Transfer Protocol Version 2 (HTTP/2)
  8. Sharing test cases as container images • Test cases can

    be shared like docker containers • pushes the test cases to the registry, pulls them from the registry • Thanks to OCI Artifacts! protospec push protospec pull
  9. What is OCI Artifacts? • A mechanism for storing arbitrary

    fi les in a container image • One of the ways to use OCI Distribution and OCI Image, not a speci fi cation • Many container registries (ECR, GitHub, etc…) are supported • Used by Helm and Open Policy Agent to manage their con fi guration fi les • https://github.com/opencontainers/artifacts
  10. Using OCI Artifacts in your code • ORAS makes it

    easy to support OCI Artifacts in your code • ORAS is a command line tool, but can also be used as a package • https://github.com/deislabs/oras
  11. Pushing artifacts to the registry (2/4) Creating a docker client

    Resolver will be used to resolve the name of the container image
  12. Pushing artifacts to the registry (4/4) Pushing the contents of

    the memory store to the container registry Name of container image to push
  13. Pulling artifacts from the registry (1/2) Create a fi le

    store and map it to ‘spec’ directory
  14. Pulling artifacts from the registry (2/2) Pulling the container image

    and extract it to the fi le store Name of container image to pull
  15. Conclusion • protospec enables sharing of test cases for conformance

    testing • Go is a good language for implementing command line tools! • ORAS makes it possible to use OCI Artifacts in your Go code