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How to build habit-forming products

Browny Lin
October 22, 2014

How to build habit-forming products

Summary of gained knowledge from the book "Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products"

Browny Lin

October 22, 2014


  1. • Automatic behaviors triggered by situational cues • Things we

    do with little or no conscious thought Habit
  2. Triggers (External trigger) • Paid ◦ Ad, SEO, paid channel

    to get user’s attention • Earned ◦ 雜誌採訪, 病毒影片, app store ranking • Relationship ◦ 好康到相報, share button • Owned ◦ app icon, email newsletter, app update, notification
  3. Triggers (Internal triggers) “Emotions, particularly negative ones, are powerful internal

    triggers and greatly influence our daily routines” “The ultimate goal of a habit-forming product is to solve the user’s pain by creating an association so that the user identifies the company’s product or service as the source of relief”
  4. 5W method to find internal trigger • 情境式的 storytelling, 假想的

    user, 然後提出五個 why, 不斷的追問 ◦ Q1: Why Julie want to use email? ▪ A1: Send and receive message ◦ Q2: Why would she want to do that? ▪ A2: Share and receive information quickly ◦ Q3: Why does she want to do that? ▪ A3: Know what’s going on in the lives of her co-workers, friends and family ◦ Q4: Why does she need to know that? ▪ Know if someone needs her ◦ Q5: Why would she care about that? ▪ She fears being out of the loop
  5. Action “All humans are motivated to seek pleasure and avoid

    pain, to seek hope and avoid fear, and finally, to seek social acceptance and avoid rejection” • 追求快樂, 避免痛苦 • 追求希望, 避免害怕 • 追求社群, 避免孤獨
  6. Action • To initiate action, doing must be easier than

    thinking • B = TAM ◦ Behavior = Trigger + Ability + Motivation ◦ 例: 電話響了, 但是沒接 ▪ 沒開鈴聲 -> no trigger ▪ 電話被埋在包包裡面, 很難拿到 -> inability ▪ 詐騙電話 -> lack motivation
  7. Action 除了 TMA 外, 還可以利用一些人性的法則 1. Scarcity Effect (物以稀為貴) 2.

    Framing Effect (周遭的 context 會影響感知, 地鐵的小提琴 家) 3. Anchoring Effect (只看資訊的單一面向, 商店多件打折的商 品不一定比單件便宜) 4. Endowed Progress Effect (當人覺得更接近目標, 他的 motivation 會越強 ex: 一開始就有點數的集點卡)
  8. Variable Rewards “The study revealed that what draws us to

    act is not the sensation we receive from the reward itself, but the need to alleviate the craving for that reward.” 驅使我們行動的不是 reward 本身, 而是我們渴望獲得 reward 的念頭
  9. 3 Forms of Rewards • Tribe ◦ Rewards that make

    us feel accepted, attractive, important, and included • Hunt ◦ The need to acquire physical objects, such as food and other supplies that aid our survival, is part of our brain’s operating system ◦ ex: 吃角子老虎(money), twitter feed, pinterest 最底下一半的圖 • Self ◦ Satisfaction of completion ◦ ex: video game, Email, Codecademy, todo list
  10. Investment 1. 人會給予自己已經投注心力的事物給予更高的評價, 就像 IKEA 的 DIY 家具 2. 人傾向於行為的一致性,

    要讓人接受一個改變, 不妨從小改 變開始, 接下來他對大改變的接受度就會增加 3. 認知的不和諧, 摘不到葡萄, 就認定他是酸的, 因為若認知 他是甜的話, 實在太痛苦了! (就像人第一次喝酒和吃辣的 東西一樣)
  11. Forms of investment 1. Content (iTune 加一首歌到 playlist) 2. Data(Linkedin)

    3. Followers 4. Reputation(ebay, Airbnb) 5. Skill(Adobe photoshop, 投資心力學習使用)
  12. Answer below 1. 使用者要什麼, 你的產品解決的什麼痛點 (Internal trigger) 2. 如何將使用者帶到你的服務 (External

    trigger) 3. 使用者可以取得 reward 的最簡單的 action 是什麼, 如何讓他更加簡化 (Action) 4. 這個 reward 能否滿足使用者, 或是讓他想要更多 (Variable Reward) 5. 使用者需要作哪些事情來 invest 你的產品. 這個 invest 會引發下一次 trigger 嗎? 會讓產品更好嗎? (Investment)