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デザイン・イネーブルメントの理論構築と実践 / 現場から組織にデザインを浸透させる:実践例と最...

Akira Motomura
December 16, 2024

デザイン・イネーブルメントの理論構築と実践 / 現場から組織にデザインを浸透させる:実践例と最新研究から学ぶボトムアップ戦略


24th DMI: Academic Design Management Conferenceにて発表した「デザイン・イネーブルメント」という、非デザイナーにデザインの実践をインストールするアプローチの立命館大学デザイン科学研究所とゆめみの共同研究の成果についても共有します。この研究から構築された理論的枠組みを紹介し、現状をより好ましいものに変えるための実践を行う主体に求められるデザインの知識・技能を見極め、伴走型の支援を効果的に行うイネーブルメントの概念を用いた事例を説明します。

Akira Motomura

December 16, 2024

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  1. 20 2 4 . 12 . 1 3 Akira Motomura

  2. 4 ձ໊ࣾ גࣜձࣾΏΊΈ ઃཱ೔ 2000೥1݄27೔ ैۀһ਺ 393໊ʢ2024೥4݄࣌఺ɺਖ਼ࣾһͷΈ׵ࢉʣ ࣄۀ಺༰ ΠϯλʔωοταʔϏεͷاը/։ൃ/੍࡞/ӡ༻ࢧԉ ॴࡏ஍

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  4. 9 YUMEMI Design Service Canvas 1 / 2 DML x

    YUMEMI https://designservicecanvas.yumemi.co.jp/
  5. 10 YUMEMI Design Service Canvas 2 / 2 DML x

    YUMEMI https://designservicecanvas.yumemi.co.jp/ UX/UI UX/UI
  6. 16

  7. 17 1 / 3 DML x YUMEMI 
 (Buchanan, 20

    0 1 ; Davis & Dubberly, 2023 ; Dubberly, 2017 ) (Archer, 197 9 ; Buchanan, 1992 ; Cross, 1982 ; Dubberly, 202 2 ; Rittel & Webber, 1973 ) 
 ( 2 01 5 , 20 19 )
  8. 18 2 / 3 DML x YUMEMI https://www.jpo.go.jp/resources/shingikai/kenkyukai/kyousou- design/document/index/ 01

    houkokusho.pdf https://www.meti.go.jp/shingikai/economy/kodo_design/pdf/ 20 190 32 9 _ 02 .pdf https://www.meti.go.jp/policy/it_policy/jinzai/skill_standard/ 20 240 70 8 -p- 1 .pdf
  9. 21

  10. 23 DML x YUMEMI ( ) ( ) enablement (Townsend

    et al., 2 00 2 ; Townsend & Polatajko, 2007 )
  11. 24 DML x YUMEMI Adopted from Townsend & Polatajko, 2007

    Description Adopt Advocate Coach Collaborate Consult Coordinate Design/Build Educate Engage Specialize Propose and use appropriate methods of interventions based on clients di ff erent needs and circumstances For clients, argue and challenge a status-quo that hinders new perspectives to make relevant stakeholders recognize issues Support clients to recognize their needs, motivations, and goals though a partnering conversation Based on a mutual respect between clients and professionals, work together in order to attain a common outcome Listen to clients and give advice to clarify di ff erent available options for change Gather multiple information and resources and connect them with clients for the purpose of achieving a speci fi c result Develop a tool, service, and program that can support clients needs and goals Provide information and instructions, regardless of media used, that can foster active participation of client and promote their positive changes Demonstrate various activities and methods to engage clients in a process instead of telling them to do so Employ appropriate speci fi c theories, skills, and methods to address clients needs and situations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0
  12. 26

  13. 28 - DML x YUMEMI 
 - (Sato, 20 0

    8 ) 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 3 1 2 3
  14. 30 DML x YUMEMI A B C D E F

    G ID 3 15 2 0 15 2 0 20 3 5 10 5 10
  15. 31 DML x YUMEMI 1 2023 / 2 ( 1

 2023 / 3 ( 1 month) 2023 / 5 8 ( 4 months) 2023 / 9 ( 0 . 5 month)
  16. 32 DML x YUMEMI 1 2023 / 2 ( 1

 2023 / 3 ( 1 month) 2023 / 5 8 ( 4 months) 2023 / 9 ( 0 . 5 month) 2 2023 / 9 ( 0 . 5 month) 2023 / 10 ( 1 month) 2023 / 11 2 0 24 / 3 ( 5 months) 
 2024 / 3 ( 1 month)
  17. 33 DML x YUMEMI 1 - 2 - Educating Designing/building

 Consulting Adapting Engaging Collaborating Collaborating Adopting and consulting Coordinating, educating, and engaging
  18. 34

  19. 35 Pulling 
 Collaborate Pushing 

 Educate Demonstrating Adopt 
 Specialize DML x YUMEMI
  20. 37 DML x YUMEMI Pulling Demonstrating Pushing Designerly ways of

    knowing Scienti fi c thinking Humanistic thinking
  21. 38 DML x YUMEMI Pulling Demonstrating Pushing Designerly ways of

    knowing Scienti fi c thinking Humanistic thinking
  22. 40 Get in touch Website X note LinkedIn https://designservicecanvas.yumemi.co.jp https://twitter.com/akira_motomura

    https://note.com/akiramotomura https://www.linkedin.com/in/akiramotomura Special thanks to: Kazaru Yaegashi Yuichiro Oda Mika Isobe Masaaki Nonoyama DML x YUMEMI