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"Let Me In"

Yealin Charlie Park
August 02, 2022

"Let MeĀ In"

Yealin Charlie Park

August 02, 2022


  1. Scene 03 Duration 01:07 Panel 002 Duration 00:19 Dialog Oh,

    it's you again, huh? SB WEEK 7 HW Page 7/85
  2. Scene 05 Duration 02:21 Panel 003 Duration 01:13 Dialog You

    know, I really wanna be left alone... SB WEEK 7 HW Page 12/85
  3. Scene 06 Duration 04:11 Panel 004 Duration 01:00 Dialog I've

    lived here way longer than you... SB WEEK 7 HW Page 16/85
  4. Scene 09 Duration 02:15 Panel 002 Duration 01:00 Dialog It's

    a Rubik's cube. SB WEEK 7 HW Page 30/85
  5. Scene 09 Duration 02:15 Panel 003 Duration 01:00 Dialog You

    don't know Rubik's cube? SB WEEK 7 HW Page 31/85
  6. Scene 011 Duration 03:17 Panel 001 Duration 01:03 Dialog Try

    it. You can give it back tomorrow. SB WEEK 7 HW Page 36/85
  7. Scene 011 Duration 03:17 Panel 002 Duration 00:18 Dialog Try

    it. You can give it back tomorrow. SB WEEK 7 HW Page 37/85
  8. Scene 011 Duration 03:17 Panel 004 Duration 01:05 Dialog I

    might not be here tomorrow. SB WEEK 7 HW Page 39/85
  9. Scene 012 Duration 03:03 Panel 001 Duration 01:14 Dialog Day

    after tomorrow then. SB WEEK 7 HW Page 40/85
  10. Scene 012 Duration 03:03 Panel 002 Duration 01:13 Dialog But

    I'm gonna need it back. SB WEEK 7 HW Page 41/85
  11. Scene 014 Duration 05:01 Panel 001 Duration 00:16 Dialog You

    gotta make each side all one color. SB WEEK 7 HW Page 45/85
  12. Scene 014 Duration 05:01 Panel 002 Duration 00:12 Dialog You

    gotta make each side all one color. SB WEEK 7 HW Page 46/85
  13. Scene 014 Duration 05:01 Panel 003 Duration 00:13 Dialog You

    gotta make each side all one color. SB WEEK 7 HW Page 47/85
  14. Scene 015 Duration 02:00 Panel 003 Duration 00:18 Dialog You

    smell kinda funny. SB WEEK 7 HW Page 61/85
  15. Scene 017 Duration 01:19 Panel 002 Duration 01:02 Dialog I

    don't really get cold. SB WEEK 7 HW Page 68/85
  16. Scene 017_A Duration 02:08 Panel 003 Duration 00:12 Dialog ...See

    you tomorrow then... SB WEEK 7 HW Page 71/85
  17. Scene 017_A Duration 02:08 Panel 004 Duration 00:12 Dialog ...See

    you tomorrow then... SB WEEK 7 HW Page 72/85
  18. Scene 017_A Duration 02:08 Panel 005 Duration 00:10 Dialog ...See

    you tomorrow then... SB WEEK 7 HW Page 73/85
  19. Scene 017_A_1 Duration 00:12 Panel 001 Duration 00:12 Dialog ...See

    you tomorrow then... SB WEEK 7 HW Page 74/85