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Who Framed Roger Rabbit- Script


Who Framed Roger Rabbit- Script

Here is a section of the original third draft script of "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" Written by Jeffrey Price and Peter S. Seaman, this is what I referenced while creating my Storyboard.

I do not own any of these characters or the script, this was used for educational purposes.

Estefany Bosques-Hernandez

December 23, 2023


  1. "WHO SHOT ROGER RABBIT?" (working title) Written by Jeffrey Price

    and Peter S. Seaman THIRD DRAFT September 2, 1986
  2. INT. BATHROOM Roger splashes into the toilet bowl in the

    Acme washroom. He bobs up. He drains the water out of the pistol barrel and peeks over the bowl. He gets a determined look in his eye. ROGER RABBIT It's time to make my move. Roger starts to climb out of the toilet. He reaches for something to grab onto. Unwittingly, he gets the toilet chain hanging from the tank above. As he pulls himself out, the toilet flushes. Roger has only a moment to register a dumbfounded expression before he is sucked down the john. IN THE FACTORY - DOOM continues expansively. DOOM Right here where we're standing will be the cornerstone of my idea... the cloverleaf -- an elegant cement structure that intertwines freeways. VALIANT: What the hell's a freeway? DOOM: A freeway, Mr. Valiant, is eight lanes of asphalt running uninterrupted from L.A. to Pasadena. Pasadena to Hollywood. Hollywood to Santa Monica. Someday everyone will be in cars driving happily, non-stop from one end of the L.A. Basin to another. VALIANT: That's what this is all about? Tell me, who's gonna use your lousy freeway? We got the Red Cars, the best public transportation in the country. DOOM
  3. Not for long. We're retiring the Red Cars. People will

    drive, Mr. Valiant, because they'll have to. And when they drive, they'll have to buy our cars, our tires, our gasoline. JESSICA RABBIT Why'd you bother to call it a freeway? Doom steps up into their faces. Behind him, several Weasles are fashioning a noose. DOOM Has a nice ring. Too bad you two won't be around to enjoy it. Suddenly Roger EXPLODES out of the drainage grate in the floor. His entrance sends the Weasles flying. Roger lands on his feet, James Cagney-like, levelling his gun on Judge Doom. ROGER RABBIT Get 'em up. All of you! Or I let the Judge have it! JESSICA RABBIT Roger, darling! ROGER RABBIT Yes, it's me, my dearest. I'd embrace you but first I have to take care of some unfinished business. DOOM Put that gun down, you buck-toothed fool! ROGER RABBIT Go ahead. Give me an excuse to fill you full of holes, pump you full of lead. (over shoulder) How'm I doin', Eddie? VALIANT Real good, Rog... but maybe you better let me take over. ROGER RABBIT
  4. Not before I satisfy my sense of moral outrage. Milking

    the moment, he shifts the gun from one hand to another. He circles Doom, poking and prodding him with the gun. ROGER RABBIT (continuing) You think you could get away with this? Hah! We Toons may be idiotic, but we're not stupid! POV OVERHEAD We LOOK DOWN on the proceedings from high in the rafters. PULL BACK TO REVEAL we're watching from the POV of Voltaire, who's perched on the top inventory rack. Voltaire cleans his fingernails, casually. ROGER RABBIT Yes, justice, Judge Doom. The real meaning of the word probably hits you like a ton of bricks! Voltaire calmly nudges an Acme Ton-Of-Bricks off the shelf. CLOSE - ROGER He never sees it coming. SMASH! The bricks land on his head and bury him. The only thing we can see of Roger is his hand with the gun in it. DOOM Well, this is turning out better than I thought!