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Lessons learned running a managed service for P...

Lessons learned running a managed service for Postgres in the cloud | PGConf NYC 2022 | Sunil Agarwal

As the product manager in charge of the managed database service for PostgreSQL on Azure, my team has worked with thousands upon thousands of Postgres users—helping to architect applications, improve query performance, optimize configuration settings, and more. In this talk you’ll learn what we have learned about what works and what doesn’t, as well as the best practices we have adopted in the Azure Database for PostgreSQL managed service. We’ll also give a sneak peek into some of the improvements in the latest and future Postgres open source releases that we’re excited about.

Azure Database for PostgreSQL

September 22, 2022

More Decks by Azure Database for PostgreSQL

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  1. Sunil Agarwal, Principal PM Manager, Azure Database for PostgreSQL Lessons

    learned running a managed service for Postgres in the cloud
  2. Agenda Focus Areas • Application Design • Server Configurations •

    Security • User Actions Contributions to Open Source What? Impact? Recommendation? Public cloud learning
  3. Application Design: Connection Management How Applications connect • Short-lived (

    < 60 seconds), Normal (last < 1200 seconds) and Large (>1200 seconds) • Each connection takes 10 MB memory and takes CPU resources to create/drop Impact • Short-lived connections significant impact on CPU and latency to the workload • Idle connections lead to higher memory usage Recommendations: • Connection pooling to remove short-lived connections and minimize Idle connections Public Cloud Learnings: • Provide connection pooling as part of the managed service • Recommend customers to add connection retry logic
  4. Application Design: Partitioning Scheme What is Partitioning? • Ability to

    break table into multiple smaller chunks • Commonly used in time-series data • Simplifies maintenance operations including vacuuming Impact • Unpartitioned table or poor partitioning: Can slow down query performance • On large tables, the maintenance tasks take increasingly longer time Recommendations: • Determine if your table indeed needs partitioning. • Identify partitioning column based on query predicate. Example: timeseries data Public Cloud Learnings: • Automatically detect/recommend if partitioning can help
  5. Application Design: Index Management What is an Index? • Index

    used to speed up query performance and enforcing constraints Impact • A great tool to improve query performance but adds overhead to DML operations • Missing index can slow down query performance • Unused index just adds to the overhead Recommendations: • Create missing indexes and drop unused indexes Public Cloud Learnings: • Help customers in identifying missing indexes through Intelligent Performance (QueryStore)
  6. Application Design: offloading Reads What • Mixing reporting and transactional

    workloads • Read-heavy workloads Impact • Can slow-down your transactional workload • Database may not be able to meet the throughput/latency requirements Recommendations: • Cache query results (e.g., Redis cache) • Offload read by setting physical and logical replication Public Cloud Learnings/Value: • Multiple local/cross-regional read replicas • Cross-regional replica for resiliency from regional disasters
  7. Agenda Focus Area • Application Design • Server Configurations •

    Security • User Actions Contributions to OpenSource
  8. Server Configurations: Work_Mem What does this parameter do? • Sets

    the maximum amount of memory used by per operation within a query • Used for sort, Hash join operation in queries Impact: • If set too low, it will cause spill to temporary disk leading to more IO • If set too high, it will cause more memory reserved per query. High parallelism will make it worse Recommendation • work-mem should be tuned a bit with historical memory profile of the workload • consider testing and setting this at session level and increase by small values. Public Cloud Learning • Network storage has higher latency. • Improperly IOPS can lead to very slow query execution
  9. Server Configurations: Vacuuming What Does Vacuuming do? • Cleans up

    dead tuples and updates statistics. Multiple configuration settings • Removes dead rows that cause tables/database to bloat, query slowdown and increased IOs Impact • Too little vacuuming leads to bloat, more IOs to get pages in with relevant row versions • Too much vacuuming - eats up IOs from regular IO • Reclaiming storage requires running Vacuum with FULL option but locks the table Recommendations: • For large table: set at table level • Check for long running transactions or abandoned replication slots Public Cloud Learnings: • Network IO latency and configured IOPS can impact workload performance • Support extension Pg_repack for reclaiming the space
  10. Server Configuration: Slow Data load What are common usage •

    Initial data load • Periodic incremental data load • Loading individual tables (e.g., recovering a dropped table) Impact • Improper configuration can lead to slow data-load. Recommendations: • Drop indexes and constraints • Server parameter – • Max_WAL_SIZE – 64 GB • Checkpoint timeout increase • Ensure IOPS are aligned with the data-load expectations. Public Cloud Learnings: • Provide scaling IOPS independent of provisioned storage.
  11. Agenda Focus Area • Application Design • Server Configurations •

    Security • User Actions Contributions to OpenSource
  12. Security: Authentication What • Authenticating user to PostgreSQL • Most

    commonly done using native PostgreSQL userID/PWD Impact • Stolen credentials/ID can compromise your data and loss Recommendations: • Passwordcheck to enforce password strength • Use stronger authentication mechanism like LDAP • Communicate over secure encrypted channel SSL Public Cloud Learnings/Value: • Provide built-in Strong authentication : Strong PWD, Expiry, MFA and more (e.g. AAD) • Secure data from hackers (e.g., Azure Defender)
  13. Agenda Focus Area • Application Design • Server Configurations •

    Security • User Actions Contributions to OpenSource
  14. User Action: Restarts What Does Restart do? • Restarts the

    server by terminating all connections • Done to enable changes to ‘static’ server parameters • Done when server seems hanging Impact • Server unavailable for workload processing for the duration • If restarted at peak workload, it can take much longer. Note, recovery is single-threaded. • Panic restarts when restart is taking longer Recommendations: • Run Restart when transactional activity is low • Run a manual checkpoint to ensure faster recovery Public Cloud Learnings: • Show estimated restart time and progress • Wait for checkpoint to complete before restart
  15. User Action: Unused Replication Slots What is a Replication slot?

    • Tracks the state of replication between source and target • Replication slot can become inactive Impact • WAL files to be built up • Prevents clean up of dead/ghost rows, Recommendations: • If lag beyond a threshold, Drop the replica and recreate Public Cloud Learnings: • We must monitor replication slot and alert customer to drop the replica
  16. User Action: Excessive Logging What is Error reporting and logging?

    • Very useful in debugging and performance troubleshooting Impact • Verbose logging can seriously impact performance Recommendations: • Keep verbosity to minimum except when debugging • Remember to reset the verbosity once done Public Cloud Learnings: • Many customers keep the verbose logging without realizing impact on the production workload.
  17. Agenda Focus Area • Application Design • Server Configurations •

    Security • User Actions Contributions to Open Source
  18. PG4 – Key contributions Manageability  Allow long-running queries to

    be canceled if the client disconnects Performance  Improve the I/O performance of parallel sequential scans  Allow a query referencing multiple foreign tables to perform foreign table scans in parallel  Improve the speed of computing MVCC visibility snapshots on systems with many CPUs and high session counts
  19. PG15 – Key contributions Development Simplified • Make it easier

    to test patches in-development and testing done by cfboot Performance • WAL prefetching for faster crash recovery Monitoring • Store statistics in shared memory: Reduce IO on stats collection so that we can collect more stats • Monitoring and visibility improvements: Logical decoding & pg_walinspect
  20. Summary What we have learnt • Application Design • Server

    Configurations • Security • User Actions Contributions to Open Source Have a great success with PostgreSQL!!!