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WebSummit 2020 - Create serverless applications...

WebSummit 2020 - Create serverless applications on Microsoft Azure

Christopher MANEU

December 04, 2020

More Decks by Christopher MANEU

Other Decks in Programming


  1. 1. Why care about Serverless? 2. The elephant in the

    room: functions 3. Serverless all the things
  2. What defines serverless? Autoscales Pay as you go Unit of

    measurement is not servers Use carbon as you go
  3. @cmaneu Why choose serverless over a « traditional » approach?

    Developer Velocity Organizational impact No infrastructure provisioning & management Low-Code & No-Code services Cost Time to Market Environmental Cost
  4. @cmaneu Azure Functions is an Open Source project… • https://github.com/Azure/Azure-Functions

    • Azure Functions Host - the Azure Functions runtime • Azure WebJobs SDK - the "core" of the Azure Functions runtime and many bindings • Azure WebJobs SDK extensions - the repositories of many bindings • Azure Functions Core Tools - the command line tool for Azure Functions • Azure Functions Portal - the UX for the Functions development portal • Azure Functions templates - the templates which show up the Azure Functions portal • Azure Functions samples - repository for some samples on how the runtime works
  5. @cmaneu …and you can host them anywhere you want Azure

    Functions (Linux & Windows) Azure Functions In containers Azure Functions In Kubernetes (keda) Azure IoT Hub + IoT Devices On Premises
  6. @cmaneu Host your Static Web Apps easily Azure Static Web

    Apps Host your API and your static front end (Angular, React, Vue, Blazor) on a simple service. Deploy from GitHub Subdomains & managed SSL Certificates Free tier
  7. @cmaneu You need more than code to build an app

    Azure Logic Apps Azure Static Web Apps Azure Functions API Management Kubernetes Virtual Nodes Azure SQL Serverless Azure SQL Serverless SQL, MongoDB Azure Synapse Databases Front end Code Messaging, Storage, Developer services, … Blob Storage, Service Bus (AMQP Broker), Event Hubs (Kafka), GitHub Actions, …
  8. @cmaneu You already have an app? No worries ☺ Start

    by moving some workloads to serverless: • Document generation (invoices, PDF, …) • Email sending • Webhooks • Static web sites
  9. 1. Why care about Serverless? 2. The elephant in the

    room: functions 3. Serverless all the things https://Aka.ms/web-serverless-masterclass