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KMM - Share code between Native Android and Nat...

KMM - Share code between Native Android and Native iOS

This slide is used at Google I/O Extended Vietnam 2021

Yoyo Coder

July 04, 2021

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  1. Thuy Phan - Android Engineer @LINE @yoyocoder KMM - Share

    code between Native Android and Native iOS About speaker 1
  2. 1. You would like to create a new mobile app

    for Android and iOS with native look and feel but you don’t want to write the same code twice. 2. You have existing app for Android and iOS, you want to share code between 2 platforms at minimal cost. Problem 2
  3. 3 02 What is KMM? 01 Approaches for a mobile

    app 03 What to share? 04 When to use KMM 05 Conclusion
  4. 4 Do you need a mobile app as cheaply as

    possible? Are you okay with having limited performance if it reduces time-to-market Are you ready to have two dev teams working on separate codebases for each platform Then, you need to choose from these options Are you building an ecommerce app? Are hardware functionalities like camera or GPS a must? Hybrid app Cross-platform app Progressive web app Native app Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes
  5. 5 02 What is KMM? 01 Approaches for a mobile

    app 03 What to share? 04 When to use KMM 05 Conclusion
  6. 10

  7. 12 An Kotlin module that builds into the Android application.

    An Xcode project that builds into the iOS application. The code that works on both platforms, including the expect declarations. Android-specific parts, including actual implementations. iOS-specific parts, including actual implementations.
  8. 13 expect class Platform() { val platform: String } actual

    class Platform actual constructor() { actual val platform: String = "Android ${android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT}" } import platform.UIKit.UIDevice actual class Platform actual constructor() { actual val platform: String = UIDevice.currentDevice.systemName() + " " + UIDevice.currentDevice.systemVersion } shared/androidMain shared/iosMain shared/commonMain
  9. 14 02 What is KMM? 01 Approaches for a mobile

    app 03 What to share? 04 When to use KMM 05 Conclusion
  10. Business / Domain (Entities, Use Cases, Interacters) Data / Core

    (Repositories, HTTP Clients, Cache) Architecture 15 Android iOS UI (Views) Presentation (Presenters, View Models, Controllers)
  11. Business logic and core Shared code Android specific APIs CameraX

    MLKit Room Biometric Play Services Lots of community and libraries 16 View View Native code iOS specific APIs AVFoundation CoreML Local Authentication Accounts Cloudkit Lots of community and libraries
  12. 1. You would like to create a new mobile app

    for Android and iOS with native look and feel but you don’t want to write the same code twice. 2. You have existing app for Android and iOS, you want to share code between 2 platforms at minimal cost. Problem 19
  13. 20 Write shared code in KMM Module Take code written

    in Kotlin for Android Refactor it to be compatible with iOS Implement Native UI on Android/iOS Project New Project Existing Project Connect .framework to iOS project and .jar to Android Project Take a new feature
  14. // sample code in shared/commonMain class Greeting { fun greeting():

    String { return "Hello, ${Platform().platform}!" } } Unit testing 21
  15. 22 expect class Platform() { val platform: String } actual

    class Platform actual constructor() { actual val platform: String = "Android ${android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT}" } import platform.UIKit.UIDevice actual class Platform actual constructor() { actual val platform: String = UIDevice.currentDevice.systemName() + " " + UIDevice.currentDevice.systemVersion } shared/androidMain shared/iosMain shared/commonMain
  16. // in shared/commonTest class CommonGreetingTest { @Test fun testExample() {

    assertTrue( Greeting().greeting().contains("Hello"), "Check 'Hello' is mentioned" ) } } Unit testing 23
  17. // in shared/androidTest class AndroidGreetingTest { @Test fun testExample() {

    assertTrue( "Check Android is mentioned", Greeting().greeting().contains("Android") ) } } Unit testing 24
  18. // in shared/iosTest class IosGreetingTest { @Test fun testExample() {

    assertTrue( Greeting().greeting().contains("iOS"), "Check iOS is mentioned" ) } } Unit testing 25
  19. No different from the usual process described in the Android

    developer documentation from Google and the iOS developer documentation from Apple. Test & Deploy 26
  20. 27 02 What is KMM? 01 Approaches for a mobile

    app 03 What to share? 04 When to use KMM 05 Conclusion
  21. • Incrementally share code between platforms but the native UI.

    • Your project isn't going to be released very soon. • You don't care about KMM being in alpha status right now. • Your app is complex, tied strongly to multi-thread or has background processing. When to use KMM 28
  22. 30 02 What is KMM? 01 Approaches for a mobile

    app 03 What to share? 04 When to use KMM 05 Conclusion
  23. • KMM is still Alpha. • 100% native look and

    feel on every new OS version. • Single codebase for the business logic. • Get all the cross-platform benefits in your existing project. • Use iOS and Android features without any overhead. • Use Kotlin for cross-platform code. Conclusion 31