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Understanding Federal Funding Requirements For ...

Understanding Federal Funding Requirements For Publications + Data

Presentation given at the UW Open Meetup, January 2016.

Brianna Marshall

January 21, 2016

More Decks by Brianna Marshall

Other Decks in Research


  1. Understanding Federal Funding Requirements (for publications + data) Brianna Marshall

    Research Data Services Image courtesy of Flickr user martytr88 (CC BY)
  2. About Brianna Marshall Lead, Research Data Services –  Education +

    training –  Consultations –  Data management plans (DMPs) researchdata.wisc.edu @UWMadRschSvcs
  3. Anatomy of a DMP 1.  Introduction / Project Information 2. 

    Data Types 3.  Data Organization, Documentation and Metadata 4.  Data Access and Intellectual Property 5.  Data Sharing and Reuse 6.  Data Preservation and Archiving
  4. OSTP memo •  Released spring 2013; took effect fall 2015

    •  Requires open sharing of published arBcles and data •  PublicaBon repository is (usually) provided; data repository is (usually) not provided •  Applies to agencies with $100M + in R&D
  5. Fair Access to Science + Technology Research Act •  Identical

    bills introduced to House and Senate in spring 2013 •  Requires open sharing of published articles •  Must be passed into law to take effect •  Applies to agencies with $100M + in extramural spending •  FASTR is a modified version of a previous bill introduced to Congress in 2006, 2009, and 2012
  6. Image courtesy of Flickr user b-tal (CC BY NC) and

    now you’re probably wondering what the differences are again, right?
  7. OSTP •  Requires open sharing of articles and data • 

    Already in effect due to the Obama administration (but could be revoked by a new administration) http://sparcopen.org/our-work/fastr/ •  Only requires open sharing of articles, not data •  Not in effect yet; must be passed into law •  Applies to a slightly different set of agencies http://sparcopen.org/our-work/2013- executive-directive/ FASTR
  8. DMPs should provide a plan for making all research data

    displayed in publications resulting from the proposed research open, machine-readable, and digitally accessible to the public at the time of publication. This includes data that are displayed in charts, figures, images, etc. In addition, the underlying digital research data used to generate the displayed data should be made as accessible as possible to the public in accordance with the principles stated above. The published article should indicate how these data can be accessed. Individual research offices will encourage researchers to deposit data in existing community or institutional repositories or to submit these data to the article publisher as supplemental information. hOp://www.energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2014/08/f18/ DOE_Public_Access%20Plan_FINAL.pdf
  9. Unpacking Data Complications •  Which data is in scope? • 

    What repository? –  “Use what is currently available” –  “Preferred TBD” –  “Unknown” –  “Other options are under development” –  “There is exploration of a data commons tool” •  What are the benefits and drawbacks of data deposited in multiple places? •  Compliance vs. access vs. preservation •  Who defines what is “effective” / “appropriate” ?
  10. Other Organizations Implementing Open Access Policies •  Alfred P. Sloan

    Foundation •  American Heart Association •  Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation •  Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation •  National Endowment for the Humanities – Office of Digital Humanities
  11. Takeaways •  This is complicated stuff! Even understanding the basics

    is a good start since the landscape is changing so quickly •  Campus conversaBon is underway on this topic – more soon!