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Pradeep Buditi - Making An Easily Scalable Clou...

Pradeep Buditi - Making An Easily Scalable Cloud Using MaaS And CEPH

Deploying and managing a cloud is a difficult task. With the use of MaaS and CEPHS on the Production cloud, at PALO IT, Pradeep was able to make it scalable with limited human intervention and full automation of setups. Attendees will get to understand the technologies used and witness the benefits of combining these technologies to make a highly scalable cloud through a live demonstration.
DevOpsDays Singapore 2017

DevOpsDays Singapore

October 26, 2017

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  1. Bare Metal Automation for Smart Data Centres and to deploy

    high available and scalable OpenStack Private Cloud Tools: ◦ Metal As A Services (MAAS) ◦ OpenStack Deployment ◦ Juju Charms ◦ CEPH OBJECTIVE
  2. • Bare metal machines is where all VMs run. •

    Complexity on On-boarding, provisioning • Is Infrastructure must be agile ? • Manual Data centre deployments • A tool to manage infrastructure. Bare Metal
  3. What is MAAS ? • Metal as a Service --

    MAAS • treat physical servers like virtual machines in the cloud. • Elastic cloud-like resource • Provisioning construct created by Canonical
  4. • Use MAAS to deploy Windows servers in their data

    centre during business hours to support applications and employee systems. • Once the day is done, they use MAAS to redeploy the data centre server infrastructure to support Linux Servers and perform batch processing and transaction settlement for the day’s activities. MAAS – Use Case
  5. • Installing, configuring, and monitoring bare metal hardware. Including but

    not limited to, servers, switches, power distribution units (PDU)/mains distribution units (MDU), etc. • Install and upgrade firmware,patches, and updates. • Automated server utilisation and re-utilisation based on need. • Discovery of compute, network, capabilities, and storage based on server. • Power on and off servers as needed. MAAS Introduction Benefits
  6. MAAS Architecture Enhance NLP • Web UI (optimised for mobile

    devices) • Open source IP address management (IPAM) full API/CLI support • High availability (optional) • Inventory of components • DHCP and DNS for other devices on the network • DHCP relay integration • VLAN and fabric support • NTP for the entire infrastructure • Hardware testing • Composable hardware support
  7. MAAS NETWORKING MAAS A B C D ethernet ports 1

    2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Internal Switch External Switch IPMI Power PXE DHCP Internet
  8. MAAS SETUP steps STEP 01 STEP 02 STEP 03 STEP

    04 STEP 05 Hardware Setup Install MAAS Access Enable DHCP Comission Nodes Rack mounting hardware Setup Network Switches Configure both internal and External Switch Install Ubuntu Server on one box Install Maas “sudo snap install maas” Create admin user and password for login Complete the first user configuration journey Turn on DHCP on the internal subnet Start the servers. Maas will recognize the nodes. Hit commissioning MAAS Cloud is ready
  9. • OpenStack is an open source cloud platform • Controls

    large pools of compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a datacenter • Turns hypervisors into data centres (supports KVM to Hyper-V) • Support Container Orchestration (Kubernetes, Swarm, Mesos) What is OpenStack ?
  10. OpenStack Architecture Keystone - Authentication Nova - Compute Neutron -

    Network Glance - Image Cinder - Volume Storage Horizon - Dashboard Swift - Object Storage Core Services
  11. OpenStack Deployment Challenges • Big software big challenges ◦ Deployment

    ◦ Scaling out ◦ Server upgrades ◦ Rolling updates ◦ Repeatable best Practices • H/W configuration and integration • Agility
  12. OpenStack Deployment Fully Automated MAAS and Juju - workflow Juju

    openstack-base model MAAS JUJU Physical Infrastructure Model Landscape Charm store Initial deployme nt update/sc ale openstack Auto Provisioning On Bare Metal DNS/DHCP/NT P Web Console $ conjure-up juju gui • MAAS – to handle bare metal • Juju – Model-driven solution to deploy, manage and monitor (WebUI and CLI) • Autopilot - OpenStack installation with best practices (LXD, ZFS, CEPH, OVS) • Two Step deployment ◦ Run ”conjure-up” on maas server to deploy landscape ◦ Launch Landscape GUI to install OpenStack
  13. JUJU Charms openstack-base • Juju, enables you to quickly design,

    configure, deploy and manage both legacy and cloud ready applications. • Provides a drag-and-drop ability to deploy individual components • Ability to scale with MAAS
  14. CEPH for Storage CEPH • Ceph is a massively scalable,

    open source, distributed storage comprised of ◦ object store ◦ block store ◦ POSIX-compliant distributed file system • Auto-scale to the exabyte level and beyond • Runs on commodity hardware • Self-healing and self-managing, and has no single point of failure
  15. Automation MAAS JUJU Physical Infrastructure Model Landscape Charm store Initial

    deployment update/scale openstack Auto Provisioning On Bare Metal DNS/DHCP/NTP Web Console $ conjure-up juju gui