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Routing in Ember.js

Routing in Ember.js

This presentation goes over the basics of the Ember.js Router

Dan McClain

May 08, 2013

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Routing? Wat? • With a web application, URLs are the

    main user interface • Ember.js uses URLs to manage states (where am I? What do I want to do? • Sharing a URL shares the current state (sort of) • Preserves the back button (unless you disable it) http://jsbin.com/ewumic/1/edit
  2. Router Types • By default, uses hash urls: #/articles/1 •

    You can use the History API (if the user’s browser supports it): /articles/1 • You can disable the browser’s URL entirely by using ‘none’ http://jsbin.com/ewumic/1/edit
  3. this.route() • Used for singular pages • Can take a

    path http://jsbin.com/amicax/1/edit
  4. this.resource(‘articles’,function(){ this.route(‘new’) }); • Passing function to resource creates an

    articles.index route • Routes defined by this call • articles/index • articles/new • Renders the articles template first, with the nested route within its outlet
  5. this.resource() • Resources manage multiple routes • Can have dynamic

    segments • Can have nested routes and resources http://jsbin.com/ovirep/12/edit
  6. Specifying Models • Ember will call the model function of

    the current route • Dynamic segments will be passed in on an object provided to the function http://jsbin.com/ovirep/13/edit
  7. Setting up controllers • Called when the route changes •

    Set properties on the controller, fetch additional resources http://jsbin.com/ecocen/1/edit
  8. Activate & Deactivate • Activate is called when you enter

    a route for the first time, not when the model changes • Deactivate is called when you completely exit a route
  9. Rendering Templates • Router’s main job is to render the

    correct template • Defining a renderTemplate function to change the template used or to render it in a different outlet http://jsbin.com/itofom/3/edit