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OpenShift 101

OpenShift 101

Bruno Russi Lautenschlager

October 27, 2022

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  1. 4 Containers are created from container images Red Hat OpenShift

  2. 5 Container images are stored in an image registry Red

  3. 6 An image repository contains all versions of an image

    in the image registry Red Hat OpenShift Concepts IMAGE REGISTRY frontend:latest frontend:2.0 frontend:1.1 frontend:1.0 mongo:latest mongo:3.7 mongo:3.6 mongo:3.4 myregistry/frontend myregistry/mongo
  4. 8 Containers are wrapped in pods which are units of

    deployment and management Red Hat OpenShift Concepts POD POD
  5. 9 ReplicationControllers & ReplicaSets ensure a specified number of pods

    are running at any given time Red Hat OpenShift Concepts image name replicas labels cpu memory storage ReplicaSet ReplicationController ... 1 2 N POD POD POD
  6. 10 Deployments and DeploymentConfigurations define how to roll out new

    versions of Pods Red Hat OpenShift Concepts image name replicas labels version strategy Deployment DeploymentConfig v1 v2 POD POD
  7. 11 A daemonset ensures that all (or some) nodes run

    a copy of a pod Red Hat OpenShift Concepts foo = bar Node image name replicas labels cpu memory storage DaemonSet foo = bar Node foo = baz Node ✓ ✓ POD POD
  8. 12 Dev Configmaps allow you to decouple configuration artifacts from

    image content Red Hat OpenShift Concepts appconfig.conf MYCONFIG=true ConfigMap Prod appconfig.conf MYCONFIG=false ConfigMap POD POD
  9. 13 Secrets provide a mechanism to hold sensitive information such

    as passwords Red Hat OpenShift Concepts The etcd datastore can be encrypted for additional security https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.6/security/encrypting-etcd.html Dev hash.pw ZGV2Cg== ConfigMap Prod hash.pw cHJvZAo= ConfigMap POD POD
  10. 14 Services provide internal load-balancing and service discovery across pods

    Red Hat OpenShift & Kubernetes Concepts POD POD POD POD role: frontend role: backend role: backend role: backend role: backend SERVICE “backend”
  11. 15 Apps can talk to each other via services Red

    Hat OpenShift & Kubernetes Concepts POD POD POD POD role: frontend role: backend role: backend role: backend role: backend SERVICE “backend”
  12. 16 Routes make services accessible to clients outside the environment

    via real-world urls Red Hat OpenShift Concepts > curl http://app-prod.mycompany.com app-prod.mycompany.com POD POD POD role: frontend role: frontend role: frontend role: backend SERVICE “frontend” Route
  13. 17 Persistent Volume and Claims Red Hat OpenShift Concepts My

    app is stateful. PersistentVolumeClaim PersistentVolume POD 2Gi 2Gi
  14. 20 Projects isolate apps across environments, teams, groups and departments

  15. 24 Control plane nodes control the cluster Red Hat OpenShift

  16. 25 State of everything Red Hat OpenShift | Architectural Overview

  17. 26 The core Kubernetes components Red Hat OpenShift | Architectural

    Overview STORAGE NETWORK COMPUTE Kubernetes Services etcd Kubernetes API server Scheduler Cluster Management CONTROL PLANE
  18. 27 Internal and support infrastructure services Red Hat OpenShift |

    Architectural Overview STORAGE NETWORK COMPUTE Infrastructure Services Kubernetes Services etcd Monitoring | Logging |Tuned |SDN | DNS | Kubelet CONTROL PLANE
  19. 28 The core Red Hat OpenShift components Red Hat OpenShift

    | Architectural Overview STORAGE NETWORK COMPUTE Infrastructure Services Kubernetes Services etcd OpenShift API server Operator Lifecycle Management Web Console CONTROL PLANE Red Hat OpenShift Services
  20. 29 Run on all hosts Red Hat OpenShift | Architectural

    Overview STORAGE NETWORK COMPUTE Infrastructure Services Kubernetes Services etcd COMPUTE COMPUTE Monitoring | Logging | Tuned SDN | DNS | Kubelet Monitoring | Logging | Tuned SDN | DNS | Kubelet CONTROL PLANE Red Hat OpenShift Services
  21. 30 Cluster monitoring Red Hat OpenShift | Architectural Overview STORAGE

    NETWORK COMPUTE Infrastructure Services Kubernetes Services etcd COMPUTE COMPUTE Prometheus | Grafana Alertmanager Prometheus | Grafana Alertmanager Monitoring | Logging | Tuned SDN | DNS | Kubelet Monitoring | Logging | Tuned SDN | DNS | Kubelet CONTROL PLANE Red Hat OpenShift Services
  22. 31 Integrated routing Red Hat OpenShift | Architectural Overview STORAGE

    NETWORK COMPUTE Infrastructure Services Kubernetes Services etcd COMPUTE COMPUTE Router Router Prometheus | Grafana Alertmanager Prometheus | Grafana Alertmanager Monitoring | Logging | Tuned SDN | DNS | Kubelet Monitoring | Logging | Tuned SDN | DNS | Kubelet CONTROL PLANE Red Hat OpenShift Services
  23. 32 Integrated image registry Red Hat OpenShift | Architectural Overview

    STORAGE NETWORK COMPUTE Infrastructure Services Kubernetes Services etcd COMPUTE COMPUTE Registry Registry Router Router Prometheus | Grafana Alertmanager Prometheus | Grafana Alertmanager Monitoring | Logging | Tuned SDN | DNS | Kubelet Monitoring | Logging | Tuned SDN | DNS | Kubelet CONTROL PLANE Red Hat OpenShift Services
  24. 33 Log aggregation Red Hat OpenShift | Architectural Overview STORAGE

    NETWORK COMPUTE Infrastructure Services Kubernetes Services etcd COMPUTE COMPUTE Kibana | Elasticsearch Kibana | Elasticsearch Registry Registry Router Router Prometheus | Grafana Alertmanager Prometheus | Grafana Alertmanager Monitoring | Logging | Tuned SDN | DNS | Kubelet Monitoring | Logging | Tuned SDN | DNS | Kubelet CONTROL PLANE Red Hat OpenShift Services
  25. 34 Normal cluster operations Red Hat OpenShift | Architectural Overview

    STORAGE NETWORK COMPUTE Infrastructure Services Kubernetes Services etcd COMPUTE COMPUTE CONTROL PLANE Red Hat OpenShift Services
  26. 35 Auto-healing failed pods Red Hat OpenShift | Architectural Overview

    STORAGE NETWORK COMPUTE Infrastructure Services Kubernetes Services etcd COMPUTE COMPUTE CONTROL PLANE Red Hat OpenShift Services
  27. 36 Auto-healing failed pods Red Hat OpenShift | Architectural Overview

    STORAGE NETWORK COMPUTE Infrastructure Services Kubernetes Services etcd COMPUTE COMPUTE CONTROL PLANE Red Hat OpenShift Services
  28. 37 Auto-healing failed nodes Red Hat OpenShift | Architectural Overview

    STORAGE NETWORK COMPUTE Infrastructure Services Kubernetes Services etcd COMPUTE COMPUTE CONTROL PLANE Red Hat OpenShift Services
  29. 38 Auto-healing failed nodes Red Hat OpenShift | Architectural Overview

    STORAGE NETWORK COMPUTE Infrastructure Services Kubernetes Services etcd COMPUTE COMPUTE CONTROL PLANE Red Hat OpenShift Services
  30. 39 Dev and Ops via web, cli, API, and IDE

    Red Hat OpenShift | Architectural Overview EXISTING AUTOMATION TOOLSETS SCM (GIT) CI/CD STORAGE NETWORK COMPUTE Developers Admins Red Hat OpenShift Services Infrastructure Services Kubernetes Services etcd COMPUTE COMPUTE Kibana | Elasticsearch Kibana | Elasticsearch Registry Registry Router Router Prometheus | Grafana Alertmanager Prometheus | Grafana Alertmanager Monitoring | Logging | Tuned SDN | DNS | Kubelet Monitoring | Logging | Tuned SDN | DNS | Kubelet CONTROL PLANE
  31. Runtime, Build, Synchronize RHEL CoreOS OCI tooling to create, run,

    and manage, Linux Containers with a cluster-friendly life cycle skopeo A lightweight OCI-compliant runtime • Minimal and secure architecture • Optimized for Kubernetes • Run any OCI-compliant container image (including docker) A docker-compatible CLI for containers • Remote management API via Varlink • Image/container tagging • Advanced namespace isolation Inspect, push/pull, and sign OCI images • Inspect image manifests • Transfer images between registries
  32. BROAD ECOSYSTEM OF WORKLOADS CRI-O, Kubernetes, and OpenShift CRI-O 1.24

    Kubernetes 1.24 OpenShift 4.11 CRI-O tracks and versions identical to Kubernetes, simplifying support permutations
  33. Openshift Learning, Documentation, and Resources Red Hat Openshift Documentation •

    Openshift Documentation (4.11) • Openshift Docs - Deploying Containerized Applications • Openshift TV - Youtube, Twitch Red Hat Developer Sandbox • Red Hat Developer Sandbox (Helm, Eclipse Che, Openshift)
  34. Red Hat Developer, Kubernetes, and Openshift Training • DO288: Red

    Hat OpenShift Development II: Containerizing Applications • EX288: Red Hat Certified Specialist in OpenShift Application Development exam • AD183: Red Hat Application Development I: Programming in Java EE • EX183: Red Hat Certified Enterprise Application Developer exam • DO378: Red Hat Cloud-Native Microservices Development with Quarkus • DO328: Building Resilient Microservices with Istio and Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh • DO180: Red Hat OpenShift I: Containers & Kubernetes • EX180: Red Hat Red Hat Certified Specialist in Containers and Kubernetes exam