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Secure by Design - Security Design Principles f...

Eoin Woods
November 30, 2018

Secure by Design - Security Design Principles for the Working Architect

As our world becomes digital, the systems we build must be secure by design. The security community has developed a well-understood set of principles used to build systems that are secure (or at least securable) by design, but this topic often isn’t included in the training of software developers. And when the principles are explained, they are often shrouded in the jargon of the security engineering community, so mainstream developers struggle to understand and apply them.

This talk explains why secure design matters and introduces 10 of the most important proven principles for designing secure systems, distilled from the wisdom of the security engineering community.

Eoin Woods

November 30, 2018

More Decks by Eoin Woods

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  1. 1 Secure by Design the Architect’s Guide to Security Design

    Principles Eoin Woods, Endava
  2. BACKGROUND • Eoin Woods • CTO at Endava (technology services,

    ~4000 people) • 10 years in product development - Bull, Sybase, InterTrust • 10 years in capital markets applications - UBS and BGI • Software dev engineer, then architect, now CTO • Author, editor, speaker, community guy 2
  3. CONTENT • What is security and why do we care?

    • What are security principles, why are they useful? • Security design principles • 10 important principles useful in practice 3
  4. REVISITING SECURITY • We all know security is important -

    but why? • protection against malice, mistakes and mischance • theft, fraud, destruction, disruption • Security is a risk management business • loss of time, money, privacy, reputation, advantage • insurance model - balance costs against risk of loss 5
  5. ASPECTS OF SECURITY PRACTICE Secure Application Design Secure Application Implementation

    Secure Infrastructure Design Secure Infrastructure Deployment Secure System Operation 6
  6. SECURITY DESIGN PRINCIPLES What is a “principle” ? a fundamental

    truth or proposition serving as the foundation for belief or action [OED] We define a security design principle as …. a declarative statement made with the intention of guiding security design decisions in order to meet the goals of a system 11
  7. SECURITY DESIGN PRINCIPLES • There are many sets of security

    design principles • Viega & McGraw (10), OWASP (10), NIST (33), 
 NCSC (44), Cliff Berg (185) … • Many similarities between them at fundamental level • I have distilled 10 key principles as a basic set • these are brief summaries for slide presentation • www.viewpoints-and-perspectives.info 12
  8. TEN KEY SECURITY PRINCIPLES • Assign the least privilege possible

    • Separate responsibilities • Trust cautiously • Simplest solution possible
 • Audit sensitive events • Fail securely & use secure defaults • Never rely upon obscurity • Implement defence in depth • Never invent security technology • Find the weakest link 15
  9. 1- LEAST PRIVILEGE Why? Broad privileges allow malicious or accidental

    access to protected resources Principle Limit privileges to the minimum for the context Tradeoff Less convenient; less efficient; more complexity Example Run server processes as their own users with exactly the set of privileges they require 16
  10. 2 - SEPARATE RESPONSIBILITIES Why? Achieve control and accountability, limit

    the impact of successful attacks, make attacks less attractive Principle Separate and compartmentalise responsibilities and privileges Tradeoff Development and testing costs; operational complexity: troubleshooting more difficult Example “Payments” module administrators have no access to or control over “Orders” module features 17
  11. 3- TRUST CAUTIOUSLY Why? Many security problems caused by inserting

    malicious intermediaries in communication paths Principle Assume unknown entities are untrusted, have a clear process to establish trust, validate who is connecting Tradeoff Operational complexity (particularly failure recovery); reliability; some development overhead Example Don't accept untrusted RMI connections, use client certificates, credentials or network controls 19
  12. 3- TRUST CAUTIOUSLY Why? Many security problems caused by inserting

    malicious intermediaries in communication paths Principle Assume unknown entities are untrusted, have a clear process to establish trust, validate who is connecting Tradeoff Operational complexity (particularly failure recovery), reliability; some development overhead Example Don't accept untrusted RMI connections, use client certificates, credentials or network controls 20
  13. 3- TRUST CAUTIOUSLY Why? Many security problems caused by inserting

    malicious intermediaries in communication paths Principle Assume unknown entities are untrusted, have a clear process to establish trust, validate who is connecting Tradeoff Operational complexity (particularly failure recovery); reliability; some development overhead Example Don't accept untrusted RMI connections, use client certificates, credentials or network controls, scan OSS 21
  14. 3 - TRUST CAUTIOUSLY Who are you? How do we

    know? What is connecting to our services? What are we connecting to? What can access our database? 22 What libraries do we use? From where?
  15. 4- SIMPLEST SOLUTION POSSIBLE Why? Security requires understanding of the

    design - complexity rarely understood - simplicity allows analysis Principle Actively design for simplicity - avoid complex failure modes, implicit behaviour, unnecessary features, … Tradeoff Hard decisions on features and sophistication; Needs serious design effort to be simple Example Does the system really need dynamic runtime configuration via a custom DSL? The price of reliability is the pursuit of the utmost simplicity - C.A.R. Hoare 23
  16. 5 - AUDIT SENSITIVE EVENTS Why? Provide record of activity,

    deter wrong doing, provide a log to reconstruct the past, provide a monitoring point Principle Record all security significant events in a tamper- resistant store Tradeoff Performance; operational complexity; dev cost Example Record changes to "core" business entities in an append- only store with (user, ip, timestamp, entity, event) 24
  17. TEN KEY SECURITY PRINCIPLES • Assign the least privilege possible

    • Separate responsibilities • Trust cautiously • Simplest solution possible
 • Audit sensitive events • Fail securely & use secure defaults • Never rely upon obscurity • Implement defence in depth • Never invent security technology • Find the weakest link 26 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
  18. 6 - SECURE DEFAULTS & FAIL SECURELY Why? Default passwords,

    ports & rules are “open doors” Failure and restart states often default to “insecure” Principle Force changes to security sensitive parameters Think through failures - to be secure but recoverable Tradeoff Convenience Example Don’t allow “SYSTEM/MANAGER” after installation On failure don’t disable or reset security controls 27
  19. 7 - NEVER RELY ON OBSCURITY Why? Hiding things is

    difficult - someone is going to find them, accidentally if not on purpose Principle Assume attacker with perfect knowledge, this forces secure system design Tradeoff Designing a truly secure system takes time and effort Example Assume an attacker will guess a "port knock" network request sequence or a password obfuscation technique 28
  20. 8 - DEFENCE IN DEPTH Why? Systems do get attacked,

    breaches do happen, mistakes are made - need to minimise impact Principle Don’t rely on single point of security, secure every level, stop failures at one level propagating Tradeoff Redundancy of policy; complex permissioning and troubleshooting; can make recovery difficult Example Access control in UI, services, database, OS 29
  21. 9 - NEVER INVENT SECURITY TECH Why? Security technology is

    difficult to create - avoiding vulnerabilities is difficult Principle Don’t create your own security technology - always use a proven component Tradeoff Time to assess security technology; effort to learn it; complexity Example Don’t invent your own SSO mechanism, secret storage or crypto libraries … choose proven components 31
  22. 10 - SECURE THE WEAKEST LINK Why? "Paper Wall" problem

    - common when focus is on technologies not threats Principle Find the weakest link in the security chain and strengthen it - repeat! (Threat modelling) Tradeoff Significant effort required; often reveals problems at the least convenient moment! Example Data privacy threat => encrypted communication but with unencrypted database storage and backups 34
  23. TEN KEY SECURITY PRINCIPLES • Assign the least privilege possible

    • Separate responsibilities • Trust cautiously • Simplest solution possible
 • Audit sensitive events • Fail securely & use secure defaults • Never rely upon obscurity • Implement defence in depth • Never invent security technology • Find the weakest link 36
  24. REFERENCES • UK Government NCSC Security Principles:
 https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/guidance/security-design-principles-digital-services-main • NIST

    Engineering Principles for IT Security:
 http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/800-27A/SP800-27-RevA.pdf • Short intro to McGraw’s set:
 http://www.zdnet.com/article/gary-mcgraw-10-steps-to-secure-software/ • OWASP Principles set:
 https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Category:Principle 37