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Curation Fundamentals: How & Why to Get Started...

Mike Taylor
October 07, 2021

Curation Fundamentals: How & Why to Get Started with Curation

by Mike Taylor

Mike Taylor

October 07, 2021

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  1. POLL How familiar are you with curation? A = I’m

    totally new to it and want to know more… B = I’m interested in the concept… C = I’m an active curator of learning…
  2. Robin Good “Curation is about making sense of a topic/issue/event

    /person/ product etc for a specific audience.”
  3. “Curation is using your expertise in a field to gather

    great content around a specific theme and present that content in a way that will educate others.” http://connect.mit.edu/blog/curated-content-about-curated-content Stephanie Hatch Leishman
  4. Analyze & Set Goals Create & Collaborate Deliver, Publish &

    Share Measure Maintain, Expire & Destroy COURSES CURATION Curate
  5. https://modernworkplacelearning.com/magazine/what-does-this-years-learning-in-the-workplace-survey-say-about-the-state-and-maybe-the-fate-of-ld/ 1 Daily work experiences (ie doing the day job)

    93% 2 Knowledge sharing within your team 90% 3 Web search (eg Google) 79% 4 Web resources (eg videos, podcasts, articles) 76% 5 Manager feedback and guidance 74% 6 Professional networks and communities 72% 7 Coach or mentor feedback and guidance 65% 8 Internal resources (eg documents, guides, etc) 60% 9 Blogs and news feeds 56% 10 E-Learning (eg online courses for self-study) 41% 11 Conferences and other professional events 35% 12 Classroom training 31% Jane Hart’s Learning in the Workplace Survey Curatable Common L&D focus % VI+Ess
  6. In times of information super-abundance people start to look for,

    and appreciate, the contribution from a trusted, expert guide who can provide them with “intellectual binoculars”. https://medium.com/content-curation-official-guide/10-the-rise-of-trusted-guides-14a792f08ee7 Robin Good
  7. Benefits of Curation give people what they really need &

    want saving people time reducing costs help organization stay agile provide a more responsive service help teams stay smart build your own expertise creating a lasting resource encourage sharing and working out loud deliver at point of need supplement exiting programs harness collective intelligence
  8. Aggregation Typically, keyword driven (algorithms) + Fast + Many sources

    - No quality check/validation - Often lacks proper context
  9. Curation Why are you curating? Who are you curating for?

    - Time investment + Check for quality & context + More options and control for distribution
  10. A bit less simple Where do you look for content?

    How do you find the best stuff? How do you find the time to do it well? What do you do with it once you find it?
  11. STOCKS vs FLOWS COURSES Dated quickly Closed/Isolated Slow Inflexible Expensive

    CURATION Current Connected Quick/Agile Flexible “Free”*
  12. Creation Knowledge Stocks How do these get refreshed? As the

    pace of change accelerates, the value of any stock of knowledge depreciates faster.
  13. CONVERSATION Creation CONSUMPTION Publish + external info +co-creation + Curation

    Knowledge Flow continually refresh our knowledge by participating in relevant flows
  14. Endless Sharing Options Social Media • Pinterest* • Diigo* •

    Twitter • LinkedIn • Facebook • Buffer • Hootsuite • Yammer Websites/Blogs • WordPress • Blogger • Medium • Zeef • Sharepoint • Jive, etc • Curatr • MS Teams Newsletters • MailChimp • Mailerlite • Refind • Revue • Goodbits • TinyLetter • Drip
  15. An LXP is turbo-charged curation Guidance or insight into what

    skills employees should be developing [Goal & Topics] Diversity of learning experiences and content (user-generated content, social learning, articles, videos, classes, etc.). [Sources] The ability to recommend and connect users with relevant resources, experts, and experiences [Process & Add Value, Sharing] A process to provide feedback on users’ progress, offering both guidance for employees and visibility for the organization [Evaluate & Feedback]
  16. Look for add-ins Many tools have browser add- ins that

    streamline the process Many services work with email too
  17. Dedicate Time Put it on your calendar and make it

    a habit. Even just 10min/day or 1hr/week
  18. Pro Tip: Yes, you can have it both ways Manage

    Display Google Sheets/Airtable Spreadsimple/Softr
  19. Finding Content That Resonates Goals & Pain Points Financial advisor

    Sample topic: Retirement savings Sample share: 5 Easy Ways to Save More for Retirement Information They Want Software Sales Sample topic: Blockchain technology Sample share: How Blockchain Will Change Every Department in Your Company Awareness They Need Mortgage advisor Sample topic: Real Estate trends Sample share: What Buyers Need to Know About Home Prices This Year
  20. #LWW19 @tmiket ALL THE STUFF Drop your email here and

    I’ll send you everything. https://gettalk.at/bcg [email protected]