Disease quantification is a key research area in plant disease epidemiology. Methods are developed and tested for improving accuracy and reliability of disease data. Data on the symptomatic area (e.g. severity) can be obtained by several means depending on research goals, organ assessed, spatial scale, and available technology. Conceptually, severity is a ratio and, as such, it depends on two measures: total and diseased area, which must be clearly defined. Symptoms vary with pathosystem and plant organ affected. Therefore, methods should be suitable and adapted to the specific situation and the objectives of the research. In spite of the advances in remote sensing (Bock et al., 2010a), disease severity data are mainly obtained visually; hence the need to ensure that estimates are as accurate as possible mainly due to the difficulties associated with percentage severity estimation (Bock et al., 2017). A method was proposed to categorize severity to a limited number of ordinal scores following logarithmic intervals of the percentage ratio scale. However, depending on the scale structure, errors of the estimates (when compared to the actual values) compromise precision and inferences from the experiment (Bock et al., 2010b). Standard area diagrams (SADs) have long being used as an aid to improve accuracy of estimates. Advances in technology for image acquisition and analysis have led to the development of numerous SADs. Recently, we systematically reviewed trends in methods for developing and testing over 100 SADs published in peer-reviewed articles since the 1990s. The review provided a clear and unambiguous account of the current status, trends and advances and potential future direction for research to improve SAD technology (Del Ponte et al. 2017). We expand on the analysis of accuracy-related data gathered from these articles with the goal of summarizing, using meta-analytic models, the gains in accuracy and identify factors that explain the variability in effectiveness of SADs. We will present new research and applications for SADs, including an online database and tablet/smartphone-based systems (Pethybridge and Nelson, 2017) that are moving the technology to a new paradigm for aiding visual severity estimates.
Bock, C.H., Poole, G.H., Parker, P.E., & Gottwald, T.R. 2010a: Plant disease severity estimated visually, by digital photography and image analysis, and by hyperspectral imaging. Cr. Rev. Plant Sci. 29:59–107.
Bock, C.H., Gottwald, T.R., Parker, P.E., Ferrandino, F., Welham, S., van den Bosch, F., & Parnell, S. 2010b: Some consequences of using the Horsfall-Barratt scale for hypothesis testing. Phytopathology 100:1031-1041.
Bock, C.H., Chiang, K.-S. & Del Ponte, E.M. 2016: Accuracy of plant specimen disease severity estimates: concepts, history, methods, ramifications and challenges for the future. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources 11, 039: 1-13.
Del Ponte, E.M., Pethybridge, S.J., Bock, C.H., Michereff, S.J., Machado, F.J., & Spolti, P. 2017: Standard area diagrams for aiding severity estimation: scientometrics, pathosystems, and methodological trends in the last 25 years. Phytopathology 98: 1543-1550.
Pethybridge, S.J. & Nelson, S.C. 2017: Estimate: a new iPad application for assessment of plant disease severity using photographic standard area diagrams. Plant Disease 102: 276-281.