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PostGIS Basics

PostGIS Basics

Garrett Heaver

April 02, 2013

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Overview • What is PostGIS • Getting data into PostGIS

    • Basic everyday GIS queries • Getting data out of PostGIS
  2. Disclaimer / About • I’m a Ruby / C# /

    NodeJS / Java developer • I’m interested in apps with spatial aspects • I’m a grumpy coder and a scuba diver
  3. PostWTF A set of geographic extensions for pgSQL • Spatial

    Data Types • Spatial Functions • Spatial Indexing
  4. It’s basically a set of tools that helps you do

    stuff with geo* data in PostgreSQL...
  5. Point • Cartesian (x, y, z) coordinates • Represent locations

    such as: • Buildings, Bus Stops, Bike Stations, etc • Commonly GPS latitude and longitude • POINT(-6.23709945 53.3411573)
  6. LineString • Multiple points connected by straight lines • Represent

    thing such as: • Roads, Routes, Pipes, Cables, etc • Can be used to indicate a direction • LINESTRING(30 10, 10 30, 40 40)
  7. Polygon • Multiple points which enclose an area • Represent

    boundaries such as: • Property, Town, County, Country, etc • POLYGON(
 (30 10, 10 20, 20 40, 40 40, 30 10))
  8. Multipart Each of the three primitives may be grouped together

    to form a larger collection 1.MultiPoint 2.MultiLineString 3.MultiPolygon
  9. A Global Best Fit • GPS uses an ellipsoid called

    WGS84 • WGS84 has a Spatial Reference ID of 4326 • It basically approximates the earths surface as the mean sea level* • ESRI - Mean Sea Level, GPS, and the Geoid
  10. Creating a PostGIS Database 1.createdb postgis0 -T template0! 2.psql postgis0

    -f postgis.sql! 3.psql postgis0 -f spatial_ref_sys.sql! 4.createdb postgis1 -T postgis0! 5.createdb talkdb -T postgis1
 id serial NOT NULL,

    CONSTRAINT pk_hospitals PRIMARY KEY (id),
 location geography NOT NULL,
 location geometry(POINT, 4326) NOT NULL,
 name text NOT NULL
  12. INSERT INTO INSERT INTO hospitals (name, location) VALUES ('Adelaide and

    Meath, Tallaght',
 ST_POINT(-6.3788, 53.2911)), ('Mullingar Regional',
 ST_GeogFromText('POINT(-7.3497 53.5346)'));
  13. From KML INSERT INTO hospitals (name, location)
 VALUES (E'St James\'s',

 -6.2953, 53.3401
  14. From GeoJSON INSERT INTO hospitals (name, location)
 VALUES (E'St James\'s',

 “coordinates”:[-6.2953, 53.3401]
  15. shp2pgsql • ESRI is a commercial organisation which defined a

    file format called Shape (.shp) • shp files are fairly ubiquitous and lots of boundary data, etc exists in this format • shp2pgsql takes shape files as input and output a pg table with data inserts •shp2pgsql regions.shp | psql talkdb
  16. ogr2ogr • It’s kind of like a rosetta stone for

    GIS • Supports KML, GeoJSON, MapInfo Tab, ... • Part of GDAL package: 1.brew install gdal --with-postgres! • We’re obviously interested in pg: 2.ogr2ogr -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"dbname=talkdb” locations.kml
  17. SELECT name, ST_Distance(location,
 ST_Point(-6.23709945, 53.3411573)::geography)
 FROM hospitals ORDER BY 2

    ST_Distance Na#onal  Maternity,  Holles  Street 632.4519021 Royal  Victoria  Eye  and  Ear 1,570.022099 Rotunda 2,151.375497 … Bantry  General 286,158.2834
  18. SELECT name FROM hospitals
 WHERE ST_DWithin(location,
 ST_Point(-6.23709945, 53.3411573)::geography, 

    ST_DWithin Royal  Victoria  Eye  and  Ear St  James's Coombe  Women's … 13  rows  out  of  48  returned
  19. ST_Union & ST_Area • ST_Union takes a set of polygons

    and aggregates them into one large boundary with no intersecting regions • SELECT provence, ST_Union(county)
 FROM counties GROUP BY provence • SELECT provence, ST_Area(ST_Union(county))
 FROM counties GROUP BY provence
  20. Too Many to List • ST_Intersects(a,b) - Returns true if

    geometry a shares any portion of space with geometry b • ST_Extent(set) - Returns a bounding box which encloses all supplied geometries • ST_Within(a,b) - Returns true if geometry a is completely inside geometry b
  21. Function Caveats • Watch out for the order of arguments,

    especially where longitude, latitude (x, y) are concerned • Not all functions support the geography data type so you many needs to ST_Transform them to geometries
  22. USING GiST(geom) • CREATE INDEX gx_regions_geom ON regions USING GiST(geom);

    • Performance gains such as the previously mentioned ST_DWithin • Not all functions can use indexes though
  23. SELECT FROM • PostGIS returns GIS data in hex encoded,

    Well Known Binary (WKB) format • SELECT location, ST_AsText(location) FROM hospitals 0101000020E6100000613D187... POINT(-­‐6.3788  53.2911) 0101000020E610000054D10E6... POINT(-­‐6.2559  53.3327)
  24. KML and GeoJSON • Just as you can read data

    in from KML and GeoJSON, you can output to it also • SELECT
 FROM hospitals <Point><coordinates>-­‐6.3788,53.2911</coordinates></Point> {"type":"Point","coordinates":[-­‐6.3788,53.2911]}"
  25. In an Application • Various libraries exist in multiple languages

    for working with hex encoded WKB data • GeoRuby is a very useful library for converting to and from it in Ruby include GeoRuby::SimpleFeatures
 x = Geometry.from_hex_ewkb(raw)
 raw = x.as_hex_ewkb ! • See also PPyGIS (Python), GeoTools (Java)
  26. pgsql2shp • Just like the previously mentioned shp2pgsql but going

    the other way • Exports a table or query to an ESRI Shape file complete with associated attributes •pgsql2shp -f output.shp talkdb hospitals! •pgsql2shp -f output.shp talkdb \
 ”SELECT name, location FROM hospitals”