VERSION: v1 RESOURCE: <object> Platform is the configuration for the specific platform upon which to perform the installation. FIELDS: aws <object> AWS is the configuration used when installing on AWS. azure <object> Azure is the configuration used when installing on Azure. baremetal <object> BareMetal is the configuration used when installing on bare metal. gcp <object> GCP is the configuration used when installing on Google Cloud Platform. ibmcloud <object> IBMCloud is the configuration used when installing on IBM Cloud. kubevirt <object> Kubevirt is the configuration used when installing on kubevirt. libvirt <object> Libvirt is the configuration used when installing on libvirt. none <object> None is the empty configuration used when installing on an unsupported platform. openstack <object> OpenStack is the configuration used when installing on OpenStack. ovirt <object> Ovirt is the configuration used when installing on oVirt. vsphere <object> VSphere is the configuration used when installing on vSphere. $ apiVersion: v1 baseDomain: compute: - architecture: amd64 hyperthreading: Enabled name: worker platform: {} replicas: 2 controlPlane: < snip ! > networkType: OpenShiftSDN serviceNetwork: - platform: aws: region: ap-northeast-1 publish: External pullSecret: ******************* install-config.yaml ・ は、OpenShift Installer が AWS API を 使ってインストールする事を意味します。(integrated with AWS) ・platform.none は、“any platform (or platform agnostic) ” インストールを指します。この場合、 OpenShift をインストールする Node は事前に作成してお く必要があります。 openshift-install コマンドでも explain が使える