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Riak Use Cases: Dissecting the solutions to har...

Riak Use Cases: Dissecting the solutions to hard problems

Talk at GOTO Amsterdam 2012

Andy Gross

June 05, 2012

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  1. Riak Use Cases: Dissecting the Solutions to Hard Problems Andy

    Gross <@argv0> Chief Architect Basho Technologies Tuesday, June 5, 12
  2. Riak Dynamo-inspired key value database with full text search, mapreduce,

    secondary indices, link traversal, commit hooks, HTTP and binary interfaces, pluggable backends Written in Erlang and C/C++ Open Source, Apache 2 licensed Enterprise features (multi-datacenter replication) and support available from Basho Tuesday, June 5, 12
  3. Choosing a NoSQL Database At small scale, everything works. NoSQL

    DBs trade off traditional features to better support new and emerging use cases Knowledge of the underlying system is essential A lot of NoSQL marketing is bullshit Tuesday, June 5, 12
  4. Tradeoffs If you’re evaluating Mongo vs. Riak, or CouchDB vs.

    Cassandra, you don’t understand your problem By choosing Riak, you’ve already made tradeoffs: Consistency for availability in failure scenarios A rich data/query model for a simple, scalable one A mature technology for a young one Tuesday, June 5, 12
  5. User/Metadata Store Comcast User profile storage for xfinityTV mobile application

    Storage of metadata on content providers, and content licensing info Strict latency requirements Tuesday, June 5, 12
  6. Session Store Mochi Media First Basho Customer (late 2009) Every

    hit to a Mochi web property = 1 read, maybe one write to Riak Unavailability, high latency = lost ad revenue Tuesday, June 5, 12
  7. Document Store Github Pages / Git.io Riak as a web

    server for Github Pages Webmachine is an awesome HTTP server! Git.io URL shortener Tuesday, June 5, 12
  8. Voxer - Initial Stats 11 Riak Nodes ~500GB dataset ~20k

    peak concurrent users ~4MM daily requests Then something happened... Tuesday, June 5, 12
  9. Voxer - Current Stats > 100 nodes ~1TB data incoming

    / day > 200k concurrent users > 2 billion requests / day Grew from 11 to 80 nodes Dec - Jan Tuesday, June 5, 12
  10. Distributed Systems: Desirable Properties High Availability Low Latency Horizontal Scalability

    Fault Tolerance Ops-Friendliness Predictability Tuesday, June 5, 12
  11. High Availability Failure to accept a read/write results in: lost

    revenue lost users Availability and latency are intertwined Tuesday, June 5, 12
  12. Low Latency Sometimes late answer is useless or wrong Users

    perceive slow sites as unavailable SLA violations SOA approaches magnify SLA failures Tuesday, June 5, 12
  13. Who cares about latency? Sometimes high latency looks like an

    outage to the end user. Tuesday, June 5, 12
  14. Fault Tolerance Everything fails Especially in the cloud When a

    host/disk/network fails, what is the impact on Availability Latency Operations staff Tuesday, June 5, 12
  15. Predictability “It’s a piece of plumbing; it has never been

    a root cause of any of our problems.” Coda Hale, Yammer Tuesday, June 5, 12
  16. Operational Costs Sound familiar? “we chose a bad shard key...”

    “the master node went down” “the failover script did not run as expected...” “the root cause was traced to a configuration error...” Staying up all night fighting your database does not make you a hero. Tuesday, June 5, 12
  17. CAP The fundamental, most-discussed tradeoff When a network partition (message

    loss) occurs, laws of physics make you choose: Consistency OR Availability No system can “beat the CAP theorem” Tuesday, June 5, 12
  18. Location of data is determined based on a hash of

    the key Provides even distribution of storage and query load Trades off advantages gained from locality range queries aggregates Tuesday, June 5, 12
  19. Virtual Nodes Unit of addressing, concurrency in Riak Each host

    manages many vnodes Riak *could* manage all host-local storage as a unit and gain efficiency, but would lose simplicity in cluster resizing failure isolation Tuesday, June 5, 12
  20. Append-Only Stores All writes are appends to a file This

    provides crash-safety, fast writes Tradeoff: must periodically compact/merge files to reclaim space Causes periodic pauses while compaction occurs that must be masked/mitigated Tuesday, June 5, 12
  21. Bitcask After the append completes, an in-memory structure called a

    ”keydir” is updated. A keydir is simply a hash table that maps every key in a Bitcask to a fixed-size structure giving the file, offset, and size of the most recently written entry for that key. When a write occurs, the keydir is atomically updated with the location of the newest data. The old data is still present on disk, but any new reads will use the latest version available in the keydir. As we’ll see later, the merge process will eventually remove the old value. Reading a value is simple, and doesn’t ever require more than a single disk seek. We look up the key in our keydir, and from there we read the data using the file id, position, and size that are returned from that lookup. In many cases, the operating system’s filesystem read-ahead cache makes this a much faster operation than would be otherwise expected. Tradeoff: Index must fit in memory Low Latency: All reads = hash lookup + 1 seek All writes = append to file Tuesday, June 5, 12
  22. Handoff and Rebalancing When nodes are added to a cluster,

    data must be rebalanced Rebalancing causes disk, network load Tradeoff: speed of convergence vs. effects on cluster performance Tuesday, June 5, 12
  23. Vector Clocks Provide happened-before relationship between events Riak tags each

    object with vector clock Tradeoff: space, speed, complexity for safety Tuesday, June 5, 12
  24. Gossip Protocol Nodes “gossip” their view of cluster state to

    each other Tradeoffs: atomic modifications of cluster state for no SPOF complexity for fault tolerance Tuesday, June 5, 12
  25. Sane Defaults Speed vs. Safety Riak ships with N=3, R=W=2

    Bad for microbenchmarks, good for production use, durability Mongo ships with W=0 Good for benchmarks, horrible and insane for durability, production use. Tuesday, June 5, 12
  26. Erlang Best language ever: for distributed systems glue code for

    safety, fault tolerance Sometimes you want: Destructive operations Shared memory Tuesday, June 5, 12
  27. NIFs to the rescue? Use NIFs for speed, interfacing with

    native code, but: You make the Erlang VM only as reliable as your C code NIFs block the scheduler Tuesday, June 5, 12
  28. Conclusions Over time, operational costs dominate Predictability in: Latency Scalability

    Failure scenarios ...is essential for managing operational costs When choosing a database, raw throughput is often the least important metric. Tuesday, June 5, 12
  29. Thanks! Visit us at http://www.basho.com Check out our open source

    code at http://github.com/ basho Follow us on Twitter: @basho We’re hiring! Tuesday, June 5, 12