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Apidays Singapore 2024 - Harnessing Green IT by...

Apidays Singapore 2024 - Harnessing Green IT by Jai Prakash and Timothée Dufresne, Zenika

Harnessing Green IT: Optimizing code and clouds to reduce GHG emissions
Jai Prakash, Software Consultant - Zenika
Timothée Dufresne, Deputy Managing Director - Zenika

Apidays Singapore 2024: Connecting Customers, Business and Technology (April 17 & 18, 2024)


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  1. Harnessing Green IT Optimizing code and clouds to reduce GHG

    emissions 18th April 2024 Jai Prakash & Timothée Dufresne
  2. © ZENIKA 2024 All rights reserved - Proprietary & confidential

    2 WHO WE ARE? Jai Prakash & Timothée Dufresne
  3. © ZENIKA 2024 All rights reserved - Proprietary & confidential

    AGENDA 02. 03. 04. 01. 05. Introduction to eco-conception Clouds & Sustainability Practices Green Languages Q&A Code Samples with better GHG emissions 3
  4. © ZENIKA 2024 All rights reserved - Proprietary & confidential

    4 SUSTAINABILITY IN PRACTICE? Robust and durable Renewable Resources Repairable Easily recyclable Optimize materials consumption Minimize toxic materials Energy consumption Pollutions Noise and others problems
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    6 DIGITAL WORLD IS RESSOURCES. Primary Energy consumption 4,2% Greenhouse gases emissions 3.8% Water consumption 0.2% GreenIT.fr environnemental footprint of the digital world, 2019
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    7 IMPACTS. Energy GHG Water Resources Users Equipments 60% 63% 83% 75% Network 23% 22% 9% 16% Data centers 17% 15% 7% 8% GreenIT.fr environnemental footprint of the digital world, 2019
  7. © ZENIKA 2024 All rights reserved - Proprietary & confidential

    8 WHAT IS ECODESIGN? “The integration of environmental aspects into the product development process, by balancing ecological and economic requirements. Eco-design considers environmental aspects at all stages of the product development process, striving for products which make the lowest possible environmental impact throughout the product life cycle.” European Environment Agency https://www.eea.europa.eu/help/gloss ary/eea-glossary/eco-design
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    9 NON ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS. Accessibility : & Digital divider Saving Sustainable development Performances Brand Image User satisfaction Security Legal
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    10 ECODESIGN LEVEL. Functional and UX/UI design Make sure the UX is fluid, the software is simple and ergonomic and there’s no useless screen, feature … Choose the right interaction mode : push (web, SMS, etc.) or pull. Consider asynchronous interfaces. Prefer a simple design Save resources Use efficient algorithms and technologies Digital sobriety Digital « Low tech » Compatibility and obsolescence Maintain compatibility with « old » software and hardware. Mobile first. Consider « light » versions. Remove and mutualize Mutualize devices when possible Do no use devices if possible
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    11 WHY CLOUDS: HUGE POTENTIAL FOR RESOURCE SHARING. Cloud : the load of several clients can be put on the same machines. All the infrastructure (cooling, power, network, etc.) is shared. 30% 20% 10% 5% 90% 20% 60% 10% 60% 60% 50% 10% 50% 70% 40% 10% 10% 5% 5% 25% 80% 5% On premise : Dedicated server rooms in each enterprise The machines may not be used at 100% 10% 30% 60% 20% 90% 5%
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    12 IT EMISSIONS SCOPES. Scope 1 Direct emissions from sources owned or controlled by the organization. Indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy. Indirect emissions from activities not owned or controlled by the organization, but within its value chain. Scope 3 Microsoft Expected million metric tons of co2 emission . Out of which 75% are in scope 3 This same can be applied to most of the IT companies. source: https://blogs.microsoft.com/blog/2020/01/1 6/microsoft-will-be-carbon-negative-by-20 30/ 25% 75% Scope 2
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    13 DIFFERENT AMBITION LEVEL. Total disruption and cultural change [ex: bicycle system] Several enterprise and political organisations System innovation Function innovation (new product concept) Big investment without guarantee of ROI Potential economic model change Project team and direction Product redesign Redesign of the product with a focus on environmental impacts (eg : Fairphone) Project team and direction Product improvement Normal optimisation presented as ecodesign Project team
  13. © ZENIKA 2024 All rights reserved - Proprietary & confidential

    01. Select your region wisely 02. Be aware of user behaviour 03. Software and Architecture 05. Hardware 04. Data Life Cycle 14 06. Development & Deployment BEST PRACTICES FOR SUSTAINABILITY.
  14. © ZENIKA 2024 All rights reserved - Proprietary & confidential

    USE MANAGED SERVICES. Cloud providers have an economical interest to mutualize and minimize resource use in the managed services they provide. That’s even why they are created in the first place. Examples : • Google Cloud Storage • Google Kubernetes Engine • Google Pub/Sub • AWS S3 • AWS Kinesis • AWS Aurora • AWS Elastic Cloud • etc. 15
  15. © ZENIKA 2024 All rights reserved - Proprietary & confidential

    SCHEDULING • By Default we run our cron jobs at midnight. • so many people, using cloud run them at the same time : midnight everyday. • Lots of clock-synchronized jobs drive up peak workloads. • Lots of customers using same clock driven peak times drives up total capacity needed. • So you are unknowingly increasing the load and hence contributing to green house gas 16 SUSTAINABLE SCHEDULING
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    17 SUSTAINABLE SCHEDULING. Peak load Low load Reduce the infrastructure size to leave room to other enterprises Medium load
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    ENERGY CALCULATION. E = P x t E is Energy (Joule) P is the Power (Watt) t is time (Seconds) P = U x I U is Voltage (Volt) I is Electric current (Ampere) E = U x I x t 18
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    USE CASE: LOGISTICS FIRM Assumptions: 10^9 instructions per sec ( 1 Ghz) Network Size: 10000 or more 22 Implementation 1 Complexity: n^3 Time Taken: 1000 seconds (16.67 mins) Implementation 2 Complexity: n^2 * log (n) Time Taken: 50 secs
  19. © ZENIKA 2024 All rights reserved - Proprietary & confidential

    GITHUB ACTIONS • Travis and GitHub Actions are by far the most popular CI services. • Each has been used by more than half of all repositories with CI. • Their combined “market share” among repositories with CI exceeds 90%. 23 source: https://chuniversiteit.nl/papers/rise-and-fall-of-ci-services-in-github
  20. © ZENIKA 2024 All rights reserved - Proprietary & confidential

    With 5 billion views, it burned as much energy as 40,000 US homes use in a year ref:https://www.governing.com/next/the-battle-over-technology-and-energy-consumption.html SLOWLY. 26
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    IMPORTANCE OF DEFAULT VALUES. 27 The users rarely change the default values. Default values can be used to lower the impacts by default, while still giving the users the choice to have a premium experience if they want to. Consent to organ donation by country 27 The default effect. Green by default
  22. © ZENIKA 2024 All rights reserved - Proprietary & confidential

    ENERGY CALCULATION. E = P x t E is Energy (Joule) P is the Power (Watt) t is time (Seconds) P = U x I U is Voltage (Volt) I is Electric current (Ampere) E = U x I x t 28
  23. © ZENIKA 2024 All rights reserved - Proprietary & confidential

    KAIZEN. 29 29 - Even if the good practices are known, are they always applied ? - The approach allow everybody to learn - Interesting discussions are launched - Problems are managed Setting up a continuous improvement routine is good for the teams.
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    AND NOW? 30 30 Sustainability is a non-functional requirement which hopefully become soon ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT requirement!
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    KEEP IN TOUCH! Timothée Dufresne Deputy Managing Director +65 8732 8817 [email protected] 32 Website: zenika.com Jai Prakash Senior Consultant +65 8438 0913 [email protected]