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Peter Gutmann at AusCERT 2014 - Crypto Won't Sa...

Peter Gutmann at AusCERT 2014 - Crypto Won't Save You


Cryptographer Adi Shamir, the 'S' in RSA, once said that "cryptography is bypassed, not penetrated". In the light of the Snowden revelations about the NSA, various people have proposed the use of crypto in order to evade NSA surveillance. From games consoles to smart phones, this talk looks at ten years of trying to secure things with crypto that ultimately failed, not through anyone bothering to break it but because it was much easier to just bypass it. The lesson from all of this is that you need to secure every part of the system and not just throw crypto at one bit and assume that you'll be safe.


Peter Gutmann is a researcher in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Auckland working on design and analysis of cryptographic security architectures and security usability. He helped write the popular PGP encryption package, has authored a number of papers and RFC's on security and encryption, and is the author of the open source cryptlib security toolkit and an upcoming book on security engineering. In his spare time he pokes holes in whatever security systems and mechanisms catch his attention and grumbles about the lack of consideration of human factors in designing security systems.


Duo Security

May 15, 2014

More Decks by Duo Security

Other Decks in Technology


  1. BULLRUN (ctd) “aggressive effort to defeat network security and privacy”

    “defeat the encryption used in network communication technologies”
  2. I Know, Bigger Keys! We need to get bigger keys.

    BIG F**ING KEYS! — “Deep Impact”, 1992
  3. Crypto Won’t Save You Shamir’s Law: Crypto is bypassed, not

    penetrated Cryptography is usually bypassed. I am not aware of any major world-class security system employing cryptography in which the hackers penetrated the system by actually going through the cryptanalysis […] usually there are much simpler ways of penetrating the security system — Adi Shamir Crypto User interface Application Security protocol Attacker User
  4. Example: Games Consoles All of the major consoles use fairly

    extensive amounts of sophisticated cryptography • PS3 • Wii • Xbox • Xbox 360
  5. Example: Games Consoles (ctd) Measures include • Signed executables •

    Encrypted storage • Full-media encryption and signing • Memory encryption and integrity-protection • On-die key storage and/or use of security coprocessors – If you asked someone a decade ago what this was describing, they’d have guessed an NSA-designed crypto box All of them have been hacked • In none of the cases was it necessary to break the cryptography
  6. Crypto Won’t Save You Amazon Kindle 2 • All binaries

    signed with a 1024-bit RSA key • Jailbreakers replaced it with their own one • Later versions of the Kindle were similarly jailbroken without breaking the crypto HTC Thunderbolt • Signed binaries • Signed kernel • Signed system-recovery/restart code • Remove the signature-checking code
  7. Crypto Won’t Save You (ctd) Motorola cellphones • Careful chaining

    of hashes, MACs (keyed hashes), and digital signatures • Ignore the crypto and target the ARM TrustZone hardware-enforced security system • “It’s secure, because we say it is!” • Find exploit inside the trusted, secure kernel and attack the untrusted code from inside the trusted kernel – Bootloader code was (apparently) quite good, it was the trusted security kernel that was insecure
  8. Crypto Won’t Save You (ctd) Samsung Galaxy • Firmware signed

    with 2048-bit RSA key – Round up twice the usual number of key bits! • Modify firmware metadata to load it over the top of the signature-checking code Nikon Cameras • Sign images using a 1024-bit RSA key • Signature encoded in photo EXIF data • Signing key encoded in camera firmware…
  9. Crypto Won’t Save You (ctd) Canon Cameras • Authenticate images

    using HMAC (keyed hash function) • HMAC is symmetric: Verifier needs to know the key as well • Shared HMAC key encoded in camera firmware… Airport Express • Signs data with a 2048-bit RSA key • Recover the private key from the firmware image
  10. Crypto Won’t Save You (ctd) Diaspora • Privacy-aware alternative to

    Facebook • Replace the victim’s public key with your own one • You can now MITM all of the victim’s messages Google Chromecast • Carefully verified signed image on loading • Ignored the return value of the signature-checking function
  11. Crypto Won’t Save You (ctd) Google TV • Range of

    devices from various manufacturers • Exploit inadvertently-enabled debug modes • Use improper path validation to run unapproved binaries • Remap NAND flash controller registers to allow kernel memory overwrite • Desolder encrypted SSD and replace with unencrypted one • Usual plethora of Linux kernel bugs and application-level errors
  12. Crypto Won’t Save You (ctd) Android code signing • APK

    = JAR = Zip file • Signed using specially-named files included in the Zip archive (MANIFEST.MF, CERT.SF, CERT.RSA) • Use custom archive tool to create Zip file with duplicate filenames • Verification is done using a Java hashmap – Duplicate entries are overwritten • Installation is done via C code – Duplicate entries are processed on the assumption that they’ve been sig-checked
  13. Crypto Won’t Save You (ctd) iPhone/iPad/iOS • Lots of security

    measures, too many to cover here Bypasses include • Inject executable code as data pages – Data isn’t code so it’s not signature-checked • Exploit debugging facilities present in signed OS components • Use ROP to synthesise exploits from existing signed code fragments • …
  14. Crypto Won’t Save You (ctd) Windows RT UEFI • Exploit

    privilege escalation vulnerability in the RT kernel to bypass signing Windows 8 UEFI • Patch SPI flash memory holding UEFI firmware to skip the signature-check • Clear flags in system NVRAM to disable signature checks
  15. Crypto Won’t Save You (ctd) CCC 2011 Badge • Used

    Corrected Block TEA/XXTEA block cipher with 128-bit key • Various exploits that all bypassed the need to deal with XXTEA • Eventually, loaded custom code to extract the 128-bit key It’s probably at least some sort of sign of the end times when your conference badge has a rootkit
  16. Crypto Won’t Save You (ctd) Xbox (earlier attack) • Data

    moving over high-speed internal buses was deemed to be secure • HyperTransport bus analysers existed only in a few semiconductor manufacturer labs LVDS signalling looks a lot like HT signalling • Use an LVDS transceiver to decode HT signalling Standard FPGA’s aren’t fast enough to process the data • Hand-optimise paths through the FPGA’s switching fabric • Clock data onto four phases of a quarter-speed clock – 8-bit stream → 32-bit stream at ¼ speed • Overclock the FPGA
  17. Crypto Won’t Save You (ctd) Xbox (later attacks) • Force

    the CPU to boot off external ROM rather than secure internal ROM – Standard smart-card hacker’s trick • Exploit architectural quirks in the CPU – Microsoft developed with AMD CPUs but shipped with an Intel CPU • Exploit backwards-compatibility support in the CPU for bugs dating back to the 80286 • Exploit the fact that font files (TTFs) were never verified – Use doctored fonts to leverage a vulnerability in the Xbox font handler
  18. Crypto Won’t Save You (ctd) PS3 • Variant of the

    first Xbox attack • Don’t try and pull data off the bus, just glitch it • Processor now has an incorrect view of what’s stored in memory – Data in cache doesn’t match what’s actually in memory Xbox 360 • Another glitch attack • Ensure that a hash comparison always returns a hash-matched result
  19. Crypto Won’t Save You (ctd) Jailbreakers are rediscovering 15-20 year

    old smart card attacks I never met a smart-card I couldn’t glitch — European smart card hacker Example: Clock glitches • Send multiple clock pulses in the time interval when a single pulse should occur • Fast-reacting parts of the CPU like the program counter respond • Slower-reacting parts of the CPU like the ALU don’t have time • Skip instructions, e.g. ones that perform access-control checks
  20. Some Metrics… How unnecessary is it to attack the crypto?

    Geer’s Law: Any security technology whose effectiveness can’t be empirically determined is indistinguishable from blind luck — Dan Geer
  21. Some Metrics… (ctd) Large-scale experiment carried out by a who’s-who

    of companies • Amazon • Apple • Dell • eBay • HP • HSBC • LinkedIn • Paypal • Twitter
  22. Some Metrics… (ctd) In late 2012, researchers noticed that these

    organisations, and many others, were using toy keys for DKIM signing • 12,000 organisations • 4,000 were using keys so weak that an individual attacker could have broken them If this crypto was so weak, why didn’t anyone attack it? • It wasn’t necessary
  23. Some Metrics… (ctd) There were so many other ways to

    render DKIM ineffective that no-one bothered attacking the crypto • Anyone with a bit of technical knowledge could have broken the crypto • No-one did because it was so easy to bypass that it wasn’t worth attacking – “Crypto is bypassed, …”
  24. Strong crypto will Save Us! AES-256, because we want keys

    that go to 11 Original image, unencrypted
  25. Strong crypto will Save Us! (ctd) AES-256, because we want

    keys that go to 11 Image encrypted with AES-256, ECB mode
  26. HSMs will Save Us! Hardware Security Module • All crypto

    and keys are locked inside the HSM Banks use these in large quantities for ATMs and PIN processing
  27. HSMs will Save Us! (ctd) HSM used for PIN processing

    • Encrypt the customer’s primary account number (PAN) under the PIN derivation key (PDK) to get the PIN • Result is a set of values in the range 0x0 – 0xF • Use a decimalisation table to convert to PIN digits in 0…9 range • encryptPDK ( PAN ) = 2A3F… • Decimalise 2A3F → 2036 Hex 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F Dec 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 6
  28. HSMs will Save Us! (ctd) Customer-defined PINs are handled by

    adding an offset to the PIN • Not security-critical, since it’s useless without the PIN PIN verification • Take an encrypted PIN block from the ATM • Feed it to the HSM in the bank alongside the decimalisation table • HSM verifies the PIN and returns “failure” or “success” All inside the HSM • No keys or plaintext ever leaves the HSM Secure, right?
  29. HSMs will Save Us! (ctd) Decimalisation tables are customer-defined •

    Use a modified table to guess each PIN digit • Enter PIN block • If the HSM still reports “success” then the PIN contains no zeroes Repeat for all digits • Now you know the digits in the PIN, but not their location Hex 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F Dec 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 2 3 4 6
  30. HSMs will Save Us! (ctd) To find the digit locations,

    adjust the PIN offset • Use offset to cancel out the decimalisation-table modification – This table converts 0s to 1s in the PIN • Taking PIN 2036 (from previous slides), offset 0000 Hex 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F Dec 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 2 3 4 6 Offset HSM result PIN 0001 failure ???? 0010 failure ???? 0100 success ?0??
  31. HSMs will Save Us! (ctd) Iterate for each digit in

    the PIN • Recovers the PIN without knowing any encryption keys or having access to the HSM’s internals
  32. Crypto Summary Number of attacks that broke the crypto: 0

    Number of attacks that bypassed the crypto: All the rest • No matter how strong the crypto was, or how large the keys were, the attackers walked around it
  33. Getting Back to BULLRUN… New York Times: “companies were coerced

    by the government into handing over master encryption keys” “the NSA hacked into target computers”
  34. One-week CERT Summary (SB13-273) “obtain administrative privileges by leveraging read

    access to the configuration file”, “allows remote authenticated users to bypass an unspecified authentication step”, “allows remote attackers to discover usernames and passwords via an HTTP request”, “allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands”, “allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files”, “allows remote attackers to read arbitrary text files”, “allows remote authenticated users to execute arbitrary code”, “allows local users to gain privileges”, “allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information or modify data”, “allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands”, “allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands”, “allows local users to gain privileges”, “allows man-in-the-middle attackers to spoof SSL servers”, “allows man-in-the-middle attackers to spoof servers”, “allows man- in-the-middle attackers to obtain sensitive information or modify the data stream”, “allows local users to gain privileges”, “allows remote attackers to enumerate valid usernames”, “allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands”, “allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands”, “allows local users to execute arbitrary Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) commands”, “allows man-in-the-middle attackers to read or modify an inter-device data stream”, “allows local users to gain privileges”, “allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML”, “allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML”, “allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive query string or cookie information”, “allows remote attackers to hijack the authentication of administrators”, “allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML”, “allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML”, “allows local users to obtain sensitive information”, “allows remote attackers to conduct cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks”, “allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via an HTML”, “allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code”, “allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code”, “allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML”, “allows local users to bypass intended access restrictions”, “allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML”, “allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML”, “allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information”, “allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information”, “allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML”, “allows remote attackers to read session cookies”, “allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML”, “allows remote attackers to obtain privileged access”, “allows local users to gain privileges”, “allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code”, “allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML”, “allows local users to gain privileges”, “allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information”, “allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML”, “allows local users to gain privileges”, “allows local users to gain privileges”, “allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information”, “allow remote attackers to bypass intended access restrictions”, “allows remote authenticated users to bypass intended payment requirements”, “allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML”, “allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML”, “allows remote attackers to bypass TLS verification”, “allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML”, “allows remote
  35. National Security Letters The legalised form of rubber-hose cryptanalysis •

    Requirement to hand over data, or else • Built-in gag order to prevent you talking about it – Details of both vary depending on court challenges to their constitutionality
  36. National Security Letters (ctd) Bypass any crypto at the service

    provider by requiring them to hand over plaintext • FBI over-used them while under-reporting their use to Congress Several providers (LavaBit, Silent Mail, CryptoSeal, CertiVox) have shut down in the face of NSLs • Larger, more commercially-oriented providers complied with them
  37. BULLRUN Again… “covertly influence and/or overtly leverage commercial products’ designs”

    “design changes make the systems in question exploitable” “to the consumer, however, the systems’ security remains intact”
  38. Dual_EC_DRBG In 1985, ANSI X9.17 specified a pseudorandom number generator

    (PRNG) for banking use temp = encrypt( seed ); out = encrypt( temp ˄ Vn ); Vn+1 = encrypt( out ˄ temp ); Based on triple DES, the state of the art at the time • Security relies on the strength of 3DES secret keys
  39. Dual_EC_DRBG (ctd) In 1998, NIST adopted it verbatim in X9.31,

    adding the option to use AES Over a period of several years subsequently, many people at NIST hacked around on a bunch of PRNGs • Design-by-committee, but in series rather than parallel Finally published in 2012 as NIST SP 800-90A
  40. Dual_EC_DRBG (ctd) Some SP 800-90 generators are straightforward and sensible

    • X9.17/X9.31 updated to use HMAC • Half a page in X9.17 Some are not • Hash_DRBG • Five pages in SP 800-90
  41. Dual_EC_DRBG (ctd) Others are just stupid • Dual_EC_DRBG • Sixteen

    pages in SP 800-90 – Pages and pages of maths – Where’s the RNG? • Complex, awkward, incredibly slow, … NSA also pushed hard to get it into other standards • ANSI X9.82 • ISO 18031 These are even worse than SP 800-90 • No way to generate your own parameters
  42. Dual_EC_DRBG (ctd) It’s OK, no-one in their right mind would

    implement this I’ve never met anyone who would actually use Dual-EC-DRBG. (Blum-Blum-Shub-fanatics show up all the time, but they are all nutcases) — Kristian Gjøsteen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology • (Kristian submitted a comment paper to NIST as far back as 2006 pointing out that the EC DRBG was cryptographically unsound and shouldn’t be used)
  43. Dual_EC_DRBG (ctd) So we’ve established that no-one would ever take

    this thing seriously You were serious about dat? — “My Cousin Vinnie”, 1992
  44. Dual_EC_DRBG (ctd) Well, except for a pile of US companies,

    including • Blackberry • Certicom (holders of ECC patents) • Cisco • GE Healthcare • Juniper • Lancope (who only provide EC_DRBG) • McAfee • Microsoft • Mocana • Openpeak continues
  45. Dual_EC_DRBG (ctd) continued • OpenSSL (umbrella use by numerous organisations)

    • RSA • Safenet • SafeLogic • Samsung (must have had USG customers) • Symantec • Thales (see Samsung entry) RSA made it the default in their crypto library
  46. Dual_EC_DRBG (ctd) OpenSSL didn’t actually use it, though • Implementation

    contained “a fatal bug in the Dual EC DRBG implementation” This bug is fatal in the sense that it prevents all use of the Dual EC DRBG algorithm […] we do not plan to correct the bug. A FIPS 140-2 validated module cannot be changed without considerable expense and effort — “Flaw in Dual EC DRBG (no, not that one)”, Steve Marquess Presumably no-one had ever used this generator in OpenSSL, since no-one complained that it didn’t work • Presumably...
  47. Dual_EC_DRBG (ctd) FIPS 140 doesn’t allow you to fix things

    We did specifically ask if we had any discretion at all in the choice of points and were told that we were required to use the compromised points […] if you want to be FIPS 140-2 compliant you MUST use the compromised points — “Flaw in Dual EC DRBG (no, not that one)”, Steve Marquess But wouldn’t the FIPS validation have caught the fact that the OpenSSL implementation didn’t work? Not only the original validation but many subsequent validations have successfully passed the algorithm tests… several hundred times now. That’s a lot of fail […] the FIPS 140-2 validation testing isn’t very useful for catching real-world problems — “Flaw in Dual EC DRBG (no, not that one)”, Steve Marquess
  48. Dual_EC_DRBG (ctd) So what’s the problem (apart from it being

    a stupid design)? • How long do you have? • Read “The Many Flaws of Dual_EC_DRBG”, http://blog.cryptographyengineering.com/ 2013/09/the-many-flaws-of-dualecdrbg.html • (You are not expected to understand this)
  49. Dual_EC_DRBG (ctd) Short summary of just one issue • Public

    value sent at start of SSL/TLS handshake, Client Random, is 32 bytes (256 bits) – Used to randomise each new exchange • If generated with Dual_EC_DRBG you can predict the SSL/TLS premaster secret • All crypto keys in SSL/TLS are derived from this value
  50. Dual_EC_DRBG (ctd) NSA attempted to make this attack even easier

    The United States Department of Defense has requested a TLS mode which allows the use of longer public randomness values — draft-rescorla-tls-extended-random-00 – (Eric Rescorla is co-chair of the TLS working group, draft co-authored by Margaret Salter of the NSA) • Leaks even more information needed to recover the generator's internal state
  51. Dual_EC_DRBG (ctd) WTF RSA? • Specified in a NIST standard

    • Lots of government customers • Implemented several of the generators in the standard – Including the dumb ones • Speculation: “It would really help this large government contract if you made EC_DRBG he default. It’s OK, it’s a NIST-approved generator like all the others”
  52. Dual_EC_DRBG (ctd) It was more sinister than that though RSA

    received $10 million in a deal that set the NSA formula as the default method for number generation in the BSafe software […] it represented more than a third of the revenue that the relevant division at RSA had taken in during the entire previous year — Reuters, “Secret contract tied NSA and security industry pioneer” NSA then used this to force its adoption as a standard RSA adopted the algorithm even before NIST approved it. The NSA then cited the early use of Dual Elliptic Curve inside the government to argue successfully for NIST approval — Reuters, “Secret contract tied NSA and security industry pioneer”
  53. Dual_EC_DRBG (ctd) Microsoft’s reason for adding it parallels the RSA

    one (without the bribe): Microsoft decided to include the algorithm in its operating system because a major customer was asking for it — Kim Zetter, Wired As does OpenSSL’s It was requested by a sponsor as one of several deliverables. The reasoning at the time was that we would implement any algorithm based on official published standards — “Flaw in Dual EC DRBG (no, not that one)”, Steve Marquess
  54. Dual_EC_DRBG (ctd) It’s OK though, apart from RSA (and Lancope)

    no-one made it the default • It has to be explicitly configured to be the default Surely no-one would do that • Except perhaps a large government organisation… … the NSA hacked into target computers… … to the consumer the systems’ security remains intact… Just the mere presence of such a facility is already a security risk
  55. How to Backdoor Dual_EC_DRBG Backdoor capability was first pointed out

    in 2005 If P and Q are established in a security domain controlled by an administrator, and the entity who generates Q for the domain does so with knowledge of e (or indirectly via knowledge of d), the administrator will have an escrow key for every ECRNG that follows that standard — “Elliptic curve random number generation”, Patent Application CA2594670 A1, 21 January 2005
  56. How to Backdoor Dual_EC_DRBG (ctd) In December 2013, Aris Adamantiadis

    released OpenSSL- based proof-of-concept code to backdoor the EC_DRBG It is quite obvious in light of the recent revelations from Snowden that this weakness was introduced by purpose by the NSA. It is very elegant and leaks its complete internal state in only 32 bytes of output […] It is obviously complete madness to use the reference implementation from NIST — Aris Adamantiadis, “Dual_EC_DRBG backdoor: a proof of concept” Used his own EC parameters (not the NIST ones) • Only the NSA can break the one with the NIST parameters, since it requires knowledge of the secret value d used to generate them
  57. NIST ECC Curves ECC isn’t so much an algorithm as

    a set of toothpicks and a tube of glue • All the bells, whistles, and gongs you’ll ever need Need to define standardised parameters (“curves”) for interoperability • NIST defined several • Most common are P256, P384, and P512
  58. NIST ECC Curves (ctd) Example: P256 curve over a prime

    field Prime p = 11579208921035624876269744694940757353008614341529031419 5533631308867097853951 Parameter a = 11579208921035624876269744694940757353008614341529031 4195533631308867097853948 Parameter b = 41058363725152142129326129780047268409114441015993725 554835256314039467401291 Base point xG = 484395612939064517590525852527979142027629495260417 47995844080717082404635286 Base point yG = 36134250956749795798585127919587881956611106672985 015071877198253568414405109 Order q of the point G = 1157920892103562487626974469494075735299969 55224135760342422259061068512044369 • (You are not expected, etc)
  59. NIST ECC Curves (ctd) How were these generated? • Deterministically

    (i.e. verifiably), from a public seed value What’s the seed value? • C49D3608 86E70493 6A6678E1 139D26B7 819F7E90 Where did that come from? • Jerry Solinas at the NSA • (Jerry is a known ECC mathematician at the NSA)
  60. NIST ECC Curves (ctd) So how would you use this

    to backdoor the NIST curves? • Suppose the NSA knew of (say) a 264 attack that breaks one 256-bit curve in a billion • The NSA can recognise from the group order whether an attack on the curve will be successful (reasonable assumption) This isn’t as unlikely as it seems • Whole classes of elliptic curves are vulnerable to various attacks that make them (relatively) easy to break • Generating curve parameters is a lengthy, involved process to find one that isn’t vulnerable to the catalogue of known attacks
  61. NIST ECC Curves (ctd) NSA generates billions of seeds, from

    which they generate curves until they find one that’s vulnerable to this attack • Get it adopted as a NIST standard… • … which is a the de facto standard used by US software vendors … • … which is the de facto global standard – (Speculation courtesy Dan Bernstein) The curve is “verifiable” in the sense that it was verifiably generated from the seed • At that point, things stop Scenario fits the NIST curves
  62. NIST ECC Curves (ctd) European Brainpool curve designers recognised this

    in 2005 • The choice of the seeds from which the curve parameters have been derived is not motivated leaving an essential part of the security analysis open. • No proofs are provided that the proposed curves do not belong to those classes of curves for which more efficient cryptanalytic attacks are possible. — “ECC Brainpool Standard Curves and Curve Generation” Brainpool curves compute their seeds from π • Newer designs like Dan Bernstein’s Curve25519 have even more defences built in
  63. NIST ECC Curves (ctd) In October 2013, RFC 7027 on

    using the Brainpool curves in TLS was published • Announced on the TLS mailing list on 15 October 2013 Support added in OpenSSL, cryptlib, PolarSSL on the same day • Other implementations added support within days The TLS working group has never moved so quickly on an issue before…
  64. IPsec It can’t have got that bad by accident IPsec

    was a great disappointment to us […] virtually nobody is satisfied with the process or the result […] the documentation is very hard to understand […] the ISAKMP specifications [the NSA’s main overt contribution to IPsec] contain numerous errors, essential explanations are missing, and the document contradicts itself in various places […] none of the IPsec documentation provides any rationale for any of the choices that were made […] the reviewer is left to guess […] —“A Cryptographic Evaluation of IPsec”, Niels Ferguson and Bruce Schneier, from the first 5 pages of 28 You mean they did this on purpose?
  65. IPsec (ctd) Hello? I’ve just committed IPsec and I did

    it on purpose! — “Last Action Hero”, 1993 Apparently so…
  66. IPsec (ctd) (a) Organizations and Conferences (1) Insist on doing

    everything through "channels." Never permit short-cuts to be taken in order to, expedite decisions. (2) Make "speeches." Talk as frequently as possible and at great length. Illustrate your "points" by long anecdotes and accounts of personal experiences. Never hesitate to make a few appropriate "patriotic" comments. (3) When possible, refer all matters to committees, for "further study and consideration." Attempt to make the committees as large as possible - never less than five. (4) Bring up irrelevant issues as frequently as possible. (5) Haggle over precise wordings of communications, minutes, resolutions. (6) Refer back to matters decided upon at the last meeting and attempt to reopen the question of the advisability of that decision. (7) Advocate "caution." Be "reasonable" and urge your fellow-conferees to be "reasonable" and avoid haste which might result in embarrassments or difficulties later on. (8) Be worried about the propriety of any decision -raise the question of whether such action as is contemplated lies within the jurisdiction of the group or whether it might conflict with the policy of some higher echelon.
  67. IPsec (ctd) (b) Managers and Supervisors (1) Demand written orders.

    (2) "Misunderstand" orders. Ask endless questions or engage in long correspondence about such orders. Quibble over them when you can. (3) Do everything possible to delay the delivery of orders. Even though parts of an order may be ready beforehand, don't deliver it until it is completely ready. (4) Don't order new working materials until your current stocks have been virtually exhausted, so that the slightest delay in filling your order will mean a shutdown. (5) Order high-quality materials which are hard to get. If you don't get them argue about it. Warn that inferior materials will mean inferior work. (6) In making work assignments, always sign out the unimportant jobs first. See that the important jobs are assigned to inefficient workers of poor machines. (7) Insist on perfect work in relatively unimportant products; send back for refinishing those which have the least flaw. Approve other defective parts whose flaws are not visible to the naked eye. (8) Make mistakes in routing so that parts and materials will be sent to the wrong place in the plant. (9) When training new workers, give incomplete or misleading instructions. (10) To lower morale and with it, production, be pleasant to inefficient workers; give them undeserved promotions. Discriminate against efficient workers; complain unjustly about their work. (11) Hold conferences when there is more critical work to be done. (12) Multiply paper work in plausible ways. Start duplicate files. (13) Multiply the procedures and clearances involved in issuing instructions, pay checks, and so on. See that three people have to approve everything where one would do.
  68. IPsec (ctd) Hey, I resemble that remark! • This process

    may be hard to distinguish from SOP for many organisations (For people who want this list for use at work: http://svn.cacert.org/CAcert/CAcert_Inc/ Board/oss/OSS_Simple_Sabotage_Manual.pdf)
  69. IPsec (ctd) So was IPsec deliberately sabotaged? • Probably not

    Never attribute to malice what is adequately explained by stupidity a committee Lesson 1: Cryptographic protocols should not be developed by a committee — “A Cryptographic Evaluation of IPsec”, Niels Ferguson and Bruce Schneier
  70. BULLRUN Again… (ctd) As well as the routers that run

  71. BULLRUN Again… (ctd) Speaking of routers and security risks… Q:

    Does Huawei represent an unambiguous national security threat to the US and Australia? A: Yes, I believe it does — NSA Director Michael Hayden, interviewed in the Australian Financial Review Chinese telecom provider Huawei represents an unambiguous national security threat to the United States and Australia — “Huawei Is a Security Threat and There’s Proof, Says Hayden”, eWeek We’d better go with (expensive) US networking equipment, since we can’t trust (cheaper) Huawei gear
  72. BULLRUN Redux So this… Chinese telecom provider Huawei represents an

    unambiguous national security threat to the United States and Australia — “Huawei Is a Security Threat and There’s Proof, Says Hayden”, eWeek … is really this: US intelligence agency NSA represents an unambiguous national security threat to the United States and Australia — “NSA Is a Security Threat and There’s Proof, Says Snowden”, TBA
  73. NSA-proof Crypto We don’t need any new “NSA-proof protocols” •

    Any well-designed, appropriately-deployed protocol is “NSA-proof”
  74. NSA-proof Crypto (ctd) Any properly-designed and implemented protocol will stop

    • The NSA • The CIA • The GCSB • The FSB (née KGB) • … • Your mother • Your cat
  75. NSA-proof Data (ctd) Leverage the safety of your local server

    • Getting data from Gmail via an NSL is much easier than getting it from a PC at 81 Princes St, Putaruru 3411, New Zealand (Counterpoint: Google is better at running a mail server than most companies are)
  76. NSA-proof Data (ctd) Goes back to a pre-crypto principle called

    geographic entitlement • More modern term: location-limited channel You have to be at least this close to the data in order to access it • Works best with short-range links, not long-distance routable protocols
  77. NSA-proof Data (ctd) In plain English: Don’t put your data

    where the NSA can get it There’s already pushback in Europe against exporting data to the US • (So now only your local spooks can get it)
  78. Conclusion I love crypto, it tells me what part of

    the system not to bother attacking — Drew Gross, forensic scientist Crypto is not soy sauce for security — Patrick McKenzie Crypto is fundamentally unsafe. People hear that crypto is strong and confuse that with safe. Crypto can indeed be very strong but it’s extremely unsafe — Nate Lawson, Root Labs Encryption is the chicken soup of security, feel free to apply it if it makes you feel better because it’s not going to make things any worse, but it may not make things any better either — Me