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INTERFACE by apidays 2023 - How APIs are fuelin...

INTERFACE by apidays 2023 - How APIs are fueling the growth of 5G and MEC

INTERFACE by apidays 2023
APIs for a “Smart” economy. Embedding AI to deliver Smart APIs and turn into an exponential organization
June 28 & 29, 2023

5GFF presents: How APIs are fueling the growth of 5G and MEC
Michael Murphy, Senior Product Manager - Edge and 5G APIs at Vodafone
Luc-Philippe Bouchard, Senior Solution Architect | 5G MEC API Service Lead at Bell Mobility
Troy Saulnier, Network Strategy at Bell


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  1. How APIs are fueling the growth of 5G and MEC

    API Days Interface June 28th, 2023 Luc-Philippe Bouchard Troy Saulnier Michael Murphy
  2. 5G Future Forum 2 5GFF’s mission is to accelerate the

    delivery of 5G and MEC-enabled solutions for developers and customers around the world.
  3. • MEC is a cloud-based solution that processes and stores

    data at the network’s edge, closer to devices and endpoints for improved response times and performance. 5G and Mobile Edge Compute(MEC) What is MEC? How do Network APIs support the MEC solution? 5G Impact How do APIs Support this new technology paradigm? • We’re developing and enhancing API specifications that are interoperable across telcos and are cloud agnostic. • Facilitates latency & reliability, speed & throughput, mobility & connected devices, and service deployment & energy efficiency • APIs allow for dynamic interactions between the mobile network, the MEC, the software platform, and the end user device.
  4. Page 7 | June 2023 | INTERFACE by Apidays Open

    Sesame Demo Overview 5G Music Festival: World’s first music collaboration across continents showcasing 50 years of rock and roll, over 5 minutes, over 5G 5G Music Festival Video
  5. Page 8 | June 2023 | INTERFACE by Apidays Solution

    for Architecture Challenges at 5GFF Music Festival • Multi-network, multi-territory session where all users can benefit from low audio latency provided by SyncStage • Users from the same area can also benefit from reduced latency and jitter between them provided by MEC and the EDS API - latency (14% - 25% better than cloud) SyncStage (Open Sesame) AWS Wavelength AWS Outpost New York Toronto London
  6. Page 9 | June 2023 | INTERFACE by Apidays Learn

    more about the technical architecture Open Sesame Whitepaper How SyncStage supports Multi- Territory & Multi Network Music Collaboration using the 5GFF’s Edge Discovery Service AWS Whitepaper Architecting multi carrier interoperability with Edge Discovery APIs on AWS Wavelength
  7. Page 11 | June 2023 | INTERFACE by Apidays 1G

    No data 1981 2G 40kbps 1991 Up to 3G 42Mbps 1998 4G 1.5Gbps 2008+ 5G 20Gbps 2019+ Up to Up to Up to What makes 5G so different? 5G is a leap forward across many metrics, leveraging cloud, APIs and AI for an explosion of new services 99.999% Availability 100% Coverage 90% Less energy 10 Year 100x 1000x 1ms 20 Gbps Sustainable cities Immersive entertainment Safer transportation Improved public safety data
  8. Page 12 | June 2023 | INTERFACE by Apidays Mission

    Critical Services Autonomous Vehicles Remote Healthcare & Surgery Smart & Safe Cities Wireless Fixed Broadband Immersive Entertainment Environmental Monitoring Manufacturing & Logistics Intensive smartphone & data growth Where are developers leveraging 5G? Enhanced Mobile Broadband Massive IoT Low Latency
  9. Page 13 | June 2023 | INTERFACE by Apidays All

    these are real companies, with real business objectives Enabling real-world breakthrough innovations
  10. Page 14 | June 2023 | INTERFACE by Apidays Journey

    from Telco to Servco / Techco Shifting from connectivity to comprehensive solutions From a similar, to a differentiated experience From mass consumer features, to multiple targeted solutions From consumer only, to developers and enterprises
  11. Page 15 | June 2023 | INTERFACE by Apidays Why

    latency matters? Whether it’s a banking application where milliseconds can mean millions, or fully autonomous vehicles where milliseconds can mean metres and the difference between stopping safely, or not, our wireless and wireline networks play a significant role in delivering low latency Stopping! Stop! *SELL NOW* ACTUAL SALE PRICE Other applications requiring low latency Drone command and control High-precision autonomous mining AR/VR 360 degree sports and e-sports
  12. Page 17 | June 2023 | INTERFACE by Apidays MNO

    Network APIs and developers Network Wireless Fibre / transport Partners, verticals, and services Connected Workforce Smart Buildings / Cities Supply Chain Smart Agriculture / Manufacturing Public Safety Video Surveillance B2B B2B2X B2C 5G Games 5G Experiences 5G Devices Slicing Cloud / MEC Autonomous Vehicles Connected Vehicles Drones, Gaming Augmented / Virtual Reality, Smart Homes APIs Performance telemetry Request network features Core RAN • Bandwidth • Latency • Jitter • QoS Attributes • Slice / sub slice • MEC location • Admission control • QoD • Congestion state • Location Interface Reporting, charging 5G (3GPP) Core and RAN Device management Transport Cloud MEC Charging, rating, billing Data lake, analytics, DPI Location (GPS, high accuracy) Partners • Network aware Apps (development, use) • Digital marketplace • ISVs / Developer ecosystem tools Smart Core What network, infrastructure and service attributes are most useful for Developers? It depends on the use case…
  13. Telco / ISV Development Ecosystem Latency, reliability and consistency Developer

    access to 5G capabilities via APIs Content delivery network, App storage MEC Edge data center House the compute power and application content at local edge data centres for the mobility 5G users, which is to allow lower latency Dedicating (or prioritizing) a ‘slice’ of the network for Apps and Content, which could provide lower latency and improved bandwidth App / Content Slicing Network API’s Network APIs to aid partners in delivering the best app experience Differentiated experiences (Slicing, QoS, latency) QoS Leverage wireless QoS (QCI, 5QI) to link traffic flows to optimal priorities Ecosystem Developer sandbox Extend XR partner sandbox to Bell capabilities including developer education, environment access, etc. KPI requirements Devices XR, mobile, AR glasses, consumer / enterprise context, specialized use cases, IoT Networks Mobile (5G SA, 5G NSA, LTE) via radio or hotspot Wi-Fi via best in class plus intelligent meshed pods Bandwidth, latency, jitter optimal requirements User experience and app KPIs (load time, disconnects, visual artifacts, audio synch, multiplayer lag, etc.) Developers / ISVs
  14. Page 21 | June 2023 | INTERFACE by Apidays End-to-end

    API flow and zero-touch North Star Environment Setup and Cluster Configuration • Cluster Creation • Creation of Node-pools and allocate nodes to it • Load balancer Configuration • Firewall rules for a) mobile users and b) ISV workloads • AD account creation for access to the cloud project * • Give developers to access the cluster, RBAC – Role Based Access/Authorization Control • Download of the Kubeconfig to access Kube-APIServer Application Build and Deployment • Namespace creation • Memory and CPU quotas for a namespace and pods in the namespace • Horizontal autoscaling of pods in a Kubernetes cluster • Provision a Linux virtual machine on the cloud edge • Metric configuration and visualization • SSL certificate using Certificate Authority service • Register a domain names • Set up domains in Cloud DNS Manual onboarding and Lifecyle steps do not scale beyond single digit deployments Operational challenges for ISVs and Developers
  15. Page 22 | June 2023 | INTERFACE by Apidays Leverage

    CAMARA specifications and 5GFF roadmaps to programmatically orchestrate, deploy and manage workload lifecycle Why edge cloud + 5G APIs? Developer benefits… W IP
  16. Page 23 | June 2023 | INTERFACE by Apidays API

    evolution API Standards and Technology Evolution 1950’s – 1990’s 2000 -2009 2010-2019 2020-2030 API Service Evolution 1951: 1st API spec (in Wilkes and Wheelers’ book) 1974: API first introduced to database (by C. J. Date) 1990’s: Many ways to expose API services (e.g. CORBA, COM & DCOM) 2000: REST (Roy Fielding) 2001: Open & distributed API (Semantic Web API) (by Tim Berners-Lee) Mostly private APIs for internal use: intra- system, inter-system, inter-domain Semi-public APIs (for partners) and public APIs (for customer support and self-serve) Emerging APIaaS and CPaaS (e.g. Twilio, Vonage Nexmo, Telefonica TokBox) 2013: TeleManagement Forum 3 Open APIs published (Product Catalog, Product Ordering, Trouble Ticket Management) Early API monetization efforts by Service Providers (e.g. Vonage, Telefonica, AT&T, Telstra, Bell) & thru industry forums (e.g. TMF, 5GFF, CAMARA) Other APIs: MEF, 3GPP, BBF, O-RAN, IoT, Data analytics/ AI/CAI/ML Prolific API development and deployment by financial institutions, healthcare, government, etc. 2021: CAMARA (Telco Global API Alliance) established , with Quality on Demand published (18 repositories on GitHub by end of 2022) 2020: 5G Future Forum established, focusing on 5GFF APIs for discovery, deployment, and orchestration of apps on MEC at telco edge 2/2023: 8 telco members (Vz, Vodafone, America Movil, NOS, Telstra, KT, Bell, Rogers) Telco APIs thru industry forums (e.g. 5GFF): edge discovery service, workload orchestration, QoS mgmt, Network KPI exposure, network slicing
  17. 5GFF 2023 API Roadmap Focus Area Objective API Traffic Steering

    / Optimization Empower application developers with intent-based end-to-end traffic differentiation tailored to specific application/user requirements. Network Slice Management Network Slice Mapping Traffic Influence Quality of Service / on Demand Network Intelligence exposure Expose Network Analytics data to application developers based on specific intents to enable applications to make decisions to improve end-user experience Radio Network Information KPIs Bi Directional APIs Standardized API interface definition between CSP and TSP to exchange MEC focused network, application, and platform data N/A Edge Discovery Service Enable discovery of the most optimal MEC platform and endpoints of Applications hosted on MEC CAMARA Edge Cloud API Workload Orchestration Enable developer to orchestrate application workload through intent based API CAMARA Edge Cloud API Leading through 5GFF Advancing through CAMARA
  18. Page 25 | June 2023 | INTERFACE by Apidays This

    is what 5G MEC APIs might look like… Application owners / developers Vertical solutions Cloud partners Onboarding Manage workloads Back-office Operations 5G Secure 5G MEC APIs Account mgmt. Organization structure Infra/FW Creation + deploy RBAC Access / KPIs / billing Consumer devices Simplicity, abstraction layers, standard interfaces…
  19. Page 26 | June 2023 | INTERFACE by Apidays Thus

    the aim to align for an ecosystem that is developer friendly… This is what we do not want it to become…
  20. Page 27 | June 2023 | INTERFACE by Apidays Flexibility

    – there are many cloud and API partners, find a fit Agility – yet to spec/build a full scope, iterative approach needed Tooling – multiple options today, more offered over time Creativity – unleash scalable, network-aware application potential Standards – can help shape the future of the API ecosystem 5G MEC APIs – Key Takeaways Unlock value and generate new monetization opportunities
  21. 5G MEC Acceleration Program Benefits to Developers: • Co-Marketing Opportunities

    • Global Application Showcases • Influence 5GFF API Development • Access to International Telco Leaders “To allow you to deploy your applications across territories…opens up a wide range of use cases allowing collaboration to be borderless…. This would not be possible without 5GFF.” -Julian McCrea, Open Sesame Co-Founder