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Swift in the Cloud

Swift in the Cloud

Talk given at AKIBA.swift on April 28, 2016.

In this talk, I go through the steps it takes to get a web server running in Swift. I go through some of the more popular frameworks that are available, and what I thought about them.

Caesar Wirth

April 27, 2016

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  1. CAESAR WIRTH CYBERAGENT, INC. > Current: AbemaTV > Swift since

    August 2014 > try! Swift Organizer and Speaker
  2. STEPS TO SERVER SIDE SWIFT 1. Set up your Environment

    2. Choose a Framework 3. Conform to Standards 4. Deploy!
  3. Nothing is Stable So use tools to make it better

    > swiftenv > Swift Package Manager
  4. SWIFTENV Swift Version Manager > Easily install latest releases and

    snapshots > Project Scoped: ./swift-version > chswift is probably OK too
  5. SWIFTENV # Official Releases > swiftenv install 2.2 # Snapshots

    > swiftenv install DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-04-12-a # Scoped > swiftenv local DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-03-24-a > swiftenv global 2.2
  6. SWIFT PACKAGE MANAGER Dependency Manager > Included in Swift Toolchain

    > Fetches and builds depencencies from git > Needs a Package.swift
  7. SWIFT PACKAGE MANAGER - PACKAGE.SWIFT import PackageDescription let package =

    Package( name: "swift-api-server", dependencies: [ .Package(url: "https://github.com/user/server.git", majorVersion: 0, minor: 9) ] )
  8. . !"" .build # $"" debug # $"" Build Files,

    Including Binary !"" Package.swift !"" Packages # $"" Downloaded Dependencies !"" Sources # !"" Module # # $"" Module Sources # $"" main.swift $"" Tests !"" Module # $"" Tests for Module $"" Test Files For Package
  9. NEW IN SPM: swift build -X Generates Xcode Project SPM

    ❤ Xcode My blog post post is deprecated
  10. AWESOME-SWIFT#WEBSERVER - Aeon - Perfect - Curassow - Swifty-Server -

    Blackfish - swifter - Dynamo - SwiftyHTTP - Express - Swifton - Frank - Taylor - http4swift - Trevi - Kitura - Vapor - Kunugi - XcodeServerSDK - NetworkObjects - Zewo
  11. PERFECT Easy setup Database Support: SQLite, MySQL, PostreSQL, MongoDB Uses

    Swifty Features Feature rich, but with boilerplate
  12. // PerfectLib public protocol RequestHandler { func handleRequest(request: WebRequest, response:

    WebResponse) } // MyApp public func PerfectServerModuleInit() { RoutingHandler.registerGlobally() Routing.Routes["GET", "/users/{id}"] = { _ in return FetchUserHandler() } } class FetchUserHandler: RequestHandler { func handleRequest(request: WebRequest, response: WebResponse) { let user: String = response.urlVariables["id"] ?? "No User" response.appendBodyString("You selected user: \(user)") response.requestCompletedCallback() } }
  13. import Kitura let router = Router() router.get("/users/:user") { request, response,

    next in let user = request.params["user"] ?? "No User" do { response.status(HttpStatusCode.OK) response.send("You selected user: \(user)") try response.end() } catch { print("Error with request: \(error)") } } let server = HttpServer.listen(8090, delegate: router) Server.run() // Just runs the main run loop
  14. import HTTPServer import Router let router = Router { route

    in route.get("/users/:user") { request in let user = request.pathParameters["user"] ?? "No User" return Response(body: "You selected user: \(user)") } } try Server(responder: router).start()
  15. import Vapor let app = Application() app.get("users", String.self) { request,

    user in return "You selected user: \(user)" } app.start(port: 8888)

    has Rack > Perl has PSGI > Swift has...
  17. NEST - Swift Web Server Gateway Interface - Minimal interface

    between web servers and web applications - Very Simple Spec
  18. /// Represents a HTTP Header, Key and Value public typealias

    Header = (String, String) /// Represents a HTTP request or response body public protocol PayloadType { /// Returns the next byte in the payload mutating func next() -> [UInt8]? } /// Represents a HTTP Request public protocol RequestType { var method:String { get } var path:String { get } var headers:[Header] { get } var body: PayloadType? { get set } } /// Represents a HTTP Response public protocol ResponseType { var statusLine:String { get } var headers:[Header] { get } var body: PayloadType? { get set } } public typealias Application = RequestType -> ResponseType
  19. OPENSWIFT - Open source cross project standards for Swift -

    Different project for different standards - S4 - HTTP Standards - C7 - Core Standards - D5 - Database Standards - Very Comprehensive Spec
  20. DEPLOYING TO HEROKU 1. Download heroku-buildpack-swift 2. Set your swift-version

    3. Create Procfile 4. Get port from command line 5. Push to Heroku!
  21. 1 BUILDPACK SETUP # Install Heroku CLI. Also need to

    do login and stuff > brew install heroku-toolbelt # Set the buildpack for your application > heroku buildpacks:set https://github.com/kylef/heroku-buildpack-swift.git # Set the swift-version for this project > swiftenv local DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-04-12-a # Create Procfile to fetch port from command line > echo "web: AKIBA.vapor --port=$PORT" > Procfile
  22. 2 CONFIGURE PORT FROM ARGUMENTS // Process.valueFor() is a Vapor-provided

    method // Can also search through the `Process.arguments` array let portArg = Process.valueFor(argument: "port") ?? "8888" let port = Int(portArg) ... print("Running on port: \(port)") app.start(port: port)
  23. 3 PUSH TO HEROKU > git commit -am "Prepare for

    Deploy" > git push heroku master