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Zapier Introduction

Zapier Introduction

Zapier Automation Meetup Tokyo #0

Tadashi Nemoto

July 11, 2018

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  1. Introduction • 根本 征 (Nemoto Tadashi) • Automation & QA

    (AQA) Group at Mercari ◦ テスト自動化 ◦ モバイル CI / CD改善 ◦ 社内の生産性を上げるための自動化 • メルカリ社内にZapierを導入・自動化をサポート
  2. G Suites • Gmail • Google Calendar • Google Slides

    • Google Sheets • Google Contacts • Google Forms • Google Docs
  3. Project management & Todo • JIRA • Trello • Asana

    • Redmine • Wunderlist • Todoist • Google ToDo
  4. Developer Tools • GitHub • Gitbucket • GitLab • Jenkins

    • Amazon Web Services(AWS) • PagerDuty • New Relic • Datadog
  5. Others • Workable • Kintone • Sansan • HubSpot •

    Salesforce • Zendesk • Office 365 • Meetup • Envoy • Typeform • Evernote • Stripe • PayPal • Square • Twillio