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Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: ...

Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig

Generative AI ist in aller Munde: Adobe Photoshop erlaubt das Austauschen von Objekten per einfacher Texteingabe und Microsoft Copilot steht Anwendern in Office und Windows zur Seite. Mit WebLLM und WebSD bringen wir generative AI auch in Ihre Angular-App: Lokal und offlinefähig. Wir generieren Bilder aus Texteingaben und fügen einer Todo-Anwendung einen Chatbot hinzu.

Christian Liebel

March 21, 2024

More Decks by Christian Liebel

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  1. Hello, it’s me. Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal

    und offlinefähig Christian Liebel X: @christianliebel Email: christian.liebel @thinktecture.com Angular & PWA Slides: thinktecture.com /christian-liebel
  2. 09:00–10:30 Block 1 10:30–11:00 Coffee Break 11:00–12:30 Block 2 Angular-Apps

    smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Timetable
  3. What to expect Focus on web app development Focus on

    Generative AI Up-to-date insights: the ML/AI field is evolving fast Live demos on real hardware Hands-on labs What not to expect Deep dive into AI specifics, RAG, model finetuning or training Stable libraries or specifications WebSD in Angular 1:1 Support Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Expectations First-time workshop! Huge downloads! High requirements! Things may break!
  4. Setup complete? (Node.js, Google Chrome, Editor, Git, macOS/Windows, 20 GB

    free disk space, 6 GB VRAM) Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Setup (1/2) LAB #0
  5. git clone https://github.com/thinktecture/angular- days-2024-spring-genai.git cd angular-days-2024-spring-genai npm i npm start

    -- --open Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Setup (2/2) LAB #0
  6. Run locally on the user’s system Angular-Apps smarter machen mit

    Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Single-Page Applications Server- Logik Web API Push Service Web API DBs HTML, JS, CSS, Assets Webserver Webbrowser SPA Client- Logik View HTML/CSS View HTML/CSS View HTML/CSS HTTPS WebSockets HTTPS HTTPS
  7. Make SPAs offline-capable Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal

    und offlinefähig Progressive Web Apps Service Worker Internet Website HTML/JS Cache fetch
  8. Speech OpenAI Whisper tortoise-tts … Overview Angular-Apps smarter machen mit

    Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Generative AI Images Midjourney DALL·E Stable Diffusion … Audio/Music Musico Soundraw … Text OpenAI GPT LLaMa Vicuna …
  9. Speech OpenAI Whisper tortoise-tts … Overview Angular-Apps smarter machen mit

    Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Generative AI Images Midjourney DALL·E Stable Diffusion … Audio/Music Musico Soundraw … Text OpenAI GPT LLaMa Vicuna …
  10. Drawbacks – Require an active internet connection – Affected by

    network latency and server availability – Data is transferred to the cloud service – Require a subscription à Can we run models locally? Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Generative AI Cloud Providers
  11. Large: Trained on lots of data Language: Process and generate

    text Models: Programs/neural networks Examples: – GPT (ChatGPT, Bing Chat, …) – Gemini, Gemma (Google) – LLaMa (Meta AI) Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Large Language Models
  12. Token A meaningful unit of text (e.g., a word, a

    part of a word, a character). Context Window The maximum amount of tokens the model can process. Parameters/weights Internal variables learned during training, used to make predictions. Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Large Language Models
  13. Prompts serve as the universal interface Unstructured text conveying specific

    semantics Paradigm shift in software architecture Natural language becomes a first-class citizen Caveats Non-determinism and hallucination, prompt injections Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Large Language Models
  14. Size Comparison Model:Parameters Size mistral:7b 4.1 GB vicuna:7b 3.8 GB

    llama2:7b 3.8 GB llama2:13b 7.4 GB llama2:70b 39.0 GB zephyr:7b 4.1 GB Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Large Language Models
  15. Benchmarks Selection of available models for WebLLM: – LLaMa-2 7B

    Chat – LLaMa-2 13B Chat – Mistral 7B Instruct – Gemma 2B IT https://medium.com/@kagglepro.llc/gemma-vs-llama- vs-mistral-a-comparative-analysis-with-a-coding- twist-8eb4d849e4d5 Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Choosing a model
  16. In app.component.ts, add the following lines: protected readonly chatModule =

    new ChatModule(); protected readonly progress = signal(0); protected readonly ready = signal(false); You may need to add these imports at the very top of the file: import { ChatModule } from '@mlc-ai/web-llm'; import { Component, OnInit, signal } from '@angular/core'; Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Downloading a model LAB #2
  17. In app.component.ts (ngOnInit()), add the following lines: this.chatModule.setInitProgressCallback(({ progress })

    => this.progress.set(progress)); await this.chatModule.reload( 'Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2-q4f16_1', undefined, { model_list }); this.ready.set(true); Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Downloading a model LAB #2
  18. In app.component.html, add the following lines: <div><progress [value]="progress()"></progress></div> <input type="text"

    #prompt> <button (click)="runPrompt(prompt.value)" [disabled]="!ready()"> Ask </button> Launch the app via npm run start. The progress bar should begin to move. Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Downloading a model LAB #2
  19. Storing model files locally Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI:

    lokal und offlinefähig Cache API Internet Website HTML/JS Cache with model files Hugging Face
  20. Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig WebAssembly

    (Wasm) Bytecode for the web Compile target for arbitrary languages Can be faster than JavaScript WebLLM needs the model and a Wasm library to accelerate model computations
  21. Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig WebGPU

    Grants low-level access to the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) Near native performance for machine learning applications Supported by Chromium-based browsers on Windows and macOS from version 113
  22. Grants web applications access to the Neural Processing Unit (NPU)

    of the system via platform-specific machine learning services (e.g., ML Compute on macOS/iOS, DirectML on Windows, …) Even better performance compared to WebGPU Currently in specification by the WebML Working Group at W3C Implementation in progress for Chromium-based browsers https://webmachinelearning.github.io/webnn-intro/ Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Outlook: WebNN
  23. Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig WebNN:

    near-native inference performance Source: Intel. Browser: Chrome Canary 118.0.5943.0, DUT: Dell/Linux/i7-1260P, single p-core, Workloads: MediaPipe solution models (FP32, batch=1)
  24. In app.component.ts, add the following lines at the top of

    the class: protected readonly reply = signal(''); In the runPrompt() method, add the following code: await this.chatModule.resetChat(); this.reply.set('…'); await this.chatModule .generate(userPrompt, (_, reply) => this.reply.set(reply)); Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Model inference LAB #3
  25. In app.component.html, add the following line: <pre>{{ reply() }}</pre> You

    should now be able to send prompts to the model and see the responses in the template. Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Model inference LAB #3
  26. 1. Add the following lines to package.json: "browser": { "perf_hooks":

    false, "url": false } 2. In angular.json, increase the bundle size for projects. genai-demo.architect. build.configurations. production.budgets[0]. maximumError to at least 5mb. 3. Then, run npm run build again. This time, the build should succeed. Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Build issues LAB #4
  27. In app.component.ts, add the following signal at the top: protected

    readonly todos = signal<Todo[]>([]); Add the following line to the addTodo() method: this.todos.update(todos => [...todos, { done: false, text }]); Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Todo management LAB #5
  28. In app.component.html, add the following lines to add todos from

    the UI: <input type="text" #input> <button (click)="addTodo(input.value)">Add</button> <ul> @for(todo of todos(); track $index) { <li>{{ todo.text }}</li> } </ul> Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Todo management LAB #5
  29. In app.component.ts, add the following lines to toggleTodo(): this.todos.update(todos =>

    todos.map((todo, todoIndex) => todoIndex === index ? { ...todo, done: !todo.done } : todo)); In app.component.html, add the following content to the <li> node: <input type="checkbox" [checked]="todo.done" (change)="toggleTodo($index)"> You should now be able to toggle the checkboxes. Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Todo management (extended) LAB #6
  30. Concept and limitations The todo data has to be converted

    into natural language. For the sake of simplicity, we will add all TODOs to the prompt. Remember: LLMs have a context window (Mistral-7B: 8K). If you need to chat with larger sets of text, refer to Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). These are the todos: * Wash clothes * Pet the dog * Take out the trash Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Chat with data
  31. System prompt Metaprompt that defines… – character – capabilities/limitations –

    output format – behavior – grounding data Hallucinations and prompt injections cannot be eliminated. You are a helpful assistant. Answer user questions on todos. Generate a valid JSON object. Avoid negative content. These are the user’s todos: … Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Chat with data
  32. Flow System message • The user has these todos: 1.

    … 2. … 3. … User message • How many todos do I have? Assistant message • You have three todos. Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Chat with data
  33. Using a system & user prompt Remove the last line

    in runPrompt() and replace it with the following: const systemPrompt = `Here's the user's todo list: ${this.todos().map(todo => `* ${todo.text} (${todo.done ? 'done' : 'not done'})`).join('\n')}`; await this.chatModule.generate([ { role: 'system', content: systemPrompt }, { role: 'user', content: userPrompt }, ], (_, reply) => this.reply.set(reply)); Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Chat with data LAB #7
  34. Techniques – Providing examples (single shot, few shot, …) –

    Priming outputs – Specify output structure – Repeating instructions – Chain of thought – … Success also depends on the model. Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Prompt Engineering https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/openai/concepts/advanced-prompt-engineering
  35. const systemPrompt = `You are a helpful assistant. The user

    will ask questions about their todo list. Briefly answer the questions. Don't try to make up an answer if you don't know it. Here's the user's todo list: ${this.todos().map(todo => `* ${todo.text} (this todo is ${todo.done ? 'done' : 'not done'})`).join('\n')} ${this.todos().length === 0 ? 'The list is empty, there are no todos.' : ''}`; Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Prompt Engineering LAB #8
  36. Alternatives Prompt Engineering Retrieval Augmented Generation Fine-tuning Custom model Angular-Apps

    smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Prompt Engineering Effort
  37. Text-to-image model Generates 512x512px images from a prompt Runs on

    “commodity” hardware (with 8 GB VRAM) Open-source Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Stable Diffusion Prompt: A guinea pig eating a watermelon
  38. Specialized version of the Stable Diffusion model for the web

    2 GB in size Subject to usage conditions: https://huggingface.co/runwayml/stable- diffusion-v1-5#uses No npm package this time Currently incompatible with Angular & esbuild due to Wasm imports Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Web Stable Diffusion
  39. Live Demo Retrofitting AI image generation into an existing drawing

    application (https://paint.js.org) Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Web Stable Diffusion DEMO
  40. Advantages – Data does not leave the browser – High

    availability (offline support) – Low latency – Stability (external API changes) – Low cost Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Local AI Models
  41. Disadvantages – Lower quality than closed-source models – High system

    requirements (RAM, GPU) – Large model size, high initial bandwidth requirements, models cannot be shared across origins – Model initialization and inference are relatively slow – WebGPU is currently only supported by Chromium-based browsers on macOS and Windows, WebNN is not available yet Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Local AI Models
  42. Mitigations Download model in the background if the user is

    not on a metered connection Helpful APIs: – Network Information API to estimate the network quality/determine data saver (negative standards position by Apple and Mozilla) – Storage Manager API to estimate the available free disk space Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Local AI Models
  43. Mitigations Hybrid modes: – Allow the user to switch between

    cloud/local execution (availability, system requirements) – Deploy OSS model on internal/enterprise infrastructure (privacy) Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Local AI Models
  44. Alternatives: Ollama Local runner for AI models Offers a local

    server a website can connect to à allows sharing models across origins Supported on macOS and Linux (Windows in Preview) https://webml-demo.vercel.app/ https://ollama.ai/ Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Local AI Models
  45. Hugging Face Transformers Pre-trained, specialized, significantly smaller models beyond GenAI

    Examples: – Text generation – Image classification – Translation – Speech recognition – Image-to-text Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Alternatives
  46. Transformers.js JavaScript library to run Hugging Face transformers in the

    browser Supports most of the models https://xenova.github.io/transformers.js/ Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Alternatives
  47. – Cloud-based models (especially OpenAI/GPT) remain the most potent models

    and are easier to integrate (for now) – Due to their size and high system requirements, local generative AI models are currently rather interesting for very special scenarios (e.g., high privacy demands, offline availability) – Small, specialized models are an interesting alternative (if available) – Open-source generative AI models rapidly advance and are becoming more compact and efficient – Computers are getting more powerful Angular-Apps smarter machen mit Generative AI: lokal und offlinefähig Summary