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Vehicle Big Data that Drives Smart City Advance...

Vehicle Big Data that Drives Smart City Advancement by Mike Branch at Big Data Spain

Geotab is a leader in the expanding world of Internet of Things (IoT) and telematics industry with Big Data.


Big Data Spain 2017
November 16th - 17th Kinépolis Madrid

Big Data Spain

December 01, 2017

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  1. MyGeotab | Visit Geotab.com Vehicle Big Data Driving the Smart

    City Big Data Spain 2017 Mike Branch, Vice President - Business Intelligence
  2. MyGeotab | Visit Geotab.com Agenda • Introduction • Autonomous Vehicles

    & the Future • Getting There with Big Data • Smart City Applications
  3. MyGeotab | Visit Geotab.com • Over 17,000 Customers and 900,000

    Vehicle Subscriptions • World’s second largest largest telematics provider • Geotab solution scales to fit customers with 1 device up to 75,000 and is used many different ways Geotab: Open Platform for Telematics
  4. MyGeotab | Visit Geotab.com The Future: Fully Driverless Level 5

    What does the world of tomorrow look like?
  5. MyGeotab | Visit Geotab.com We’ve made tremendous strides, but we’re

    not there yet! Did you know? The average age of vehicles on the road in the US is 11.6 years
  6. MyGeotab | Visit Geotab.com A Complete Ecosystem Approach is Needed

    LIDAR Camera Systems Telemetry + Engine Radar Sensors Vehicle to Cloud Vehicle to Infrastructure Communication Vehicle to Vehicle
  7. MyGeotab | Visit Geotab.com Open Data Interaction must Exist The

    ecosystem will only thrive with large amounts of data from a wide variety of sources, openly available for collaboration.
  8. MyGeotab | Visit Geotab.com Adoption of the Open Platform You

    need full access to your data to be an agent of change. Open Platform ≠ Open Source Closed Platform Stifles Creativity → Importance of APIs and SDKs Lots of samples Must not change underneath you Data Islands and Big Data Islands
  9. MyGeotab | Visit Geotab.com Start with Quality Data Time-based sampling

    • More data transmitted • Missing data • Cannot be interpolated speed speed time time Ramer-Douglas-Peucker • Reduced data size • No missing data points • Better resolution through interpolation
  10. MyGeotab | Visit Geotab.com Gateway 1 Gateway n How we’ve

    Setup our Infrastructure Production Cluster Big Data Streaming BigQuery 900K+ Vehicles 5 - 10 second delay Real-time 2 billion daily
  11. MyGeotab | Visit Geotab.com The Tools we Use 11 •

    Similar feel to traditional SQL databases • Very fast over very large datasets Notebooks that allow us to visualize and interact with the data in a “lab- like” format. Data Manipulation Machine Learning Dataflow - stream processing Kubernetes - scaling processes Airflow - job processing and monitoring Data Processing
  12. MyGeotab | Visit Geotab.com While vehicle Big Data is crucial

    for enabling ADAS applications, it naturally enables Smart City applications too.
  13. MyGeotab | Visit Geotab.com We collect nearly 2 billion data

    points per day (only of that is GPS data) ⅓