the 'user' table. * * You should add additional methods to this class to meet the * application requirements. This class will only be generated as * long as it does not already exist in the output directory. */ class Post extends BasePost { public function getAbbrTitle() { return substr($this->title, 0, 15); } } MVC mercredi 5 septembre 12
the 'user' table. * * You should add additional methods to this class to meet the * application requirements. This class will only be generated as * long as it does not already exist in the output directory. */ class Post extends BasePost { public function getAbbrTitle() { return substr($this->title, 0, 15); } } MVC Métier mercredi 5 septembre 12
SessionStorage('SESSION_ID'); } public function setLanguage($language) { $this->storage->set('language', $language); } } $user = new User(); INJECTION DE DÉPENDANCE mercredi 5 septembre 12
SessionStorage('SESSION_ID'); } public function setLanguage($language) { $this->storage->set('language', $language); } } $user = new User(); INJECTION DE DÉPENDANCE Dépendance forte mercredi 5 septembre 12
$this->storage = $storage; } } $storage = new SessionStorage('my_session_name'); $user = new User($storage); INJECTION DE DÉPENDANCE mercredi 5 septembre 12
$this->storage = $storage; } } $storage = new MemcacheStorage($memcacheClient); $user = new User($storage); INJECTION DE DÉPENDANCE mercredi 5 septembre 12
Mise en cache de la configuration Définition du format de configuration Multi-source (fichiers, base de données) Multi-format (YAML, XML, JSON) COMPOSANTS mercredi 5 septembre 12
function (Event $event) { // will be executed when the foo.action event is dispatched }); $dispatcher->dispatch('foo.action', new Event()); COMPOSANTS mercredi 5 septembre 12
function (Event $event) { // will be executed when the foo.action event is dispatched }); $dispatcher->dispatch('foo.action', new Event()); COMPOSANTS mercredi 5 septembre 12
function (Event $event) { // will be executed when the foo.action event is dispatched }); $dispatcher->dispatch('foo.action', new Event()); COMPOSANTS Listener mercredi 5 septembre 12
function (Event $event) { // will be executed when the foo.action event is dispatched }); $dispatcher->dispatch('foo.action', new Event()); COMPOSANTS Événement mercredi 5 septembre 12
as $file) { // Print the absolute path print $file->getRealpath()."\n"; // Print the relative path to the file, omitting the filename print $file->getRelativePath()."\n"; // Print the relative path to the file print $file->getRelativePathname()."\n"; } COMPOSANTS mercredi 5 septembre 12
as $file) { // Print the absolute path print $file->getRealpath()."\n"; // Print the relative path to the file, omitting the filename print $file->getRelativePath()."\n"; // Print the relative path to the file print $file->getRelativePathname()."\n"; } SplFileInfo COMPOSANTS mercredi 5 septembre 12
as $file) { // Print the absolute path print $file->getRealpath()."\n"; // Print the relative path to the file, omitting the filename print $file->getRelativePath()."\n"; // Print the relative path to the file print $file->getRelativePathname()."\n"; } COMPOSANTS mercredi 5 septembre 12
as $file) { // Print the absolute path print $file->getRealpath()."\n"; // Print the relative path to the file, omitting the filename print $file->getRelativePath()."\n"; // Print the relative path to the file print $file->getRelativePathname()."\n"; } COMPOSANTS mercredi 5 septembre 12
as $file) { // Print the absolute path print $file->getRealpath()."\n"; // Print the relative path to the file, omitting the filename print $file->getRelativePath()."\n"; // Print the relative path to the file print $file->getRelativePathname()."\n"; } COMPOSANTS mercredi 5 septembre 12
masques de fichiers Recherche par taille Recherche par date Tri standard (nom, type) Tri personnalisé (“callback”) Compatible avec les “streams” PHP COMPOSANTS mercredi 5 septembre 12
masques de fichiers Recherche par taille Recherche par date Tri standard (nom, type) Tri personnalisé (“callback”) Compatible avec les “streams” PHP ... COMPOSANTS mercredi 5 septembre 12
a consumer I want to be able to buy something Scenario: Given I am on the homepage When I search for "fridge" And I follow "Awesome Fridge" And I add the article to my cart And I follow "checkout" # steps that describe the checkout process Then I should see "Your order is complete!" And I should be happy to have a new fridge CONTRÔLE QUALITÉ mercredi 5 septembre 12
a consumer I want to be able to buy something Scenario: Given I am on the homepage When I search for "fridge" And I follow "Awesome Fridge" And I add the article to my cart And I follow "checkout" # steps that describe the checkout process Then I should see "Your order is complete!" And I should be happy to have a new fridge CONTRÔLE QUALITÉ Step mercredi 5 septembre 12