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Scala For Everything: From Frontend to Backend ...

Scala For Everything: From Frontend to Backend Applications - ScalaMatsuri 2020

ScalaMatsuri 2020 presentation slides.
- Japanese Title: Scala無双: フロントエンドもバックエンドも全てScalaでなぎ倒せ

Scala is a powerful language; You can build frontend applications with Scala.js, and efficient backend application servers for JVM. In this session, we will learn how to build everything with Scala by using Airframe OSS framework.

Airframe is a library designed for maximizing the advantages of Scala as a hybrid of object-oriented and functional programming language. In this session, we will learn how to use Airframe to build REST APIs and RPC services (Finagle, gRPC backend), and how to create frontend applications in Scala.js that interact with the servers using functional interfaces for dynamically updating web pages.

Taro L. Saito

October 16, 2020

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  1. 1 Taro L. Saito Treasure Data October 17th, 2020 Scala

    Matsuri 2020 Scala For Everything From Frontend to Backend Applications Scala無双: フロントエンドからバックエンドも全てScalaでなぎ倒せ 

  2. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. About Me: Taro

    L. Saito 2 • Treasure Data ◦ Principal Software Engineer ◦ Living in US for 5 years • Ph.D. of Computer Science ◦ Database systems, genome science. • OSS: ◦ Airframe, snappy-java (used in Parquet, Spark, etc.), sbt-sonatype, sbt-pack, etc. • Book: 自己紹介

  3. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. Today’s Topic •

    There are a lot of libraries and frameworks for backend and frontend applications • Airframe ◦ An OSS library collection that enables Scala-oriented development • Goal: Forget everything other than Scala 3 Scala無双:Scala以外を全て駆逐する 
 Airframe Scala.js Web Browsers JSON
  4. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. Airframe: Core Scala

    Modules of Treasure Data • Airframe (GitHub: wvlet/airframe) ◦ 20+ Common Utilities for Scala and Scala.js (Scala Matsuri 2019) ▪ Logging, Dependency Injection (DI), JSON/MessagePack parser, etc. ◦ Airframe RPC, Airframe Rx (Scala Matsuri 2020) ◦ AirSpec ▪ Testing framework for Scala and Scala.js (ScalaDays. Seattle, May 2021) 4 Knowledge Experiences Design Decisions Products 24/7 Services Business Values Programming OSS Outcome Airframe AirframeはScala.jsでも利用することを前提に開発されてきたOSSツール群 

  5. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. Treasure Data: A

    Ready-to-Use Cloud Data Platform 5 Logs Device Data Batch Data PlazmaDB Table Schema Data Collection Cloud Storage Distributed Data Processing Jobs Job Management SQL Editor Scheduler Workflows Machine Learning Treasure Data OSS Third Party OSS Data トレジャーデータはすぐに使えるクラウドデータプラットフォーム 

  6. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. Scala.js Application: Presto

    Service Monitor • Presto Usage: More than 1,000,000 queries / day (2020), 4 regions 6 Scala.jsで開発されたアプリケーションの例 

  7. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. Server APIs and

    Library for Spark Airframe DI DataFrame MPC1 airframe-codec airframe-msgpack Plazma Public API airframe-http airframe-finagle Airframe DI Airframe RPC airframe-fluentd Master Worker Design SparkContext TDSparkContext TDSparkService MPC1 Reader/Writer IO Manager Airframe DI airframe-http airframe-config airframe-launcher airframe-jmx airframe-metrics airframe-control airframe-metrics td-spark.jar airframe-log airframe-log airframe-codec airframe-json Airframe 7 Sparkをサポートするために、ScalaとAirframeで作られたサービスが使われている 
 • MPC1: MessagePack Columnar Format • See also td-spark internals (Spark Meetup Tokyo 2020)
  8. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. Scala is Versatile

    • Backend ◦ Can leverage JVM ecosystem (e.g., netty, gRPC, etc.) • Frontend ◦ Scala.js: ▪ 1.0.0 is released in 2020 • The current version is 1.3.0 ▪ Compile Scala code into Javascripts ◦ Out of scope of this talk ▪ iOS/iPhone native applications • How can we bridge server (Scala JVM) and client (Scala.js) applications? Scalaはバックエンド、フロントエンド開発に使える言語に。では両者をどう繋ぐ? 
 Scala.js Web Browsers Serve-Client Interaction 8
  9. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. Bridging Scala and

    Scala.js with RPC Program Function Call Return Local Function Call (ideal) Program Function Serialize Deserialize Request Data Deserialize Response Data Serialize ローカル関数呼び出しと違い、実際にはネットワーク経由でのRPCが必要になる 
 Remote Procedure Call (reality) Network Client Call Return Server Call Return 9 Scala.js Scala.js
  10. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. Existing Approaches for

    Implementing RPC • REST ◦ Define function interfaces with HTTP endpoints (e.g., GET/POST/PUT/DELETE, etc.) ◦ REST web frameworks for Scala ▪ Play framework, akka-http, Finatra, Finch, skinny-framework, etc. • gRPC ◦ Define function interfaces with Google’s ProtocolBuffers (.proto) schema language ◦ Generate server and client code stubs from proto files ◦ Scala wrappers: ▪ ScalaPB, muScala, akka-grpc, etc. RPCを実装するには、RESTやgRPCなどが使われている 
 Program Function Serialize Deserialize Request Data Deserialize Response Data Serialize Client Call Return Server Call Return 10
  11. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. API Design War

    https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/api-management/ understanding-grpc-openapi-and-rest-and-when-to-use-th em 11 • Which API design should we choose? • REST API ◦ Designing good APIs over HTTP requires experiences and significant amount of time • gRPC ◦ Requires special software like code generators for using the ecosystem around ProtocolBuffers • And also, there are too many choices for web frameworks しかし、APIデザイン、フレームワーク選びでの争いは付きない 

  12. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. Why Not Using

    Scala for RPC Interface? • Scala is a functional and statically-typed object-oriented programming language ◦ Scala functions = RPC methods ◦ Scala objects (statically typed) = RPC request/response types • Scala is a perfect fit for RPC! 12 関数型で静的型付きオブジェクト指向言語のScalaはRPCインターフェースに適している 

  13. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. Scala-First Approach: Airframe

    RPC RPC Interface Scala.js Client RPC Web Server Generates Scala.js Web Application API Documentation 13 Airframe RPCはScalaをサーバー・クライアント共通インターフェースとして使う新手法 
 RPC Call RPC Call Implements • Forget about REST or ProtocolBuffers! • Use Scala as a unified interface between server and clients Airframe
  14. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. Airframe RPC Backend

    Is Pluggable RPC Interface RPC Web Server Generates API Documentation 14 Airframe RPCのServer, Clientは差し替え可能 
 Airframe RPC Call RPC Call Implements • Backend server ◦ Finagle (HTTP/1), gRPC (HTTP/2) • Backend client ◦ Finagle, gRPC, okhttp, Java URLConnection client etc. RPC Clients
  15. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. Building Blocks of

    RPC Frameworks • 1. Message serializer and deserializer • 2. Network data format ◦ JSON (REST), Protobuf (gRPC), or MessagePack (Airframe RPC) • 3. RPC interface language ◦ REST API, Protobuf, or Scala • 4. HTTP client and server implementation ◦ Code generator 15 Program Function Serialize Deserialize Request Data Deserialize Response Data Serialize Client Call Return Server Call Return RPCフレームワークを作るのに必要な構成要素 

  16. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. MessagePack-Based Object Serialization

    • MessagePack ◦ A compact binary format compatible with JSON Object Object Pack Unpack Pack Unpack Server Side Client Side 16 Scala.js JSON Airframe MessagePackを使ってクライアントとサーバー間通信を行う 

  17. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. airframe-codec: Pack/Unpack Interface

    • Pack ◦ Converting Data to MessagePack • Unpack ◦ Converting MessagePack to Data Input Output Pack Unpack Pack Unpack 17 Airframe MessageCodec MessageCodec MessagePackを通したデータ変換インターフェースをScalaに適用 

  18. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. Pre-defined Codecs in

    airframe-codec • Primitive Codecs ◦ ByteCodec, CharCodec, ShortCodec, IntCodec, LongCodec ◦ FloatCodec, DoubleCodec ◦ StringCodec ◦ BooleanCodec ◦ TimeStampCodec • Collection Codec ◦ ArrayCodec, SeqCodec, ListCodec, IndexSeqCodec, MapCodec, etc. ◦ OptionCodec • Java-specific Codec ◦ UUIDCodec, FileCodec, ZonedDateTimeCodec, InstantCodec ◦ JDBCResultSetCodec • etc. 18 Scalaで必要なほぼ全てのデータ型へのマッピングをサポート 
  19. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. Serializing Complex Objects

    Pack Unpack IntCodec StringCodec DoubleCodec MessageCodec.of[A] 19 オブジェクトの型に合わせてCodecを合成できる 
 Serialize Deserialize JSON
  20. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. Defining RPC Interface

    with Scala • Add @RPC annotation to a trait (= RPC interface) • Define model classes (= data structures) using case classes • Use the same interface and model classes between servers and clients RPC InterfaceをScalaで記述する 
  21. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. Serializing Function Call

    Request • Function call arguments ◦ A sequence of argument name -> value, …. • Example: ◦ Map(“person” -> Person(1, “leo”), “message” -> “Hello RPC!”) ◦ Serialize this Map into MessagePack with airframe-codec • HTTP Mapping ◦ HTTP method: POST ◦ Path: /(package name)/hello ▪ e.g., /hello.api.v1/hello ◦ Content body: serialized function call argument data 21 関数呼び出しの引数もシリアライズする 

  22. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. Implementing RPC Servers

    • Extending the RPC interface trait Serverの実装はRPC traitの継承 
  23. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. • Finagle: Twitter’s

    HTTP server written in Scala ◦ HTTP/1 based. Accessible from web browsers running Scala.js code airframe-http: Starting A Finagle Backend RPC Server 23 Airframe Scala.js airframe-rx-html airframe-http: FinagleバックエンドのHTTPサーバーを起動する 
  24. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. airframe-http: gRPC Backend

    • Suited to internal microservices • HTTP/2 based protocol ◦ Multiplexing multiple RPC requests within a single connection • No .proto file is required 24 Airframe airframe-http: gRPCバックエンドサーバーを起動する。ProtoBuf定義は必要ない 

  25. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. Advanced Topic: Extending

    gRPC • gRPC is data-format agonistic framework ◦ To support Scala interface and MessagePack, we have two extension points in grpc-java. • MethodDescriptor ◦ Define gRPC endpoints corresponding to Scala functions ◦ Register marshallers • Request/ResponseMarshaller ◦ Define how to encode/decode RPC request/response data 25 Airframe RPCはgrpc-javaを拡張してMessagePackデータの受け渡しをしている 

  26. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. RPC Performance Comparison

    (Greeter Service) • Airframe RPC ◦ serde: MessagePack (airframe-codec) <-> Scala case classes ◦ Finagle (HTTP1) or gRPC (HTTP2) • ScalaPB ◦ serde: Protobuf <-> Scala case classes ◦ gRPC (HTTP2) • grpc-java ◦ serde: Protobuf <-> Java classes ◦ gRPC (HTTP2) • Notes ◦ Using Finagle with HTTP2 had almost no benefit over HTTP1 ▪ Multiplexing RPC requests over HTTP2 is the key performance factor ◦ Overhead of ScalaPB ▪ Scala Future (10% overhead) ▪ Mapping Protobuf to Scala case classes (10% overhead) 26 gRPCはリクエスト多重送信により高速。MessagePackによるオーバーヘッドは少ない 
  27. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. sbt-airframe: Generating RPC

    Clients • sbt-airframe plugin ◦ Read RPC interface classes ◦ Generate HTTP client code for accessing the RPC server ◦ OpenAPI schema generation support sbt-airframe Code Generation RPC Client Scala.js 27 Scala.js Client HTTP/gRPC Client Open API Spec Cross-Language RPC Client RPCクライアントを生成するsbt-airframeプラグイン 

  28. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. sbt-airframe: Generating Open

    API Schema • RPC Interface -> Open API schema YAML file • Generating RPC Clients & Swagger Documentation 28 ScalaのインターフェースからOpenAPIのYAMLを生成する 
 RPC Interface API Documentation Open API Spec (YAML) Cross-Language RPC Client Generate sbt-airframe API Documentation
  29. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. Making An RPC

    Call RPCを実行する。サーバー、クライアント共にScalaで動いている 
 Program Function Serialize Deserialize Request Data Deserialize Response Data Serialize Client Call Response Server Call Response Airframe Scala.js 29
  30. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. Scala.js Programming Tips

    • Scala.js: Compiling Scala -> JavaScript • Use Pure Scala Code ◦ [NG] Java code ▪ Dependent libraries also need to be pure Scala • Airframe is carefully designed to minimize non-Scala dependencies ◦ [NG] Annotation, runtime-reflection ◦ [OK] Scala Macros (compile-time meta-programming) • RPC ◦ Asynchronous calls using Scala Future ◦ Await(Future) is not supported ▪ Because JS is a single-threaded model. ▪ Need to properly chain Future operators with map, flatMap, rescue, etc. 30 Scala.jsでのプログラミングのコツ 
  31. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. Debugging Scala.js Code

    with airframe-log • Showing logs at the developer console of the browser 31 airframe-logとブラウザのコンソールでScala.jsコードのデバッグ 

  32. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. Rendering DOM with

    Scala.js • DOM element: ◦ <div class=”container”> …. </div> ◦ scalajs-dom library has functions necessary for generating DOMs • Previous approach: Converting XML literal into DOM elements ◦ monadic-html, Binding.scala ◦ But XML literal will be deprecated in Dotty (Scala 3.0) 32 Scala.jsでのDOMレンダリング手法には様々な手法がある 

  33. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. Rendering DOM •

    Current Best Practice ◦ Using Scala functions for building DOM elements • Option 1: Separation between DOM elements and attributes ◦ ScalaTags, Slinky ◦ Too many parentheses! • Option 2: No separation between DOM elements and attributes ◦ scalajs-react, Airframe Rx ◦ More Scala-friendly syntax 33 DOMのelement, attributeを区別しない方が関数型に適している 
 ScalaTags Airframe Rx
  34. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. Complex DOM Rendering

    • Airframe Rx • RxElement interface ◦ def render(): RxElement ◦ Support nesting with apply(...) ▪ Embedding Scala functions and collections 34 airframe-rx-html: Scalaの関数をネストしてDOMをレンダリングする 

  35. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. Airframe Rx •

    Rx.variable ◦ Re-render DOM if the variable is updated • Gathering best practices from existing libraries ◦ Type-safe DOM elements and attributes ▪ ScalaTags, scalajs-react ◦ Reactive streaming ▪ Monix ▪ Scala Collection ▪ Scala.rx ◦ Cancelable Interface ▪ Cleanup DOM and event handlers when updating DOM ▪ Monix, monadic-html 35 既存技術の良いところ取りをしたAirframe Rx 

  36. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. Reactive Stream Interface:

    Rx[X] • Rx[X] ◦ ReactiveX stream implementation ◦ e.g., Monix, Scala.Rx • Reactive DOM Rendering ◦ Rewriting DOM interactively upon upstream data change • Reactive Operators ◦ map, flatMap, filter, join, etc. ◦ Almost the same with Scala collection APIs 36 Reactive stream interface Rx[X]でインタラクティブなDOMを作成 

  37. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. gRPC Streaming with

    Airframe Rx • Interactive communication between server and clients with reactive stream interface: Rx[A] 37 gRPC StreamingもRxインターフェースでサポートできる 

  38. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. Airframe Enables Scala-Oriented

    Development 38 RPC Interface Scala.js Client RPC Web Server Generates Scala.js Web Application API Documentation RPC Call RPC Call Implements Airframe AirframeでScala中心のアプリケーション開発を可能に 
 • Only need to learn how to write Scala for kick-starting client/server application development
  39. Copyright 1995-2020 Treasure Data. All rights reserved. Summary • Scala

    is a powerful language that can consolidate existing technologies • Minimizing the learning cost of application development with Scala-First approach ◦ Airframe OSS (GitHub: wvlet/airframe) is designed for this purpose 39 まとめ:既存技術の長所を兼ね備えることで、Scala無双を可能にするAirframe 
 Airframe Scala.js Web Browsers JSON