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Introduction to YAPC::NA::2014

Introduction to YAPC::NA::2014

Opening remarks at YAPC::NA::2014, held in Orlando, FL on Jun 23rd-25th.

John SJ Anderson

June 23, 2014

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  1. YAPC::NA::2014! Welcome to YAPC::NA::2014 -- our 15th North American YAPC!

    ! photo credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/renaissancechambara/4706295885
  2. I'd like to thank all of you for coming to

    Orlando. I'm very excited about the conference that we've put together for you. ! I'd also like to thank our conference sponsors: ! * booking * cpanel * hostgator * bluehost * linode * grant street group ! photo credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/avardwoolaver/7137096221
  3. I'd also like to take a minute to remind everybody

    about our Standards of Conduct. If at any point you have any issues or concerns, please reach out to one of our staff members and we will work with you to resolve them. ! If you're a staff member, I'd like to ask you to raise your hand at this point. Later on this afternoon, we will all be wearing tee shirts with STAFF on the back. We will also have a staff member in every talk room, with a radio, who will be able to reach the organizers as needed. ! photo credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/amyvdh/8040774664
  4. Similarly, we will have shirts available for all attendees later

    on this afternoon. We're going to be live-printing them on site today, so you may get to watch your shirt being made! ! photo credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bigguybigcity/3681614397
  5. Now a few logistical details: ! * all our talks

    will happen here on the second floor. We will be breaking this large room into 4 rooms for talk tracks, and converting it back into a single room for keynotes and lightning talks. ! * we'll also have the hackathon and the hardware hackathon here on the second floor, across the hallway. ! * the birds of a feather rooms are up on the 3rd floor. schedules have been posted for the BoFs on the wiki. ! photo credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/rene_schlegel/12577549503
  6. Live Stream: https://www.youtube.com/user/yapcna This year, all our talks will be

    live streamed to our YouTube channel and will be available for later viewing
  7. wifi-code: XXXXXXXX If you're not a guest at the hotel,

    here's a code you can use to get online.
  8. can haz fud? Food-wise, we will have a continental breakfast

    in the morning. We'll also have snacks later on in the day. You are on your own for lunch. I know we have a lot of people attending who are old friends, but we also have a lot of first time attendees, who may not know anybody in the community. I'd like to encourage you, if you see anybody around lunch time who seems like they don't have someone to eat with, to invite them into your group. photo credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/hongatar/8192457853
  9. For evening activities, tonight we'll be having our traditional VIP

    reception, which you're all invited to. https://www.flickr.com/photos/zanthia/6887036773
  10. game night Tomorrow night, we're having a game night, which

    all the organizers are really looking forward to -- we hope everybody comes out and has a good time playing games. ! photo credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/gulfu/13694012344
  11. #yapcna Finally, I hope everybody takes a few minutes on

    social media to let people who weren't able to make it how much fun they're missing out on. Make sure to use our official hashtag, #yapcna. ! Again, thank you all for attending, I'm looking forward to a wonderful YAPC.