theory. - (your experience plays a big role in finding a good bet) “I wonder if we could [ solve the problem ] by using [ data in reach ]?” 2. “I RECKON….”
experience. - Literature search (has anyone already done this?) - What would make a good model for this problem? - What data do we have? (are we allowed to use it?) - Would this model disadvantage any group? - What data do would we need? …and so, does this sound like something worth trying? 3. “WHAT IF WE TRY….”
on: can we really do this? what gaps do we have? - Does the model work, perform well? - What confidence do we have in this? - How much data do we need to get to production? - What are the consequences of the model being wrong? 4. “LET’S SEE IF OUR HUNCH IS RIGHT…”
usually lots of plumbing work to do - Find out what is working and what is not - Feedback behaviour to improve the model - …and be sure you can rectify errors 5. “LET’S GET IT OUT AND SEE…”