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Programação Funcional & Elixir

November 04, 2017

Programação Funcional & Elixir


November 04, 2017

More Decks by Amanda

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  1. “Applications will increasingly need to be concurrent if they want

    to fully exploit continuing exponential CPU throughput gains.”
  2. Escalabilidade Tolerância a falhas Compatível com Erlang Hot Code Swap

    Linguagem Dinâmica Metaprogramação Polimorfismo Concorrência
  3. –Introduction to Functional Programming - Richard Bird Philip Wadler “Programming

    in a functional language consists of building definitions and using the computer to evaluate expressions.”
  4. Interactive Elixir (1.5.2) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h()

    ENTER for help) iex(1)> name = "Amanda" "Amanda" iex(2)> "Amanda" = name "Amanda" iex(3)> "Amanda S" = name ** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: "Amanda"
  5. defmodule LightBulb do def switch(human, bulb) do ... end def

    switch(_) do IO.puts "Precisamos de um humano e de uma escada." end end
  6. defmodule LightBulb do def switch(human, bulb) when bulb.burned_out == true

    do ladder = Ladder.get_average_height() if ladder.under do … end end end
  7. new_bulb = Bulb.get_bulb() lader = Ladder.get_average_height() human = Human.climb(human, ladder)

    human = Human.remove_bulb(human, bulb) human = Human.put_bulb(human, new_bulb)
  8. defmodule NaturalNums do # Uma clausula para parar a recursão

    def print(1), do: IO.puts(1) def print(n) do # Imprime o número" IO.puts(n) # Chama a si mesmo com um valor a menos print(n - 1) end end