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Project Jupyter: Architecture and Evolution of ...

Project Jupyter: Architecture and Evolution of an Open Platform for Modern Data Science

Lecture presented at BIDS, the Berkeley Institute for Data Science on April 17, 2018. Description and video of the talk:


Code for Polyglot DS demo: http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/gist/fperez/5b49246af4e340c37549265a90894ce6/polyglot-ds.ipynb

Fernando Perez

April 17, 2018

More Decks by Fernando Perez

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  2. Statistics & me: then and now If your result needs

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  6. IPython: Interactive Python, 2001 A humble start: IPython 0.0.1, 259

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  7. Team today: where all the credit goes Plus ~ 1500

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  12. JupyterLab: a grand unified theory of Jupyter Huge Team Effort!

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  13. Reproducible Research An article about computational science in a scientific

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  14. What does this mean for science + education? ❖ Can

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  16. Two identical detectors: Hanford, WA and Livingston, LA LIGO: a

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  17. Binder: reproducible, executable scholarship from averaging ~150 people per week

    to averaging ~2,900 people per week Berkeley: Yuvi Panda, Chris Holdgraf Cal Poly: Carol Willing Simula: Min Ragan-Kelley Jessica Zosa-Forde, Tim Head
  18. Berkeley’s Data Science Courses http://data8.org ❖ Freshmen & upper division

    ❖ Interactive textbooks: Jupyter Notebooks ❖ Course deployment: JupyterHub http://ds100.org
  19. DataHub datahub.berkeley.edu Supporting 2,500+ users Being used for Data 8,

    as well as several other courses Requires @berkeley.edu to access Running on Azure with almost zero maintenance Slide: C. Holdgraf
  20. Fastest growing courses in Berkeley history Thanks to
 Yuvi Panda

    (DSEP), Ryan Lovett (Statistics), DSEP team
  21. Berkeley in a few years… “We are witnessing a monumental

    phase shift in data science knowledge on campus - undergrads are extremely well trained…” Ciera Martinez, BIDS Fellow