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Basic design of game editor and stable and fast...

Basic design of game editor and stable and fast asset management in console video game development

Basic design of game editor and stable and fast asset management in console video game development

Bandai Namco Studios Inc.

October 26, 2020

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  1. Basic design of game editor and stable and fast asset

    management in console video game development BANDAI NAMCO Studios Inc. Wataru Tada
  2. Introduction • This document will be shared on CEDiL •

    The design assumes projects detailed as follows Development scale is medium (several tens) to large (several hundreds) • Platform is console, but there is a Windows build for development • A fast and stable internal network infrastructure is available • Designed for specific projects, not for a generic game engine
  3. Self-introduction • Main projects that I have been involved: Ace

    Combat 6: Fires of Liberation (2007) Ace Combat: Assault Horizon (2011) Tales of Card Evolve (2012) THE IDOLM@STER MILLION LIVE! (2013) Pokkén Tournament (2015) Pokkén Tournament DX (2017) • Past talks: Continuous integration of ACE COMBAT ASSAULT HORIZON: CEDEC2011 In-game camera production example in “ACE COMBAT ASSAULT HORIZON” in-game camera production example”: CEDEC2011 Game editor design and implementation in Pokkén: CEDEC2015 • In the current game team, I’m in charge of programming of graphics, tools, systems and assets
  4. Game editor design policy • Implement with C#7.3+WPF+MVVM • Since

    there are many UE4 projects in the company, the game editor is named similar to UE4 and its operation flow as well, to make it easier for artists familiar with UE4 to migrate Materials, Material instances ... • The detailed UI of the tools refers to various DCC tools Asset management Game editor Runtime Make operation flow similar to UE4 → [CEDEC2015] Game editor design and implementation in Pokkén https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/index.html https://github.com/lbugnion/mvvmlight https://github.com/mathtone/MIST
  5. Runtime design policy • Implement with C++ 17 • As

    Runtime there are console version and Windows version for development, but the internal design is for the console. → RTTI is invalid, exception is valid only for Zero-cost Exception platform, etc. • To accelerate iteration, Runtime and game editor are connected via communication → It is not a format to export the console version • From the game editor, the console version and the Windows version are handled equally. Asset management Game editor Runtime Design for console (Not for Windows)→ Make operation flow similar to UE4 → Connect via communication → https://llvm.org/docs/ExceptionHandling.html
  6. Asset management design policy • In order to handle large-scale

    projects, asset management should have specific design using network drives → It is not a format to hold all assets in the local PC Design for large projects → Asset management Game editor Runtime Make operation flow similar to UE4 → Connect via communication → Design for console (Not for Windows)→
  7. Multiple editor support • Game editor should be an integrated

    development environment that includes multiple editors • Enables simultaneous editing of multiple assets by launching multiple editors within the game editor ( Up to about 20 editors and Runtimes can be launched simultaneously on 1 PC ) Level editor Material editor Material editor Material editor Material editor Game editor Runtime Runtime Runtime Windows Runtime Console TCP/IP TCP/IP TCP/IP Runtime Console TCP/IP TCP/IP
  8. Simultaneous editing of multiple assets • Game editor runs in

    one process (Runtime runs in multiple processes) • Information can be shared between multiple editors with MvvmLight.Messaging etc. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/jj694937.aspx Copy assets between editors Create a shader in the material editor, reload shader in model editor
  9. Runtime startup • Game editor launches Runtime with startup arguments

    • In startup arguments: Type of editor to launch TCP port used for communication with the game editor Game editor window handle ... etc. are described • When the runtime hangs up, it is restarted from the game editor. → As assets are held by the game editor, information is not lost Game editor Runtime Startup arguments
  10. Runtime startup sequence Runtime startup Product version Start game sequence

    Start material editor sequence Start level editor sequence Load common resources for material editor Load common resources for level editor Wait for communication from the game editor Referring startup arguments Create various editors Icons and dummy textures used in the editor
  11. Communication with runtime • Game editors establish communication by continuing

    to send heartbeats to runtime • The game editor sends configuration information after runtime startup • Setting information includes the asset loading destination environment and various debug settings that are described later. Material editor Runtime Material editor setting information Heartbeat Editor settings adoptation Material file ACK+window handle ACK
  12. Inset window • Receives the runtime window handle from the

    runtime and places the window in front of the game editor with SetParent() and MoveWindow() • For preview full screen display on a separate display is available [CEDEC2015] Game editor design and implementation in Pokkén [CEDEC2015] Modern game production environment: Explanation of specific methods of communication between editors, their backends, and development staff
  13. Tool UI policy • Incorporate tool names and handling ability

    familiar to game designers and artists • Creating a tool UI while getting feedback from tool users Color preview displays colors after sRGB calculation considering linear workflow Layout similar to Photoshop Simultaneous editing of HSV and RGB Intensity calculation formula adopted from Photoshop Output = Color * (2 ^ Intensity) Example: Color palette
  14. Editor UI design • Put multiple tabs in one window

    to make one editor • Multiple assets can be edited simultaneously on multiple displays by using separable tabs → Similar to UE4 https://github.com/ButchersBoy/Dragablz https://github.com/xceedsoftware/wpftoolkit/wiki/AvalonDock
  15. Editor example (Material Editor) • Node-based material editor • User:

    Technical Artist • Referenced tools UE4 Maya (ShaderFX) SoftImage (ICE) Shader Forge https://github.com/Wouterdek/NodeNetwork https://github.com/lbugnion/mvvmlight
  16. Editor example (Model editor) • Set material instance (Shader parameter)

    • Artists work on lighting presets • User: Character artist, background artist • Referenced tools UE4 Substance Painter Marmoset Toolbag Maya
  17. Lighting preset • Integrated parameters related to lighting in the

    model editor • Created by lighting artists or automated build • Can handle renderings in the photo and in-game in the same unit called Lighting preset. • In the model editor, it is not possible to change only some lighting elements (direct light, etc.), but possible to change the lighting only in lighting preset units. Lighting preset Direct light direction Direct light color Specular environment map SH value Thumbnail image Lighting preset selection window Photo Level data
  18. Editor example (Level editor) • Based on ECS, white box

    editing, game title-specific tools and many parameters are implemented. • User: Game designer • Referenced tools UE4 Unity [GDC2002] A Data-Driven Object System White box level
  19. Editor example (Background editor) • Level editor specialized for drawing

    and lighting settings • Real-time baking with DirectX Raytracing • User: Background artist, Lighting artist • Referenced tools Unity Maya [CEDEC 2019] Implementation of Light Baker using DirectX Raytracing sponza test level
  20. Editor example (Game preview) • A sequence equivalent to the

    product version can be executed • Can change player status and level during game • User: All project members • Referenced tools None
  21. Level creation workflow Level editor Background editor Material editor Model

    editor Animation editor Character editor Game preview Level editor White box creation Script creation Various built-in Background models placement, lighting, baking Shader creation Shader parameter setting Animation preview Confirm with sequences of product version In addition to the above flow, there are workflows for effects, UI, sound, text and cut scenes.
  22. Runtime-only startup and debugging • If runtime is started with

    the game preview specified as the startup argument, it can be started alone without using the game editor → Can be used for console version debugging • Since release builds don’t use the game editor, launch the runtime directly from Visual Studio for debugging. Runtime
  23. Cooperation with other tools • Game editor considers working with

    other tools Maya Jenkins Slack DaVinci Resolve
  24. Cooperation with Maya • You can communicate with Maya by

    starting the HTTP server when starting the game editor Model editor Maya Parameter (Json) Background editor Maya Camera coordinates Material and mesh binding Material parameter setting Texture settings ...
  25. Cooperation with Jenkins • In consideration of calls from Jenkins,

    C# classes can be called directly from python via pythonnet in addition to command line mode Jenkins Game editor With startup arguments, it operates as a command line mode. Perform “new()” to game editor class with pythonnet https://github.com/pythonnet/pythonnet
  26. Cooperation with Slack • When an exception occurs in the

    game editor, a bug report is automatically posted to Slack • Bug reports include game editor screenshots and configuration files • Bug reports can also be sent manually from the menu https://github.com/Inumedia/SlackAPI
  27. Cooperation with DaVinci Resolve • Output video for Blackmagic DaVinci

    Resolve Live for real-time color grading • Game editor converts .cube format LUT to 3D texture and loads • Adopt HLG for LUT space DaVinci Resolve HLG output LUT (.cube) in HLG space https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve/ https://www.ea.com/frostbite/news/high-dynamic-range-color-grading-and-display-in-frostbite https://opencolorio.org/
  28. Automation • As automated tests are created only by programmers,

    they are written directly in the source code without using scripts. • Video recording using NVENC is implemented for automated testing → Video can also taken from the menu for artists https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-video-codec-sdk
  29. Unification of revision numbers • In Perforce, source code and

    assets are managed in the same Depot, and revision numbers in the project should be unified. Make an easy visual presentation for project members Reduce troubleshooting time by the programmer by reducing project member operations errors • Developing with trunk (mainline) instead of branch to unify revision numbers Branch is used for versions such as trial version that the project members do not handle much
  30. Embed revision number • Get revision number from Perforce at

    build time and create .h and .cs • As the revision number can be referenced from the game editor and runtime, it can be displayed in the title bar of the game editor and used for troubleshooting. #ifndef REVISION_H_INCLUDE #define REVISION_H_INCLUDE #pragma once #define REVISION 15153 #define REVISION_SUBMIT_DATE 2019/07/12 19:32:17 #endif namespace Project { public static class Revision { public static readonly int Number = 15156; public static readonly string SubmitDate = "2019/07/12 20:04:51"; } } Revision.h Revision.cs
  31. Deployment • When editor or runtime source code is submitted

    to Perforce, Jenkins builds and places the executable on the network drive → Since executable files can be created from source code, they are not managed by Perforce. Perforce Network drive Submit Automatic build by Jenkins .exe .dll ... .cpp .h .cs ...
  32. Deployment • Executable files are placed as separate folders for

    each revision on the network drive. → Execution is done via launcher Network drive └ mainline └ 2019-08-09_13-37-47_17920 └ 2019-08-09_12-43-03_17914 └ 2019-08-09_12-29-41_17914 └ editor └ game_console └ game_windows └ runtime.exe └ example.dll
  33. Launcher • Implement with C#7.3+WPF+MVVM • Used by all project

    members → Simple tool UI so as to reduce operational errors • Select a revision and launch the game editor • Operation to game development machines such as installing packages is also possible.
  34. Revision selection and execution • Launcher directly executes the game

    editor on the network drive while making the appdata folder on the local PC as CurrentDirectory • Execution files and dlls are not copied to the local PC to reduce copy time • It may not be possible to execute directly from the network drive depending on the console type, in that case execute a symbolic link on the local PC. Path What are included: CurrentDirectory %Appdata%¥project name¥ Configuration file (json) Editor executable file networkdrive¥mainline¥ ..... ¥editor.exe exe,dll Runtime executable file networkdrive¥mainline¥ ..... ¥runtime.exe exe,dll
  35. Perforce policy • Reduce the number of Perforce getlatests by

    project members as much as possible → Because getlatest takes processing time, and it may trigger environment differences between project member PCs. In order to reduce troubleshooting time, the environment differences between PCs need to be reduced • Increase iteration speed by reducing getlatest time • Avoid situations like “getlatest of all assets for the time being” or “getlatest of assets of other section of the game team to launch game editor” → Getlatest is performed only on assets that are edited by project members themselves
  36. Asset management design • Place converted data for all project

    members on a network drive → Utilize a fast and stable internal network • The design has continued since the Namco era, and has been adopted and developed since the PS2 generation for some titles developed in the company. → Designed for medium scale (several tens) to large scale (several hundreds) game team Data Network drive Data Data
  37. Network drive • Windows Server 2016 Standard • Core i7-7700

    • Memory 32GByte • M.2 SSD 2TB • HDD 10TB x2 • NIC 10GbE x2
  38. Assets and data • As the definition of terms, file

    before conversion is called asset, and file after conversion is called data. • Assets are managed by Perforce, but data is not managed by Perforce → Because data can be restored from converters and assets Assets Data Convert Binary for Runtime Text for data debugging ... Place on network drive Managed by Perforce texture.dds model.mb material.json leveldata.json ...
  39. File format • Assets such as level data use json

    → Has a strong format compatibility • Serialize/deserialize C# class directly with Json.NET • Use FlatBuffers for most runtime data output In addition to binary output, it also outputs text for data debugging in a text editor. Binary data Text data Asset (json) Information for editor https://github.com/JamesNK/Newtonsoft.Json https://github.com/google/flatbuffers Data Flatbuffers
  40. File format for debugging • If you do not need

    binary data, for example for debugging, transfer json from the editor and use it → No need to prepare FlatBuffers https://github.com/Tencent/rapidjson/ Asset (json) Information for editor Data TCP/IP Runtime Data
  41. json file format change • Asset file format is changed

    frequently in order to implement requests from project member immediately → Asset format is not defined, serialize/deserialize C# class directly in Json.NET • Default value is set when adding C# class field • The value is ignored when deleting the field
  42. Asset design requirements • Asset requirements are changed according to

    job part type and development period (early, mid-term, late) → Multiple environments are required for the identical revision Prepare working environment and stable environment to cope those needs From the programmer's perspective: They want to put stable data in the final package From the perspective of project members: They want to see data created by themselves and data created by other job parts immediately.
  43. Multiple environments • There are three types of environments for

    various types of data • All data resides on a network drive which is accessible from all project members, not on local PCs Name Work environment Unapproved environment (environment generated by automatic build) Stable environment (approved environment) Iteration speed Fast Slow Slow Stability Low Low during data conversion High after data conversion High Final package Not included Not included Included Read permission Everyone Everyone Everyone Write permission Everyone Automatic build PC only Automatic build PC only
  44. Work environment • When project members convert assets using the

    game editor or DCC tools, data is output to the work environment • Since the work environment exists on a network drive, project members can refer to other people's data → Can verify temporary data and test data without submitting them to Perforce Assets Data Local PC Network drive (Work environment) Local PC Local PC
  45. Unapproved environment (Environment generated by automatic build) • When project

    members submit assets to Perforce, Jenkins converts the data and outputs the data to an unapproved environment • Unapproved environment has write permission set only for automatic build PC → All project members have read permission Assets Data Automatic build PC Network drive (Unapproved environment) Perforce Assets Submit
  46. Stable environment (Approved environment) • Job group leaders check the

    data in the unapproved environment and presses the approval button of Jenkins if there is no problem. A stable environment (approved environment) is created from unapproved environment data • Stable environment data will be loaded to the final package Unapproved environment Jenkins Stable environment (Approved environment) Final package Network drive Package creation tool
  47. Conversion flow summary Unapproved environment Stable environment (Approved environment) Project

    member Perforce Work environment Since data conversion from asset to unapproved environment is performed only on the automatic build PC, conversion failure data caused by project member’s PC settings will not be mixed into the final package Final package Submit Manual conversion Automatic conversion Approved by job part leader Package creation
  48. Work environment and assignment • Data network drives are divided

    into folders for each job part, such as characters, backgrounds, scripts, and level data. • There are multiple work environments, and they are assigned by worker or work unit. Network drive └ mainline └ windows └ Animation └ Character └ CutScene └ Effect └ Level └ latest (unapproved environment) └ master-2019-08-01_12-03-13_17049 (stable environment) └ work01 (work environment) └ userA (work environment) └ userB (work environment) Example of Folder tree
  49. Automatic conversion • Assets submitted to Perforce are data converted

    via Ninja, taking into account dependencies • Nightly build is for all data, during the day builds are for only differential data of submitted assets • Dependencies are written in advance by programmers with Python → Dependency is determined based on folder name and file extension Asset file path Output data file path Game editor Some assets calculate the output data file path from the file contents using the game editor https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja
  50. Automatic conversion available • Allow all assets to be converted

    by automatic build Should use DCC tools that can be executed on the command line • If there is any bug in the data, it is mandatory to fix the assets and submit them to Perforce Since the assets exist, data can be re-output when the converter is updated • All data formats are deterministic in order to be compatible with automatic conversion
  51. Deterministic • The same data is always output from the

    same asset • Do not include conversion date in file format • The padding area of binary data should be always filled with a fixed value such as 0 • With C++ converters prevent uninitialized variables to enter into data • When using random numbers such as light bake, set the seed as a fixed value Assets Data Convert https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deterministic_system
  52. Creating a stable environment (Approved environment) • After the approval

    button is pressed, Jenkins creates a hard link for each file from the unapproved environment and creates a stable environment • In order to reduce the environment creation time, it only copies updated files. • Update environment definition file after creating stable environment File copy File entity Storage folder Unapproved environment New stable environment (Approved environment) Data A Data B Data A Data B Data A Data B Do not copy because the file contents are the identical Hard link
  53. Environment definition file • A json that lists the stable

    environment name and folder name is called “Environment definition file.” • Environment definition file is binarized at runtime build and read at runtime startup • File paths are resolved using this environment definition file The path listed on the asset %Character%001¥001.dds Path to which actually read the file common¥Characters¥master-2019-07-17_21-25-30_15447¥001¥001.dds [ { "Folder": "common/Animations/master-2019-07-17_21-39-55_15440", "Name": "Animations" }, { "Folder": "common/Characters/master-2019-07-17_21-25-30_15447", "Name": "Characters" } ] Environment definition file
  54. Updating the environment definition file • Jenkins creates a stable

    environment, then it updates the environment definition file and submits it to Perforce. • Environment definition file is deployed with each executable file [ { "Folder": "common/Animations/master-2019-07-17_21-39-55_15440", "Name": "Animations" }, ] Environment definition file [ { "Folder": "common/Animations/master-2019-07-18_10-40-11_15441", "Name": "Animations" }, ] Environment definition file Executable file folder Runtime
  55. Revision selection in the launcher • When a revision is

    selected in the launcher, the stable environment is referenced via the environment definition file. Environment definition file Stable environment (Revision C) Select a revision in the launcher and start Executable file folder Runtime Refer to the stable environment of the revision described in the file Stable environment (Revision B) Stable environment (Revision A) Network drive
  56. Roll-back of environment • In the stable environment, since revisions

    for the past several months are stored on the network drive, if there is any problem with the data of the stable environment, project members can refer to the past stable environment through the launcher. • Due to the launcher mentioned above, there is no revision switching time
  57. Binary data format update support • Since runtime and data

    are linked in the environment definition file, it is possible to avoid inconsistency between runtime and binary data format. Environment definition file (Revision 1) Revision 1 Runtime (Revision 1) Stable environment 1 (Use binary format for revision 1) Environment definition file (Revision 2) Revision 2 Runtime (Revision 2) Stable environment 2 (Use binary format for revision 2) Executable file folder
  58. Change permissions • Jenkins’ approval button has execution authority, and

    before the data input closing, the job part leader and all programmers can approve with it, but after the data closing at the end phase of development, delete their approval authority • After data closing, in order to move the data to an approval environment requires the work by programmer → It is possible to prevent the data that programmers don’t intend from mixing into the final binary. Unapproved environment Stable environment (Approved environment) Programmer Job part leader Unapproved environment Stable environment (Approved environment) Programmer Before data closing After data closing
  59. Environment selection • Each environment can be switched from the

    game editor • When creating assets, project members make only their working folder as a working environment and other folders as a stable environment • Stable environment is stable because it has been checked by job part leaders
  60. Example of environment settings (for character artist ) • Use

    model editor for preview Category name Environment Included data Character model Work environment Vertex data, texture, material instance Shader Stable environment Shader
  61. Environment setting example ( for animator) • Use Animation editor

    for preview Category name Environment Included data Animation Work environment Animation Character model Stable environment Vertex data, texture, material instance Shader Stable environment Shader
  62. Environment setting example (for character scripter) • Use character editor

    for preview • Animation is used as a working environment in order to work closely with animators → Immediately after the animator outputs the animation data (without using Perforce), the character scripter can refer to that animation data. Category name Environment Included data Character script Work environment Character script Animation Work environment Animation Character model Stable environment Vertex data, texture, material instance Shader Stable environment Shader
  63. Environment setting example (for level designer) Category name Environment Included

    data Level Work environment Level data Character script Work environment Character script Animation Work environment Animation Character model Stable environment Vertex data, texture, material instance Shader Stable environment Shader • Use level editor for preview • It is used as a working environment in order to work closely with character scripters and animators • The level designer can immediately verify the script that the character scripter temporarily outputs (without using Perforce)
  64. Example of environment settings (for gameplay testing) • Make all

    categories stable • This is also used for final package Category name Environment Included data Level Stable environment Level data Character script Stable environment Character script Animation Stable environment Animation Character model Stable environment Vertex data, texture, material instance Shader Stable environment Shader
  65. Creating the final package • When creating the final package,

    collect only the necessary files from the stable environment data and package them. → High-speed package creation is enabled without data conversion. Stable environment Packed data Packed data Packed data Final package Packed data Packed data Package creation tool
  66. Differences in procedure depending on the environment (File pack) •

    Pack, compress, and encrypt multiple files when building assets automatically • As packed files are read in unapproved and stable environments, it reduces file read time Unapproved environment or Stable environment Work environment Asset ( Model ) Asset (Texture) Asset (Texture) Data ( model ) Data (Texture) Data (Texture) Packed data ( Model+Texture )
  67. Difference in procedure depending on environment (Shader build ) •

    Model editor builds shader when material settings are changed • It builds a shader in the working environment, but doesn’t build a shader in the stable environment, only reads Model editor (Editor) Work environment Model editor (Runtime) Shader Stable environment Shader Shader build Load shader
  68. Defect investigation • Since the work environment exists on the

    network drive, the defect can be reproduced at the programmer's desk. 1. Allow project members to press the bug report button 2. Specify in the game editor the work environment described in the Slack bug report → Reproduce the environment of project members (Depending on the defect, assets may be required)
  69. Problems • Since the working environment is not updated by

    automatic build, old data remains and causes data bugs → Overwrite periodically manually using a stable environment • Since the switching of the work environment is in units of folders, detailed control is not possible → USD’s non-destructively edit is ideal, but our design is not enough yet https://graphics.pixar.com/usd/docs/index.html [CEDEC2017] Introduction to Pixar USD: Building a new content pipeline
  70. Wrap-up • By using network drives, stable and fast asset

    management has become possible. • Incorporating it into the game editor allows anyone switch between working and stable environments • By making past revisions easy to execute, even in the case that a problem occurs in the latest revision, we don’t have to stop the work of other project members. → Reduced pressure of time in fixing bugs of programmers
  71. References • A Data-Driven Object System [GDC2002] • Frostbite Rendering

    Architecture and Real-time Procedural Shading & Texturing Techniques [GDC2007] • Parallel Futures of a Game Engine [DICE2009] • Forensic Debugging: How to Autopsy, Repair, and Reanimate a Release-built Game [GDC2011] • Cutting the Pipe: Achieving Sub-Second Iteration Times [GDC2012] • Robustification Through Introspection and Analysis Tools [GDC2012] • Working Together: Solutions for Collaborative Asset Creation [GDC2013] • Horizon and Beyond: A Look into Tomb Raider's Tools [GDC2013] • Photorealism Through the Eyes of a FOX: The Core of Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes [GDC2013] • Authoring Tools Framework: Open Source from Sony's Worldwide Studios [GDC2014] • Physics for Game Programmers: Debugging Physics [GDC2014] • Data-Oriented Design and C++ [CppCon2014] • Lessons from the Core Engine Architecture of Destiny [GDC2015] • Design and implementation of game editor in Pokkén [CEDEC2015] • Modern game production environment: Explanation of specific methods of communication between editors, their backends, and development staff [CEDEC2015] • Designing a game engine for rapid iteration [CEDEC2016] • Introduction to Pixar USD: Building a new content pipeline [CEDEC2017]
  72. References • The UNREAL Way • Unreal Engine 4 Documentation

    • Unity – Manual • CRYENGINE V Manual • Stingray Help • Amazon Lumberyard • Source SDK Docs • Game Engine Architecture • Introduction to USD