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Lessons Learned from Using Kotlin Multiplatform...

Lessons Learned from Using Kotlin Multiplatform internally

JB Lorenzo

August 27, 2019

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  1. @bennegeek Poznan Berlin Pack 1 Pack 2 Pack 3 Pack

    4 Pack 5 Pack 6 Pack 7 Pack 8 Why?
  2. @bennegeek Poznan Berlin Pack 1 Pack 2 Pack 3 Pack

    4 Pack 5 Pack 6 Pack 7 Pack 8 Why? Why? Why?
  3. @bennegeek Poznan Berlin Pack 1 Pack 2 Pack 3 Pack

    4 Pack 5 Pack 6 Pack 7 Pack 8 Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?
  4. @bennegeek Poznan Berlin Pack 1 Pack 2 Pack 3 Pack

    4 Pack 5 Pack 6 Pack 7 Pack 8 Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?
  5. @bennegeek iOS * No control over Kotlin code * No

    knowledge of Kotlin/Kotlinx * Can we run tests * Is this a transition to Kotlin * Ktor Multiplatform is "experimental" * Concerns about coupling and syncing
  6. @bennegeek iOS * No control over Kotlin code * No

    knowledge of Kotlin/Kotlinx * Can we run tests * Is this a transition to Kotlin * Ktor Multiplatform is "experimental" * Concerns about coupling and syncing Write a detailed RFC
  7. @bennegeek iOS * Are there bigger projects? * Concerns about

    learning curve * Still No control on Kotlin code * Fear of bugs * Debugging * Performance concerns
  8. @bennegeek iOS * Are there bigger projects? * Concerns about

    learning curve * Still No control on Kotlin code * Fear of bugs * Debugging * Performance concerns Limit Scope of RFC Gather support from Android devs
  9. @bennegeek iOS * Scope is too small * Concerns about

    interop not being smooth * Concerns about memory, thread, error management
  10. @bennegeek iOS Swift/Objc iOS App Models Model to Domain Mappers

    Interfaces Network Calls (Ktor) Kotlin/MPP Model to I Netwo Sw
  11. @bennegeek iOS Swift/Objc iOS App Models Model to Domain Mappers

    Interfaces Network Calls (Ktor) Kotlin/MPP Model to I Netwo Sw
  12. @bennegeek iOS Models Model to Domain Mappers Interfaces Network Calls

    (Ktor) Kotlin/MPP Models Model to Domain Mappers Interfaces Network Calls (Ktor) Swift
  13. @bennegeek Technical Learnings Threading issues on the Main Thread https://blog.usejournal.com/the-dos-and-donts-of-mobile-development-with-kotlin-multiplatform-

    db7c098545c0 https://medium.com/@yuyaHorita/kotlin-native-ios-a1a73d7390fe https://proandroiddev.com/current-issues-with-kotlin-multiplatform-and-how-to-fix-them-5ae62822a546
  14. @bennegeek Technical Learnings Error Handling @Throws fun kotlinMethod(str: String) -

    (void)kotlinMethod:(NSString *)str error:(NSError * _Nullable * _Nullable)error;
  15. @bennegeek Technical Learnings Coroutines on iOS? // common internal expect

    val ApplicationScope: CoroutineScope ApplicationScope.launch { try { val ret = getCitySuggestion(query, isAdding, longitude, latitude) callback(ret, null) } catch (error: Error) { callback(null, error) } }
  16. @bennegeek Technical Learnings Coroutines on iOS? // ios/actual.kt internal actual

    val ApplicationScope: CoroutineScope = MainScope() private class MainDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher() { override fun dispatch(context: CoroutineContext, block: Runnable) { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) { block.run() } } } internal class MainScope: CoroutineScope { private val dispatcher = MainDispatcher() private val job = Job() override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext get() = dispatcher + job }
  17. @bennegeek What’s next for us * do Workshops for MPP

    * Pair iOS and Android devs * Wait for large companies to adopt Kotlin /MPP
  18. @bennegeek What you can do * Introduce Kotlin/MPP * Make

    an RFC in your team * Make devs familiar with both iOS and Android * Pair iOS and Android devs * Make your efforts public * Help Improve tooling Kotlin /MPP
  19. @bennegeek Thank you! Any Questions? Get in touch with us

    olxgroup.com tech.olx.com olxtechberlin [email protected] jblorenzo JB Lorenzo | #DCNYC19