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NTU CCSP 2012Fall - Node.js #2 - Advanced Javas...

Steven Su
October 18, 2012

NTU CCSP 2012Fall - Node.js #2 - Advanced Javascript and Node.js

Steven Su

October 18, 2012

More Decks by Steven Su

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Outline • 物件導向?! new // Function // instanceof • 物件導向2

    prototype • ECMA5的好東西 Array.xxx Object.xxx
  2. 回到資料型態 • Primitive Type ◦ string ◦ number (NaN Infinity)

    ◦ boolean • Composite Type ◦ Object ◦ Array ◦ String ◦ Number ◦ Boolean • Special Type ◦ null ◦ undefined typeof() 都是 function
  3. 函數的三種建構方式 function isthisfunction() {} var isthisfunction2 = new Function(); var

    isthisfunction3 = function(){}; console.log(typeof(isthisfunction)); console.log(typeof(isthisfunction2)); console.log(typeof(isthisfunction3)); 所有函數都是物件 但物件不一定是函數
  4. 函數作為建構子 function funca() {} var obja = new funca(); console.log(typeof(funca));

    console.log(typeof obja); console.log(obja instanceof funca); function Person(name, age) { this.name = name; this.age = age; } var p1 = new Person('Justin', 35); var p2 = new Person('Momor', 32); console.log(p1 instanceof Person); typeof funca = function typeof obja = object obja instanceof funca = true 判斷物件的class要用 instanceof 而不是 typeof
  5. What is this ? function fn( arg1, arg2,... ){ //

    do something } fn( arg1, arg2,... ); fn.call(context, arg1, arg2,... ); fn.apply(context, [ arg1, arg2,... ]); this就是apply與call的第一個參 數 都沒有指定時取決呼叫方式 物件呼叫帶物件本身 非物件呼叫帶全域變數
  6. 呼叫方式對this的差異 var obj = { fn : function() {console.log(this)} };

    obj.fn(); var tmpfn = obj.fn; tmpfn(); 第一個會印空物件 第二個會印很多東西 取決於執行環境
  7. 回頭看 function Student(school) { this.school = school; } var stu1

    = {school : 'NTU'}; var stu2 = new Student('NCKU'); console.log(typeof stu1); console.log(typeof stu2); console.log(stu1 instanceof Student); console.log(stu2 instanceof Student); 你可以想像成 new Student就是 呼叫Studen且context設成一個空物 件 object object false true
  8. 原形鍊詳解 function Person(name) { this.name = name; } var p1

    = new Person('Steven'); console.log(p1); console.log(p1.__proto__); console.log(p1.__proto__ === Person.prototype); console.log(p1.__proto__.__proto__); console.log(p1.__proto__.__proto__ === Object.prototype); Person p1 Person.prototyp e new Object new Object.prototype { name: 'Steven' } {} true {} true
  9. 原型練應用於物件方法 function Person(name) { this.name = name; } Person.prototype.like =

    function(another) { if(!(another instanceof Person)) throw new Error('Not Person'); if(another == this) throw new Error('can not like myself'); this.likewith = another; another.likewith = this; }; var p1 = new Person('Steven'); var p2 = new Person('Jobs'); p1.like(p2); console.log(p1); console.log(p2); { name: 'Steven', likewith: { name: 'Jobs', likewith: [Circular] } } { name: 'Jobs', likewith: { name: 'Steven', likewith: [Circular] } }
  10. 原型練應用於繼承 function Person(name) { this.name = name; } Person.prototype.like =

    function(another) { if(!(another instanceof Person)) throw new Error('Not Person'); if(another == this) throw new Error('can not like myself'); this.likewith = another; another.likewith = this; }; function Superman(name, superpower) { this.superpower = superpower; Person.call(this, name); } Superman.prototype.__proto__ = Person.prototype; Superman.prototype.usesuperpower = function() { console.log(this.name + ' use "' + this.superpower + '"'); } var hulk = new Superman('HULK001', 'green and big'); hulk.usesuperpower(); HULK001 use "green and big"
  11. 助教我炸裂了! 撐下去 hasOwnProperty isPrototypeOf var hulk = new Superman('HULK001', 'green

    and big'); console.log(hulk.hasOwnProperty('name')); console.log(hulk.hasOwnProperty('usesuperpower')); console.log(hulk instanceof Superman); console.log(Person.prototype.isPrototypeOf(hulk)); true false true true 不是自己的特性 hasOwnProperty會回傳 false
  12. 還有更讓你炸裂的特性 function Person(name) { if(name) this.name = name; } Person.prototype.name

    = 'ONE MAN'; var p1 = new Person(); console.log(p1.name); p1.name = 'Mike'; console.log(p1.name); var p2 = new Person(); console.log(p2.name); 讀取會follow原型練 寫入不會 ONE MAN Mike ONE MAN
  13. 我的意見 • 物件導向的所有特性(類別 繼承 封裝 多形) Javascript都能達成 • 但很少專案會完全導入OOP •

    語法本質 => 我不這樣寫還是可以正確交付 • code會變很多 • 如果依賴OOP框架 => 可閱讀性與可移植性變低
  14. Object.keys var obj = { a : 'AAA' , b

    : 'BBB' } for(var key in obj) { console.log('obj[' + key + ']=' + obj[key]); } obj.__proto__.c = 'CCC'; for(var key in obj) { console.log('obj[' + key + ']=' + obj[key]); } console.log(Object.keys(obj)); obj[a]=AAA obj[b]=BBB obj[a]=AAA obj[b]=BBB obj[c]=CCC [ 'a', 'b' ] Object.keys不會走prototype chain For-in會
  15. Array in ECMA5 var arr = [1, '2', 3]; console.log(arr.map(function(ele){return

    ele*3})); console.log(arr.filter(function(ele){return ele > 1})); arr.forEach(function(ele, index){console.log('arr[' + index + ']=' + ele)}); console.log(arr.every(function(ele){return ele > 2})); console.log(arr.some(function(ele){return ele > 2})); console.log(arr.reduce(function(prev, curr){return prev + curr})); [ 3, 6, 9 ] [ '2', 3 ] arr[0]=1 arr[1]=2 arr[2]=3 false true 123 Map Reduce 正夯
  16. 還有更多… • Object.seal • Object.freeze • enumerable and non- enumerable

    properties • M$開發者上MSDN JS開發者請上MDN
  17. 瀏覽器裡的Javascript • 語法來自ECMAScript ◦ 由歐洲電腦製造商協會維護 ◦ 目前第五版 ◦ 第六版快了 •

    BOM, Browser Object Model ◦ AJAX, Local Storage, WebGL, Web Audio, WebRTC ◦ W3C維護 • DOM, Document Object Model ◦ W3C維護
  18. Node.js • 語法使用 ECMAScript v5 • 模組機制 • 檔案 檔案系統

    網路 程式 • 使用Google的V8 Engine • 編譯成native code執行 • 非常重要 => stop-world GC
  19. 同步 (絕大多數) 非同步 (這幾年變紅很多) 非同步與同步 IO wait IO wait IO

    IO cmpl IO IO cmpl 非同步會變成多個指令流 像是同步的多執行緒 然而多指令流不代表concurrent 喔
  20. 比較 同步 非同步 切換context 中斷(IO Wait, time sharing) 一路玩到掛 平行化

    TLP PLP 同步機制 Lock, conditional wait, … Send / wait 同步成本 低 高 單一核心使用效率 低 高
  21. 安裝 1. Windows只要一直按next 2. Mac同上 3. Linux建議使用nvm, Node Version Manager

    • 推薦優先順序 ◦ Linux > Mac > Windows • 密技 Cloud9 https://c9.io/
  22. 讀取檔案 var fs = require('fs'); console.log(fs.readFileSync(__filename, 'utf-8')); fs.readFile(__filename, 'utf8', function(err,

    data) { console.log('async readFile:\n'); console.log(data); }); 用Sync請改去用 Python/PHP/Ruby
  23. HTTP Server var http = require('http'); http.createServer(function (req, res) {

    res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); res.end('Hello World\n'); }).listen(process.env.PORT); 萬年老梗
  24. 結合兩者 var http = require('http'); var fs = require('fs'); http.createServer(function

    (req, res) { res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); fs.readFile('.' + req.url, 'utf8', function(err, data){ res.end(err ? err.toString() : data); }); }).listen(process.env.PORT); Callback hell 下周待續