Based on what I see there are tons of advice, opinions and recommendations how to do architectural work. Unfortunately, many of them contradict each other. I think one of the core reasons for this unfortunate situation is that we forgot to ask "Why": Why are we doing architectural work in the first place? What are the goals of architectural work (besides having it done because "it is important")?
Thus, I start this slide deck with the "Why" question and try to answer this question. Based on that answer, I move on to the "What", i.e., what work we need to do in order to satisfy the "Why". Following the "What"-question, I come up with a 4E-model, describing the four pillars of architectural work as I understand it. I complement the 4 pillars with some tools and ideas that I found helpful in my career so far.
Finally, I move on to the "How", or to be more precise to "When to do what and how much of it". There is a widespread tendency to follow only one approach, being more waterfall-like in the past, being more "Agile" today. And these approaches are usually defended with religious zeal.
Unlike the aforementioned tendencies I recommend a different approach: Based on the uncertainty of the project, I prefer different approaches that meet the given situation best.
Therefore, I first explain the effects of uncertainty and how the typical "Agile" implementations fit in there. Then, I derive a range of software development approaches based on the given uncertainty. Finally, I map the architectural work activities on the different development approaches.
Of course, I do not claim that the ideas shared in this slide deck are the ultimate truth (or even close). Instead, you should take it as a, well, "idea", a point of view that you can use, augment or reject as you like.
However, I hope the slides are of some use for you, even if - as always - the voice track is missing.