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Counteracting Agile Retrospective Problems with...

Counteracting Agile Retrospective Problems with Retrospective Activities

Slides of the talk "Counteracting Agile Retrospective Problems with Retrospective Activities" held at the 26th EuroSPI Conference (2019) in Edinburgh.

C. Matthies, F. Dobrigkeit, and A. Ernst, “Counteracting Agile Retrospective Problems with Retrospective Activities,” in Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement, A. Walker, R. V. O’Connor, and R. Messnarz, Eds., Cham:Springer International Publishing, 2019, pp. 532–545.

Christoph Matthies

September 18, 2019

More Decks by Christoph Matthies

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  1. Hasso Plattner Institute University of Potsdam, Germany [email protected] @chrisma0 Counteracting

    Agile Retrospective Problems with Retrospective Activities Christoph Matthies , Edinburgh, September ’19
  2. Scrum Development Method 2 The Role of the Retrospective Meeting

    Source: C. Matthies, F. Dobrigkeit, and A. Ernst, “Counteracting Agile Retrospective Problems with Retrospective Activities,” in Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019, pp. 532–545
  3. Scrum Development Method 3 The Role of the Retrospective Meeting

    Source: C. Matthies, F. Dobrigkeit, and A. Ernst, “Counteracting Agile Retrospective Problems with Retrospective Activities,” in Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019, pp. 532–545
  4. Retrospective Meetings 4 Definition opportunity for the team to inspect

    itself – The Scrum Guide [Schwaber, 2017] “ ” [Schwaber, 2017] K. Schwaber, J. Sutherland, “The Scrum Guide - The Definitive Guide to Scrum,” (2017) [online] http://scrumguides.org/docs/scrumguide/v2017/2017-Scrum-Guide-US.pdf Image: https://www.scrum.org/resources/2017-scrum-guide-update-ken-schwaber-and-jeff-sutherland ▪ Time and space to discuss and improve development process ▪ Looking back after a development iteration
  5. Retrospective Meetings 5 Process Improvement in Scrum ▪ Goal: Increased

    performance and enjoyment in the following iteration [Schwaber, 2004] ▪ 85% of State of Agile survey participants used Retros [VO, 2018] ▪ SPI Manifesto [Pries-Heje, 2010]: □ “Motivate all people involved“ □ “Create a learning organization” [Schwaber, 2004] Schwaber, K.: Agile Project Management with Scrum. Microsoft Press (2004) [VO, 2018] VersionOne Inc.: The 12th Annual State of Agile Report. Tech. rep. (2018) [Pries-Heje, 2010] Pries-Heje, J., Johansen, J.: SPI Manifesto. European system & software process improvement and innovation (2010)
  6. Retrospective Problems 6 Commonly Occurring Issues ▪ Retrospectives face unique

    challenges [Loeffler, 2017] □ Unfamiliar setting and tasks □ Different skill sets ▪ Agile process facilitators identified problems that commonly occur in Retrospectives [Rubin, 2012] □ Hindering teams in realizing their full potential □ e.g. participants not speaking up [Loeffler, 2017] Loeffler, M.: Improving Agile Retrospectives: Helping Teams Become More Efficient. Addison-Wesley Professional (2017) [Rubin, 2012] Rubin, K.S.: Essential Scrum: A practical guide to the most popular Agile process. Addison-Wesley (2012)
  7. Retrospective Activities 7 Games to Structure Retrospectives ▪ Proposed activities

    / games to structure Retros [Jovanovic, 2015] □ “timeboxed processes that [...] help your team think together” [Derby, 2006] □ Encourage equal participation and exploring new perspectives ▪ Explicit assignments of problems to activities only exist in a few cases [Jovanović, 2016] [Jovanovic, 2015] Jovanovic, M., Mesquida, A.L., Mas, A.: Process improvement with retrospective gaming in agile software development. In: Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement. pp. 287–294. Springer (2015) [Derby, 2006] Derby, E., Larsen, D.: Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great. Pragmatic Bookshelf Series, Pragmatic Bookshelf (2006) [Jovanović, 2016] Jovanović, M., Mesquida, A.L., Radaković, N., Mas, A.: Agile retrospective games for different team development phases. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 1489–1508 (2016)
  8. Research Goals 8 Research Questions ▪ Provide guidance to process

    facilitators in choosing activities which counteract identified problems in their retrospectives Hypotheses ▪ H1 Existing Agile Retrospective activities already address specific problems without explicitly mentioning so ▪ H2 Scrum Masters can address their teams’ Retrospective problems with problem-specific activities
  9. Research Agenda 9 Steps To Be Followed 1. Collect Retrospective

    problems and activities from research literature and online resources 2. Map activities to problems they address, generate hypotheses 3. Conduct case studies in Agile teams to evaluate the real-world effects
  10. Collecting Problems & Activities 10 Extracting Common Retrospective Problems and

    Activities ▪ Recent previous collection efforts [Loeffler, 2016; Jovanović, 2016] ▪ Explicitly included popular practitioner websites □ Most relevant to practitioners [Beecham, 2014] □ Most up-to-date □ Example: Agile Retrospective Wiki [Bowley, 2018] ▪ Deduplication, Issues not solvable by Retros structure removed [Loeffler, 2017] Loeffler, M.: Improving Agile Retrospectives: Helping Teams Become More Efficient. Addison-Wesley Professional (2017) [Jovanović, 2016] Jovanović, M., Mesquida, A.L., Radaković, N., Mas, A.: Agile retrospective games for different team development phases. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 1489–1508 (2016) [Beecham, 2014] Beecham, S., O’Leary, P., Baker, S., Richardson, I., Noll, J.: Making Software Engineering Research Relevant. Computer, 80–83 (2014) [Bowley, 2018] Bowley, R., Linders, B.: Common ailments & cures (2018), http://retrospectivewiki.org/index.php?title=Common_ailments_%26_cures, [online] Accessed: 2019-01-11
  11. Mapping Activities to Problems 11 Method ▪ Compile descriptions and

    explanations from primary sources ▪ Discussion and qualitative analysis □ Iterative coding using emergent topics □ Clustering of topics □ Consensus between three involved researchers ▪ Generate hypotheses on which activities remedy which problems
  12. Mapping Activities to Problems 12 Example: Peaks and Valleys Timeline

    Peaks and Valleys Timeline | Not Speaking Up ▪ After deliberation, participants plot their mood development over last sprint in shared graph [Caroli, 2015] ▪ Individual, silent thinking time ▪ Sharing carefully considered points promotes voicing thoughts ▪ Artifact for starting discussions [Caroli, 2015] Caroli, P., Caetano, T.: Fun Retrospectives — Activities and ideas for making agile retrospectives more engaging. Leanpub, Layton (2015)
  13. Problem-Activity Mapping 13 Retrospective Problems of the Mapping ▪ 9

    Retrospective problems — Challenges to tackle □ All Talk–No Action □ Too Repetitive □ No Preparation □ Blame Game □ Not Speaking Up □ Taking It Personally □ Group Think □ Focus on Negatives □ Complain Game For details: C. Matthies, F. Dobrigkeit, and A. Ernst, “Counteracting Agile Retrospective Problems with Retrospective Activities,” in Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019, pp. 532–545
  14. Problem-Activity Mapping 14 Retrospective Activities of the Mapping ▪ 14

    Retrospective activities — Things to do □ e.g. Sailboat, Futurespective, Peaks and Valleys Timeline ...
  15. Case Study 15 Evaluating the Created Activity-Problem Mapping ▪ Observational

    case studies in 6 Agile teams □ 4 student teams, 1 startup team, 1 large corporation team □ Scrum Master interviews, surveys of developers ▪ 4 observed problems □ No Preparation, Not Speaking Up, All Talk–No Action, Too Repetitive ▪ Administered 10 distinct Retrospective activities which tackle these problems
  16. Case Study Results 16 Evaluating the Created Activity-Problem Mapping ...

    ▪ Found evidence for problem resolution in vast majority of cases □ Only two cases showed no improvement □ Validated with Scrum Master interviews ▪ Evidence for applicability of proposed mapping
  17. Survey Results 18 Summary of Team Member Perceptions ▪ Retrospective

    participants, in general, enjoyed team activities □ Welcome change in structure □ In line with related work on the subject [Jovanović, 2016] ▪ Activities designed to be engaging □ Risk of not achieving original goals □ “have fun, but have a purpose” [Derby, 2006] [Jovanović, 2016] Jovanović, M., Mesquida, A.L., Radaković, N., Mas, A.: Agile retrospective games for different team development phases. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 1489–1508 (2016) [Derby, 2006] Derby, E., Larsen, D.: Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great. Pragmatic Bookshelf Series, Pragmatic Bookshelf (2006)
  18. Conclusions 19 Summary of Findings regarding Research Hypotheses ▪ Identified

    multiple collected problems in Retrospectives of professional and educational teams ▪ Showed connections between several common Retro activities and problems collected from literature and practitioner websites H1 Existing Agile Retrospective activities already address specific problems without explicitly mentioning so ✓
  19. Conclusions 20 Summary of Findings regarding Research Hypotheses ▪ Scrum

    Masters successfully introduced activities into their regular team meetings when problems were identified ▪ Activities received positively by team members H2 Scrum Masters can address their teams’ Retrospective problems with problem-specific activities ✓
  20. ▪ Activity-Problem mapping: first step for connecting research on process

    improvement and Retrospective activities ▪ Mapping can be employed in teams’ Retrospectives to combat common problems ▪ Excellent Retrospectives can improve teamwork, work satisfaction, quality of work and productivity [Gonçalves, 2014] ▪ Future work: Refine mapping and make it more accessible for practitioners, e.g. through websites or software solutions Conclusions 21 Summary of Findings [Gonçalves,, 2014] Gonçalves, L., Linders, B.: Getting Value out of Agile Retrospectives - A Toolbox of Retrospective Exercises. Lulu. com (2014)
  21. ▪ Meeting by Shocho from the Noun Project (CC-BY 3.0)

    ▪ Games by Icons Producer from the Noun Project (CC-BY 3.0) ▪ Meeting by Chanut is Industries from the Noun Project (CC-BY 3.0) ▪ Problem by Smalllike from the Noun Project (CC-BY 3.0) ▪ Games by Smalllike from the Noun Project (CC-BY 3.0) ▪ Target by Arthur Shlain from the Noun Project (CC-BY 3.0) ▪ Research by Eucalyp from the Noun Project (CC-BY 3.0) ▪ Books by sandra from the Noun Project (CC-BY 3.0) ▪ Research by Petai Jantrapoon from the Noun Project (CC-BY 3.0) ▪ Observation by Jugalbandi from the Noun Project (CC-BY 3.0) ▪ Survey by Michael Thompson from the Noun Project (CC-BY 3.0) Image Credits 23 In order of appearance