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Event Sourcing 101

December 09, 2018

Event Sourcing 101


December 09, 2018

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  1. Πϕϯτιʔγϯάͷಛ௃ w աڈͷཤྺ Πϕϯτ Λ͢΂ͯอଘ σʔλͷߋ৽͸͠ͳ͍  w ཤྺ͔Βݱࡏঢ়ଶΛ෮ݩ w

    ৘ใ͕ফࣦ͠ͳ͍ͨΊɺޙ͔ΒϏδωεϩδοΫΛมߋ͠΍͍͢ w ཁ݅Λͦͷ··ιʔείʔυͰදݱ͠΍͍͢ w ֎෦γεςϜ΋ΠϕϯτͷίϯγϡʔϚʹͳΓɺτϥϯβΫγϣϯ΍ґଘؔ܎ ͕ܰݮ w ΠϕϯτετΞͷଞʹݕࡧʹಛԽͨͨ͠͠σʔλετΞ
  2. .7$

  3. w ॻ͖ࠐΈܥͷෳࡶੑ w େྔͷ৚݅෼ذ΍ɺෳࡶͳϏδωεϧʔϧɺԋࢉ w ৽نɺԼॻ͖ɺߋ৽ͱ͔Λಉ͡.PEFMͰѻ͏ w ϢʔεέʔεʹΑͬͯOVMM΍ɺόϦσʔγϣϯ͕ҧ͏ w ಡΈࠐΈܥͷෳࡶੑ

    w ߋ৽ͷͱ͖͸ϦϨʔγϣϯઌͷ*%͚ͩ͋Ε͹͍͍ w औಘʹ͸*%Ͱ+PJOͨ݁͠Ռ΋΄͍͠ w ୯Ұͷ.PEFMऔಘ͸ৄࡉɺෳ਺.PEFMͷ৔߹͸αϚϦʔ͚ͩ͋Ε͹͍͍
  4. w ॻ͖ࠐΈܥͷෳࡶੑ w େྔͷ৚݅෼ذ΍ɺෳࡶͳϏδωεϧʔϧɺԋࢉ w ৽نɺԼॻ͖ɺߋ৽ͱ͔Λಉ͡.PEFMͰѻ͏ w ϢʔεέʔεʹΑͬͯOVMM΍ɺόϦσʔγϣϯ͕ҧ͏ w ಡΈࠐΈܥͷෳࡶੑ

    w ߋ৽ͷͱ͖͸ϦϨʔγϣϯઌͷ*%͚ͩ͋Ε͹͍͍ w औಘʹ͸*%Ͱ+PJOͨ݁͠Ռ΋΄͍͠ w ୯Ұͷ.PEFMऔಘ͸ৄࡉɺෳ਺.PEFMͷ৔߹͸αϚϦʔ͚ͩ͋Ε͹͍͍ ॻ͖ࠐΈͱಡΈࠐΈΛ෼͚Δ
  5. $POUSPMMFS w ී௨ͷ4QSJOH$POUSPMMFS w ඇಉظॲཧͷͨΊʹ $PNQMFUBCMF'VUVSF @RestController @RequestMapping("/accounts") class BankAccountApi

    { @PostMapping CompletableFuture<String> createAccount(@RequestBody AccountOwner user) { // … } @PutMapping(path = "{accountId}/balance") CompletableFuture<String> deposit(@RequestBody Balance balance, @PathVariable String accountId) { // … } @DeleteMapping("{id}") CompletableFuture<String> delete(@PathVariable String id) { // … } @GetMapping("{id}") CompletableFuture<BankAccountDto> findById(@PathVariable String id) { // … } }
  6. $PNNBOE(BUFXBZ w "YPO͕ఏڙ w TFOE ʹΑͬͯ$PNNBOE .PEFMΛૹ৴ @RestController @RequestMapping("/accounts") class

    BankAccountApi { CommandGateway commandGateway; @PostMapping CompletableFuture<String> createAccount(@RequestBody AccountOwner user) { String id = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); return commandGateway.send(new CreateAccountCommand(id, user.getName())); } }
  7. $PNNBOE.PEFM w ৼΔ෣͍Λ࣋ͨͳ͍ී௨ ͷ#FBO w !5BSHFU"HHSFHBUF*EFOUJ pFS͸%PNBJO.PEFMͱର Ԡ class CreateAccountCommand

    { @TargetAggregateIdentifier String id; String accountCreator; } class WithdrawMoneyCommand { @TargetAggregateIdentifier String id; double amount; }

    Ͱ&WFOUൃߦ w !&WFOU4PVSDJOH)BOEMFS w &WFOUͷॲཧ w ϏδωεϩδοΫͷू໿ w ݱ࣮ͷཁ݅Λهड़ w ޱ࠲ #BOL"DDPVOU  w ޱ࠲ʹೖۚ͢Δ %FQPTJU.POFZ$PNNBOE  w ޱ࠲ʹೖۚ͞Εͨ .POFZ%FQPTJUFE&WFOU  w υϝΠϯʹෆཁͳॲཧ͸"YPOଆͰࣗಈ࣮ߦ w σʔλ &WFOU ͷอଘ w &WFOUཤྺ͔Βݱࡏঢ়ଶͷ෮ݩ SFQMBZ @Aggregate class BankAccount { @AggregateIdentifier String id; double balance; String owner; @CommandHandler void on(DepositMoneyCommand command) { double amount = command.getAmount(); Assert.isTrue(amount > 0.0, "Deposit must be a positive number."); apply(new MoneyDepositedEvent(id, amount)); } @EventSourcingHandler void on(MoneyDepositedEvent event) { this.balance += event.getAmount(); } }
  9. &WFOU4UPSF w "YPO͕ఏڙ w BQQMZ ͞Εͨ&WFOUΛશ ͯอଘ w อଘ͞Εͨ&WFOU͸4USFBN ͱͯ͠औΓग़ͤΔ

    &WFOU 4USFBN @RestController @RequestMapping("/accounts") class BankAccountApi { EventStore eventStore; List<Object> getEvents(@PathVariable String id) { return eventStore.readEvents(id).asStream() .map(Message::getPayload) .collect(toList()); } }
  10. &WFOU-JTUFOFS w !&WFOU)BOEMFS w &WFOUΛड͚औΔ w ݕࡧ༻ͷετΞʹ൓ө w ͦͷଞͷ༻్ʹ΋ class

    BankAccountEventListener { BankAccountRepository repository; @EventHandler void on(AccountCreatedEvent event) { BankAccountEntity entity = new BankAccountEntity( event.getId(), event.getBalance(), event.getAccountCreator() ); repository.save(entity); } }
  11. 2VFSZ(BUFXBZ w "YPO͕ఏڙ w RVFSZ ʹΑͬͯ2VFSZ .PEFMΛૹ৴ @RestController @RequestMapping("/accounts") class

    BankAccountApi { QueryGateway queryGateway; @GetMapping("{id}") CompletableFuture<BankAccountDto> findById(@PathVariable String id) { BankAccountQuery query = new BankAccountQuery(id); return queryGateway.query(query, BankAccountDto.class); } }
  12. 2VFSZ4FSWJDF w υϝΠϯΛ͋·Γҙࣝ͠ͳ ͍खଓ͖తॲཧ w !2VFSZ)BOEMFS w 2VFSZ.PEFMΛऔಘ w ී௨ͷݕࡧ

    @Service public class BankAccountQueryService { BankAccountRepository bankAccountRepository; @QueryHandler public BankAccountDto findById(BankAccountQuery query) { return bankAccountRepository.findById(query.getId()) .map(BankAccountDto::new).orElseThrow(RuntimeException::new); } }