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Touraine Tech - On peut écouter 1 fois un utili...

Touraine Tech - On peut écouter 1 fois un utilisateur, ou écouter 1 milliard d'utilisateurs.

Nous savons tous que la conception centrée utilisateur est fondamentale pour le succès d'un produit. Parmi l'ensemble des choses à faire pour y arriver, collecter du feedback de vos utilisateurs est l'un des points les plus importants pour prendre les bonnes décisions produits et techniques. Mais comment le faire ?

A la fin de cette session, vous aurez quelques techniques pour collecter ce feedback, mais aussi l'intégrer dans votre workflow de développements:

- Comment collecter et traiter le feedback produit avec des outils simples comme l'email ou GitHub?
- Comment tracker les utilisateurs tout en respectant leurs droits et données ?
- Comment faire une place à ce feedback dans votre organisation et dans les roadmaps ?

Ces techniques proviennent de mes expériences à différentes échelles : de la startup qui tient dans une voiture aux équipes Azure en passant par Deezer.

Christopher MANEU

January 20, 2023

More Decks by Christopher MANEU

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  1. Customer experience is more holistic than product management Even the

    best products can leave you with a bad experience Image from https://unfix.work/blog/jobs-to-be-done
  2. How to listen to users? How to close the (development)

    loop? How to do it while preserving their rights? Agenda
  3. How to listen to users? How to close the (development)

    loop? How to do it while preserving their rights? Agenda
  4. Advocacy teams… and Experience Crews Experience Crew — unFIX The

    Subtle Art of Being A Developer Advocate - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻
  5. Different ways to collect feedback User-initiated DevTeam-initiated Easy setup Complex

    setup Session capture Clarity Email feedback GitHub Micro-feedback InApp feedback Influencer program Forums Dedicated platforms Advocacy program XP Crews
  6. Different ways to collect feedback User-initiated DevTeam-initiated Easy setup Complex

    setup Session capture Clarity Email feedback GitHub Micro-feedback InApp feedback Influencer program Forums Dedicated platforms Advocacy program XP Crews
  7. @cmaneu In-app Feedback { "feedback.v": "1", "feedback.ts": "1451399541", "feedback.type": "Provide

    a suggestion", "feedback.title": "Support the developers", "feedback.body": "Hey,\r\nThis is a great Windows 10 app. I love it !\r\nKudos to the devs 👸🏿🎋 ", "app.version": "", "app.lang": "us", "dev.p": "windowsuniversal", "dev.family": "Windows.Mobile", "dev.arch": "Arm", "dev.brand": "NOKIA", "dev.model": "RM-937_eu_france_219", "dev.display": "432x768", "dev.osver": "10.0.10586.29", "dz.family": "Mobile", "dz.ua": "Deezer/ (WindowsUniversal; 10.0.10586.29; Mobile; us; RM- 937_eu_france_219)", "user.hasal": "True", "user.id": “XXXXXXXXXX", "user.country": "FR", "user.dal": "True", "user.ot": "None" feedback.json
  8. @cmaneu Scaling Microfeedback Any PM should be able to add

    a feedback piece in a service without days of development. <MicroFeedback inline dislikeQuestion={followUpOnDislike} likeQuestion={followUpOnLike} likeIconTitle="Like" dislikeIconTitle="Dislike" sendFeedback={sendFeedbackCallback} sendFollowUpIndex={sendFollowupIndexCallback} thanksText="Thank you!" tokens={{ followUpBackgroundColor: 'lightgrey' }} /> Microfeedback.jsx
  9. @cmaneu User community programs Uservoice-like platforms for features ideas and

    priorization Discourse-like forums for trends & co-building with the community
  10. How to listen to your users? Empathy Culture of feedback

    Dedicated roles Leveraging existing roles App reviews Tracked links/docs In-app feedback Micro-feedback Emails GitHub Specialized platforms Dynamics Customer Voice
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    loop? How to do it while preserving their rights? Agenda
  12. Triaging the feedback Origin Internal Insiders Production Commercial ticket Area

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  13. Make the feedback actionanble  What success look like? 

    What metric can you put in place  Gather the necessary context  Tie it back to your objectives
  14. Make room for feedback within your roadmaps Story points budget

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    loop? How to do it while preserving their rights? Agenda
  16. Privacy is about user centric choices. We can’t be serious

    about customer listening without being serious about privacy. More effective privacy choices = fewer privacy problems Why talk about privacy?
  17. Chris principles for user feedback data 1. Segregate feedback data

    from PII DuckDuckGo + My OSS project 2. Give choices to users Edge Feedback + DuckDuckgo 3. Create “progressive data collection” paths Windows / Insider program 4. Be transparent Edge
  18. Clarity “No-cookie” + PII redaction The “No-cookie” experience will not

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